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Oct '17
The HBO show starring Danny McBride and Walton Goggins, where they both battle to become the principal of the high school they work at.

Currently, we're in season 2, and it's pretty ridiculous. They have "previously on" segments, featuring stuff that hasn't even happened in any episodes, and that's kinda funny. Season 2 starts with McBride trying to find out who shot him, but season 1 ended with no such event ever happening. emoticon Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ10 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.6k

Dec '17 *

In 2017 I've written a lot of reviews for this site. Maybe a bit too many, as I've recently started coming up short for ideas. If only I could write a nice, long review about any given movie on demand. That wouuld be nice. After struggling to come up with ideas for my final review of the year, it occurred to me exactly how many enjoyable first time viewings I've come across this year. More than a few thanks to the great people here... Continue »

Dec '17
Just kidding. It's a rather obscure genre meld, but it's a thing now, with David Ayer's new Netflix movie "Bright". Will Smith is an LAPD cop, with an orc partner. It's an alternate take on racism... medieval fantasy races, that is.

As a David Ayer movie, it's loads better than Suicide Squad. That's because this movie is TV-MA, which is netflix's way of being R. That's right... R-rated contemporary fantasy shit, set in an L.A. backdrop.

Somehow, it kinda works though. Orc gangs? Obnoxious... Continue »

Sep '15
What did the Hoosier Whore tell the Dorian?

You need to go In-Diana.

Dec '17
A very simple plot - Everyone at a Christmas Party gets a gift from their Secret Santa. This gift is the what is used to kill them in this slasher that attempts to be a retro 80s style slasher.

I have mixed emotions on this one. The acting was terrible and the script was uneven. The kills were done too quickly without any real suspense in them. There was too much comedy in it too. I also wasnโ€™t fond of the added lines trying to make it look like a Grindhouse film.

With all the faults, I... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ2 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€676

Dec '17
Bring back the 70's killer animal movie!

This is a pretty good movie, it has an Ennio Morricone score.

It also has a fun dig at Jaws by killing a Great White which Jaws 2 followed up with their own dig by killing an Orca.


Dec '17
Disney is going to buy 20th Century Fox for $50 billion dollars. Comic fans are happy that they can now have their Marvel movies with X-Men and Fantastic 4 now, but I say too little, too late. Infinite War has been built up as the culmination of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), featuring the crossover war featuring all sorts of characters. Litterally dozens of characters, but not all of them. That's why "fans" will piss and moan about this forever. Since it's a Disney property, they w... Continue »

Dec '17
I haven't had time to do this the last two weeks but still not a lot to watch movies either.

Lisa Bright and Dark
Uninvited (not the one with the cat or the one with Ray Milland)
A Stranger is Watching
Death Weekend

๐Ÿ’ฌ3 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€328

Nov '17 *

Here is where you signup and record your progress. I hope you all have fun!

The Rules

Challege will be scored by minutes watched. There is no minimum time requirement.

For something to count for the challenge it must have at least ONE or more of these elements

1. Anything to do with toys or dolls. They must be the main focal point of the movie if no other elements listed are in the movie... Continue »

Dec '17 *
Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. Even if you've never celebrated Christmas, you've likely heard of this story. It's as common as The Night Before Christmas. A Christmas Carol has had far more movie adaptations however.

The main two Christmas Carol movies I'm familiar with are Scrooged (1988) and The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992). Scrooged is a black comedy with Bill Murray. Bill Murray's presence alone should be enough to convince you to watch it for this month's challenge if you've never... Continue »

Dec '17
I'm watching the 5th and final entry in the original "Silent Night, Deadly Night" series, and man... this series is all a stinker. Obviously, the 1984 original film is a goddamn classic, and legitimately one of the 80s best slasher flicks, and now one of my favorite Christmas films period. The first is tied with Black Christmas '74 for being the coolest Christmas horror films ever. But the damn sequels... Why?!

The first sequel is mostly flashbacks, and I don't know why ANY movie produ... Continue »

Dec '17

Torture Porn is a weird term to label a movie with. I'm not sure where the "porn" part comes in, unless you're a sadist, or something. It's really just a term that describes a post-2000 Horror film which includes excessive violence and gore, with an emphasis put on the pain and suffering. Unlike some newer Horror fans, such qualities aren't necessary for a film to win me over. There is enough real life pain and suffering out th... Continue »

Aug '17 *
Penis Fly Trap
Juice Box
Banana Basket
Little Red Wagon
Pink Panther
Pink Taco
Panty Hamster
Axe Wound
Hot Pocket
Bearded Clam
Sausage Wallet
Beef Curtains
Pink Puddin' Cave


Dec '17
1981, by F.K.รœ.

Every song besides the title track opener is about a horror film from the golden year of slashers, 1981.

