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Nov '17
This movie... is actually pretty good.

Easily my favorite werewolf movie with Corey Haim riding around in a wheelchair.

๐Ÿ’ฌ1 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€324

Nov '17
I'm off today, so I figured I'd make it worthwhile and see a movie. I definitely wasn't going to see Justice League, so I picked this movie, knowing nothing about it really, except that it has a great cast. Frances McDormand is always wonderful, and this is a ballsy role for her.

It's an aftermath movie, in which she plays a mother, whose daughter was raped and murdered nearly a year ago, and she gets fed up when the police haven't done anything about it. It's almost like a Coen brothers movi... Continue »

Nov '17
Shark Fights
Undead Conquistadors
Excellent Special Effects
Fantastic Score
Blending of Romero Zombies and Traditional Voodoo Zombies

What more do you want?

Nov '17
One of the turkeys I watched recently was Sometimes They Come Back... Again (1996), a "sequel" to the Stephen King story Sometimes They Come Back (1991). However, none of the characters return, so it's mostly a thematic sequel, and Stephen King seems to have nothing to do with it. Shameless cash grab, perhaps? Perhaps not?

The movie itself is okay. To be honest, I don't really remember much from the first one, except that Tim Matheson was haunted by some trauma with some bullies... Continue »

Nov '17
I just got a contact email from someone trying to spread the word of a Dagon short-film project. The message is pretty straight-forward, so I figure I'll post it, if anyone is interested.

Hello, TrashEpics!

We're currently producing a 30 minute film adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's short cosmic horror story 'Dagon'. Our aim is to write a new little chapter into the Lovecraft mythos with the ultimate goal of taking the film to play at Horror festivals worldwide!

To complete the proj
... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ1 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€970

Nov '17
So I was updating the Horror Challenge Spreadsheet (which I hope to have done before the end of the month), and I noticed there are a lot of different horror movies with the exact same title.
For example, there are 4 films title "Crawlspace" (72, 86, 12, 13), 7 titled "Dracula" (31, 31, 66, 79, 92, 02, 07), "Out of the Dark" has 3 (88, 95, 14). Those are some examples from what I have on the spreadsheet.
Dracula would probably be the king (or Prince, as the case may be).
What other ones can y... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ1 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€184

Aug '15 *

I've been wanting to write about this one for a long time. But the more I love a movie, and the more fascinating I find it to be, the more of a perfectionist I become. And nothing I've ever come up with before never seemed to do this film justice. Blood Freak is a bad movie. But it's not just any bad movie. Unlike many countless others made before a... Continue »

Sep '17

Looks pretty good. My hopes are a bit lower than usual, since Marvel/Netflix's last 3 shows have been lackluster, but this is a chance to get back on track, and be as violent as possible about it.

Nov '17
Nightkill (Blu-ray)
A Stranger is Watching

๐Ÿ’ฌ3 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€306

Nov '17
November 16th, 39 days before Christmas, and the Christmas music at work has started. 39 more days. I don't know if I'm going to make it this year. If I disappear soon, it's probably because I killed myself. emoticon

Nov '17 *

To some it's a challenge. To others, a competition. But to some of us, the October Challenge is a journey. A journey through the good, the bad, the old and the new of the Horror genre. This was my seventh one, and it shows, as I was very hard up for quality FTVs, especially since I was completely unprepared. But I won't make the same mistake next year.

So, a big thank you to everyone who supported the in... Continue »

Nov '17 *
This is my list from imdb of all the shit (mostly horror) that I've been meaning to watch for a while now. Thoughts on any of these titles?

Taken straight from my imdb watchlist:

Alice Sweet Alice (1976)
And Now the Screaming Starts (1973)
Another Day in Paradise (1998)
Bad Dreams (1988)
The Beast Must Die (1974)
Body Count (1986)
The Body Snatcher (1945)
The Boogey Man (1980)
The Cannibal Man (1972)
Chr... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ6 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€706

Nov '17
I last watched two horror classics, both of which are unique and interesting takes on the genre

Vampyr (1932) - 10/10

Could be considered a fairly inaccessible film for the modern viewer, but if you sit down and give this movie it's due then it's very haunting and creepy.

Night of The Demon (1957) - 10/10

I love that demon in Night of The Demon, but it's very true that the movie's strength lies on the power of suggestion, belief and superstition. And seeing the demon ap... Continue »

Nov '17
I made it a point to finish the Wishmaster series for this challenge, seeing as how they're both rated low enough to qualify. Not parts 1 and 2 though... those movies are too good, apparently, rated 5 and up. So what's so great about Wishmaster anyway? And how great is it as a franchise?


