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Jan '18
Anybody got anything in mind for February? Black History month? Valentines Day & love themes? It's a short month, so we don't have as much time.

If nobody has anything better, I'll host a love week from Feb 11-17, like @Amon suggests here https://trashepics.com/post/128/7/ , using his criteria. It could lead for a fun week. I'll probably just watch My Bloody Valentine '81 and '09, because I can't think of much else relevant, but I guess movies with "Kiss" in the title might count, so that opens it up a bit... to porn maybe. emoticon Not sure. Maybe I'll watch "Valentine" with David Boreanaz again, even though it probably still sucks.

๐Ÿ’ฌ17 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€784

Jan '18
youtube 1987 was a great year for movies. It was the start of some great franchises like Predator, Hellraiser, and Lethal Weapon, but most importantly... it gave us... RoboCop!

Peter Weller is awesome. Most people might look at the character design and think it's just a cheesy movie about a guy in a clunky suit, but the story is just wonderful. Back in the 80s, we still had some great sci-fi, like Blade Runner, The Terminator, Aliens, Predator, and this guy. Alex RoboCop Murphy. There are so many great concepts in the movie, as well as characters, special effects, and did I mention gore? It was initially rated X, and they had to trim it down to R. Funny enough, there was also a PG-13 version out there at some point.

According to the IMDb parent guide https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093870/parentalguide , this movie has severe levels of "Violence & Gore", "Profanity", "Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking", "Frightening & Intense Scenes", and only moderate levels of "Sex & Nudity". Aka, not for kids, so what do they do? They made children's cartoons out of it, and toys, and video games, and comics... all stuff for kids. Weren't the 80s great? Continue »

Jan '18
I've been watching Star Trek: Voyager on Netflix. Pretty good show. I was pretty happy when Seven of Nine showed up, and glad to see that not ALL of her implants were removed.

๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€323

Jan '18
Mostly something to watch as a curiosity for the early career of Dennis Murren. Stop motion monsters and demons mostly filmed in minimal locations in the woods.

It's alright it's not the worst movie but most of the entertainment you'll get out of it is if you go in with the mindset that it's a low budget production from early career filmmakers.


Jan '18


โ€œThe Drive-In will never die!โ€

TNTโ€™s โ€œMonsterVisionโ€ began in the early 1990s, but it was when Joe Bob Briggs took over as host in 1995 that the show really became a beloved Saturday night staple for horror fans. Essentially, Briggs played the role of horror host for the show, introducing different horror movies each week and popping up to t
... Continue »

Dec '17
Yeah, he's a comedic actor, right? Well, he tried his hand at a serious role in True Detective season 2, and that was alright. He'll try his hand at the gritty crime genre again, and what do we get? Brawl in Cell Block 99!

Now, I'm not one for going into detail about the plots, because that takes away all the fun of the experience. Trying to figure out what's going on, and getting carried away with the ride? Well I tell you, this movie is one hell of a ride! Vince Vaughn carries the movie, an... Continue »

Jan '18
Starting in season 2, The Simpsons began airing a Halloween anthology episode every year, and as I've been watching "The Twilight Zone" this month, it dawns on me how much these episodes were influenced by TZ. Many segments were directly based on certain episodes, like "Terror at 5 1/2 Feet" which is on an episode where the wraparound is like Night Gallery, with Bart hosting the anthology at a gallery with a lot of paintings.

The first special had an alien-themed segment with a direct... Continue »

๐Ÿ‘2 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€2.2k

Jan '18

50's Horror was really something, huh? Or not. I don't know. I've always liked it, myself. I mean, this era was sort of a resurrection after seemingly nothing coming out of the genre for the last half of the 40's and possibly even a little longer. It's almost like we were eased back in with the rise of Sci-fi, which slowly incorporated Horror into their stories. Giant animals, space monsters, etc. Personally, I love that stuff as much as the traditi... Continue »

Jan '18 *
The first movie I saw in 2017 was Lav Diaz's Melancholia. Seven and a half goddamn hours long. I watched it in three sittings.

Edit - 2018, not 2017. emoticon Already halfway through January!

๐Ÿ’ฌ18 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.1k

Dec '17

I figure I'd go ahead and do this in January, this year. Maybe we'll do something for animation in April. I was going to do a reversal of the point system and have the latter movies be worth the most points, but I've decided to give the runtime system a shot which removes the minimum runtime rule. So, anything that's black and white counts. Any genre of movie, sitcoms, serials, shorts. As long as it's bla... Continue »

Jan '18

This came out a few days ago, and it's worth a watch for any F13 fans. Personally, I think part 3 is the best, so I'm all for more info about the film. Still pretty fuckin' weird that Steve Miner never wants to be involved in these docs, when he made 2 of the best ones in the series. He's probably a real dickhole.

This doc covers the 3D aspect of the movie, as well as how great of a man the late Richard Booker was, and the tragic fate of the cabi... Continue »

Jan '18
Here's where we post little nuggets of information which may or may not be widely known. I'll start first, as I just came across this:

Ice cream truck girl in Assault on Precinct 13 and Lindsay in Halloween are sisters in real life. They have a famous niece you may have heard of....Paris Hilton.

Jan '18
My sister showed me this the other day, and I thought it was hilarious. Pure trash television here.