1. 1981
2. Nightmares in a Damaged Brain
3. Hell Night
4. Corpse Mania
5. Friday the 13th Part 2
6. The Burning
7. The Funhouse
8. The House by the Cemetery
9. Burial Ground
10. The Prowler
11. The Beyond
12. Halloween II
13. Night School
14. Ms .45
15. The Evil Dead

This stuff is pure thrash. Nothing too original, mind you, but it's full of... Continue »

Dec '17 *

Congrats on another spirited year of the Turkey Challenge. I would like to thank all who participated. Once again, Beatnik wins! He not only wins one, but every catagory. No one disappeared this year like Drive In Freak did a couple years ago. Beatnik watches enough Polinias to get a 6x Trifecta for Polonia.

Most Points:
1) psychotronicbeatnik - 527 points. 87 turkeys. 20 trifectas.
2) Messiah_Of_Doom - 350 points. 83 turkeys. 14... Continue »

Nov '17
Rate 'em Here:

Children of the Corn (1984) - Here's a short story by Stephen King that spawned an entire franchise, so it has to be good, right? Well, not entirely. It's average at best, but I've grown to like it.

Peter Horton and Linda Hamilton drive through the seemingly abandoned town of Gatlin, Nebraska, a recurring setting throughout the franchise, looking for anything. It's the old stranded/lost/need-directions... Continue »

Dec '17
What a genre, huh? It can be Santa, or some guy who dresses as Santa and goes on a killing spree.

Obviously, we've got Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984), in which nice guy Billy's parents were murdered by a guy dressed as Santas, so he's pushed to his limit and goes on a killing spree. A great 80s exploitation flick that was notorious among angry parents. Then, we had a sequel that mostly rehashed the same footage, and did no justice to the killer santa genre. Bill Moseley plays the ki... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ3 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€550

Nov '17 *
Let's get some recs going for this.

Two Front Teeth (2008)

Elves (1989)

Night Terrors (2014)

Santa's Slay (2005)

Feeders 2 (1998)

August Underground Pennance (2007)

Cannibal The Musical (1993)

Santa Claus: Serial Rapist (2016)

Treevenge (2008)
youtube... Continue »

Nov '17
I've got a 40 inch tv that's about 10 years old at this point. The color isn't as sharp as it used to be, and I haven't had the surround sound or dvd/blu player hooked up in ages. That means okay picture quality and mediocre sound.

I really fell off it for a while there, but I'll be getting an upgrade soon, to a 50 inch 4k smart tv with a 3D sound bar. I'm pretty excited about that.

My damn computer is about a decade old, too. I Haven't even tried using this thing for games in a long time,... Continue »

Nov '17
Revisited Korean horror epic The Wailing (2016) the other night. Directed by Hong-jin Na, of The Chaser (2008) which I enjoyed and The Yellow Sea (2010), which I've not yet seen but probably should before too long. The Wailing begins as something of an infected horror. A small rural village is plagued with inexplicable rashes followed by violent mania, perhaps related to a mysterious Japanese gentleman who has taken up residence in a nearby forest. But the plot thickens instead of devolving into... Continue »

Jan '17 *
I usually post the movies I watch in the yearly film companion threads on the Horror board, but IMDb can suck my fat dick. I'm just gonna post them here this year to avoid any bullshit. Anyone who wants to join in, be my guest.


Helga: She Wolf Of Stillberg (1978) - FTV - 5/10
Battle Of The Amazons (1973) - FTV - 5/10
Riot In A Women's Prison (1974) - FTV - 6/10
Alucarda (1977) - FTV - 6... Continue »

Oct '17 *
Unless anyone has better ideas. I donโ€™t. If you do, please post them here.

1) Still use IMDb ratings.

1.0 = 6 points.
1.1-1.9 = 5 points.
2.0-2.9 = 4 points.
3.0-3.9 = 3 points.
4.0-4.4 = 2 points.
4.5-4.9 = 1 point.

2) First time view = 1 point.

3) Horror at least 33% of total. removed

4) Trifectas. Yes. Director and series. For director you can bunch siblings and parent / children or grandparent / grandchildren.

At least one movie in each trifecta must be ... Continue »

Oct '17 *

1) IMDb ratings points

1.0 = 6 points.
1.1-1.9 = 5 points.
2.0-2.9 = 4 points.
3.0-3.9 = 3 points.
4.0-4.4 = 2 points.
4.5-4.9 = 1 point.

2) First time view = 1 point.

3) Horror at least 33% of total. Removed.

4) Trifectas. Director and series. For director you can bunch siblings and parent / children or grandparent / grandchildren.

A movie can only count towards one trifecta.

... Continue »

Nov '17
Those of you from the IMDB Horror Board probably know about the Horror Challenge Spreadsheet I was doing. Finally got this year's done. Here is the link to the Dropbox location.
Feel free to open it up from the link provided or download and use/tweak as you see fit.


๐Ÿ‘2 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€157

Nov '17 *

People really like found footage movies these days, huh? I don't get the fascination, to be honest. Never have. Although there's something to be said for the never ending popularity of The Blair Witch Project, which originally made Horror fans fall in love with the sub genre. I didn't like The Blair Witch Project, and not one Found Footage films after that even so much as piqued my interest. That is, until 2011. That year, a movie called Mega... Continue »


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.