Wishmaster (1997) - This is what I would call a Fangoria film. You have all these 80s horror icons bundled into a story about supernatural evil,... Continue »

Jul '17 *
I just recently watched Bad Moon (1996). Despite the inclusion of name actors Mariel Hemingway and Michael Parรฉ, the true star of the film is Thor, the German Shepherd. His undying devotion to protecting his beloved family is what really made me emotionally involved.

Sleepwalkers (1992) had Clovis the cat. Where the human characters were practically useless, Clovis spent the whole movie kicking ass.

I'm sure there are plenty more I could list that aren't immediately coming to mind. Which... Continue »

Oct '17
You want to know how to piss someone off?

Talk politics.

There's a stigma around the subject for a reason. Differing opinions lead to hostile reactions, and people get heated over the dumbest shit.

Is Trash Epics the place to talk politics? Hmm... probably not, because ideologies clash, and we really only want to talk about movies here, but it doesn't change the fact that stupid shit is happening in the world every day, and a lot of these things are becoming increasingly harder to ignore. So, sorry if my drunken rants offend your delicate fucking sensibilities, but I'm not going to apologize for having an opinion. Continue »

Nov '17 *
Just finished watching Get Out (2017). I did not like this movie at all. I felt it spent the entire runtime making the statement that all white people are racist. Wasnโ€™t even subtle about it.

Nov '17
I am looking for some good artsy-fartsy vampire films, please. I'm looking to broaden my horizons a bit and explore some other vampire films, vampire films which aren't particularly concerned with action scenes or plot twists. Mostly looking for character studies, I guess. Here are some that I have seen that would fall into that category:

The Addiction (1995)
Martin (1977)
Nadja (1994)
The Hunger (1983)
The Wisdom of Crocodiles (1998)
Habit (1995)
Ganja & Hess (1973)

Movies like... Continue »

Nov '17
An easy way to catch up on this turkey challenge is to turn to our trusted Troma Entertainment. I'd forgotten until now that they have a huge selection of shitty full-length movies on youtube.


List of Full Movies: (hope this link works)

Any recommendations from this list? I just watched Nightmare Weekend and Buttcrack. Trying to shoot for some of the... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ8 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€532

Nov '16
I started watching Batman vs. Superman last night, and it was so bad, I turned it off barely 10 minutes in. Then I got to thinking how much I fucking HATE Zack Snyder.

Fuck that guy!

๐Ÿ’ฌ27 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.6k

Mar '17 *

Troma has done a nice job at living off the reputation it got from putting out movies like The Toxic Avenger, Redneck Zombies and Cannibal The Musical. Although, there are quite a few more great ones and definitely quite a few good ones, too, but considering how few and far between the good/great ones are in a sea of garbage, I'm not so sure Troma is qute as deserving of whatever reputation it may have left. Because, really, wh... Continue »

Nov '17 *
I always thought he was a creepy guy.... Guess I know why now.



By the looks of it, his career is now over. He's even being killed off from his House of Cards show.

Corey Feldman has been trying to warn people for years about pedophiles in Hollywood. They keep trying to shut him up. I wonder if Kevin... Continue »

Nov '17 *
Truth be told - I really hadn't seen many of his movies prior to the October Challenge, except for a couple. I really do like his movies - the thick atmosphere that is present in many of his movies. I only really have skimmed the surface of his filmography. I enjoyed all of his movies that I seen - none disappointed (I didn't rate anything less than a six)

My favorite in order:

Baron Blood (1972)
Schock (1977)
Kill, Baby... Kill! (1966)
Planet of the Vampires (1965)
Lisa and the Devil... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ5 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.5k

Nov '17
Any fans of this? It sounds really interesting, I'm gonna try to watch it this weekend. It's set in an alternate reality 1940's Los Angeles, where magic is real, and it sounds like it has a lot of humor. I have heard of it, of course, but I don't think it has ever really clicked in my brain, what the movie is. Any fans here??

๐Ÿ’ฌ2 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.9k

Jul '17 *
Just for the fun of it. What are your Top 5 Zombie Movies?

Here is mine:

I Zombie: The Chronicles of Pain (1998)
Messiah of Evil (1973)
Flight of the Living Dead (2007)
Day of the Dead (1985)
City of the Living Dead (1980)

If you had to make a Top 5: what would make it?


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