Nov '17
These are a list of horror movies on my watchlist that I plan on watching before the new year. Anyone seen any of these? I appreciate your feedback, please.

Frankenstein: The True Story (1973 TV Movie)
The House Where Evil Dwells (1982)
The Survivor (1981)
The Reincarnate (1971)
The Enchanted (1984)
Killer! (1989)
The Kindred (1987)
Invitation to Hell (1984 TV Movie)
Out of the Body (1989)
The Ogre A.K.A La casa dell'orco
Night Wars (1988)
Alison's Birthday (1981)
Psychic Killer... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ11 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€634

Jan '18
Anyone ever used Criticker? The movie recommendations site.

I signed up to it a week ago or so. It is all scientific. It can be fairly complicated to understand how it all works at first, with all the tiers, quips, Taste Compatibility Index (You can compare your tastes to that of others), probable score indicators, FICs... but the recommendations are very accurate to your taste, and they also give a probable rating of a movie before you see it, on whether you will like it or not, and from my... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ12 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€394

Dec '17
The first two would be just a week long.

The Week of Love (February 11 to February 17)
1 Points) Movie with the word โ€œLoveโ€ or other romance related words in title
2 Points) Individual killed while โ€œmaking loveโ€ (not combined with #3 below)
3 Points) Two or more killed at the same time while โ€œmaking loveโ€
4 Points) Each person killed by a loved one (husband/wife, father/daughter,boyfriend/girlfriend. Basically immediate family or dating)

Shark Week (wh... Continue »

Jan '18
This movie is definitely something. Matthew McConaughey really goes off the deep end in this movie, in all the best ways.

Talking about the Illuminati could be a spoiler but I don't think anyone is worried about that.

What did you think of their appearance in this movie?


Jan '18
It's finally coming out, and like most of us probably expect... nobody really cares. The series turned into DTV shit a while back, even when Doug Bradley was involved. Let's face it, the dude is great, but he was wasted in a lot of lesser entries, and now, he's just gone. Pretty sure he wont come back, because the powers that be don't deem him important enough. A makeup heavy role, perhaps?

The new guy looks alright. Better than that last chump, anyway... At least this one looks to hav... Continue »

Oct '17
You know, since everyone was wondering this exact topic? Well, I've finally done it. It's tough to come up with a top-10 for a band that's so redundant, yet so great at the same time, but damnit... I've done it!

Beat on the Brat


The gist of the song is this: "Beat on the brat... beat on the brat... beat on the brat with a baseball bat, oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh ho! With a brat like that always on your back, what can you lose?"... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ9 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€763

Jan '18
That's right... another trailer thread. This movie came out in October last year to select theaters, in honor of the original's 10th anniversary. It's got Perry Shen (again), Felissa Rose, and that guy from "Beyond the Gates". It'll probably be the same old shit again, but I'll watch it.


๐Ÿ’ฌ1 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€293

Jan '18
How was everyone's 2017? We had some decent tv, some decent movies, a few celebrity deaths, some Hollywood scandals, a new president in the white house, and IMDb killed the fucking message boards.

Best TV?
I really liked The Punisher, but I'm rather indifferent about most everything else. The Defenders sucked, Iron Fist sucked, Wolf Creek season 2 was underwhelming, Shameless is okay, Trailer Park Boys was decent, Lethal Weapon season 2 is kinda losing me, I liked Mr. Mercedes enough.... Continue »

Dec '17
I am aware it has been on the downturn for a good while now - with not dealing with the trolling issues etc. I am truly disappointed in imdb. One bad decision after the next.

I gotta admit it use to be my first site I would go to in the morning, and last at night. However, it is worth mentioning how much it has nosedived over this past year. First they get rid of the boards, which even thou they were troll ridden - they are sorely missed, especially the individual movie boards (reading them b... Continue »

Jan '18
I'm watching the condensed version of "The Phantom Creeps", featuring Bela Lugosi. I've always liked Bela. Go watch Ed Wood, and you'll learn about his string of bad luck. He struggled to get into the business because of his accent, and he struggled to maintain it, and after a while, studios didn't want him. He was often typecast, and it wasn't until a superfan came along to give the man the respect he deserved.

Sure, Karloff and Chaney are great, but I'll rant on them another time. Lugosi is... Continue »

Dec '17
A few days ago, season 2 of the Stan Original spin-off series of the film series of the same name. It kinda makes you wonder about the continuity of these things, and "spin-off" might not be the best word. It's a straight-up continuation. Maybe they're through with making movies and sequels and are focusing just on the show now? Perhaps the 2014 sequel was a test to see how well Mick Taylor is received after almost a decade without a Wolf Creek film. I guess it worked, cuz they went on to make 6... Continue »

Dec '17
This is one of those mockumentary type films about a crew of incompetent hitmen who set out to kill Gunther, the world's best hitman. Yeah, it's kinda funny... but after about 15 minutes, you start to wonder where Arnold is... Then, about 30 minutes in, you ask yourself the same question. Finally, at the 45 minute mark... he still hasn't shown up.

So, about an hour into this movie, when all hope is lost, Arnold finally shows up, and puts everyone in their place. They tried to comandeer this m... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ7 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€605


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.