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Sep '17
image I think it's usually fun to watch. A lot of that fun is thanks to Michael Gross' character, Burt Gummer. Burt's a man obsessed with weapons and survival. He started out as a side character in the original 1990 movie and was the main character by the third movie. Gross is the only actor to have appeared in every entry to the franchise.

Like many I'm sure, I thought the franchise was finished after 2004's Tremors 4:... Continue »

Nov '17
In Green Room, they discussed who they'd listen to forever if they were stuck on a desert island. Some of our protagonists picked punk stuff, but good old Anton Yelchin picked one that'll I'll agree with, 100%. I'm talking about Creedence Clearwater Revival. They have so many hits, and I never get bored with them.

What artists do you never tire of? I've been listening to The Rolling Stones, Creedence, Alice Cooper, Led Zeppelin, and so many other of the same bands I listened to... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ3 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.6k

Nov '17
Just one for me this week - Slaughter High (Blu-ray)

๐Ÿ’ฌ2 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€441

Nov '17

Now, Vampires is just something I cannot get tired of. Even today, after the most recent wave with the Twilight series, and the True Blood for us grown ups. I could still go for some sweet, Vampire action. However, the days of beautiful, atmospheric, and creepy Vampire epics are long gone. Movies like Vampyres (1974), and just about every Jean Rollin film of the 70's. That's what it's all about. Not necessarily lezbo-Vamps,... Continue »

Nov '17
We can all agree that the Jason costume and make up in this movie is probably the best or amongst the best in the series.

The final fight between Jason and Tina is fantastic. Whilst Kane Hodder's presence as Jason is also great.

The thing is, everything before Jason and Tina fighting is really bad, when I rewatch the movie I feel like i'm watching a true dud of the series. Apart from one or two kills like the sleeping bag or the nudey girl in the lake that copies the opening of Jaws, it's... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ6 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.6k

Nov '17
I have to work a lot this week, because Thor: Ragnarok is out. Like most Marvel movies, I'm sure it'll be plenty of fun, but I don't see why I have to come in early just so people can see this movie at 8-something in the morning. emoticon

I blame Disney! Yeah, they're pulling the strings these days! The same shit is going to be worse when Star Wars comes out. People will be camping out to see that one, because they're super nerds.

I honestly don't care enough for Star Wars to see it immediat... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ1 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.1k

Nov '17
I can't be the only one here who has been bugged by this, over the years.

I have always been struck by how Haddonfield changes back and forth between being a suburb and a rural community. Does anybody here have any cool thoughts on this? Like, in the first movie, the town is definitely a suburb. The sheriff even says "Do you know what Haddonfield is, doc? Families, children, lined up in rows up and down these streets." That, my friends, is a suburb. Jamie Lee, especially, comes across a... Continue »

Nov '17

Gareth Tunley's directorial debut, The Ghoul, is slow burning dark psychological thriller examining depression and mental illness. And occult black magic. And a detective hunting down a killer. Or maybe it's none of these things, having just seen the movie I'm not entirely sure.

A homicide detective (a fantastic turn by Tom Meten) goes undercover as a psychiatrist's patient to track a potential killer. Then, v... Continue »

Nov '17
It's pretty clear the series hit a stride with Parts 3 and 4, then 6 and 7. These feel like the films that set up and use the Jason archetype that the series is best known for.

So why is part 5 generally considered an odd one out in that run?

Is it merely the Jason copycat angle?

Personally I find it up to par with the other Friday sequels in that era, I may even prefer it to Part 4 and 7.

Ethel's son on the motorbike, what was going on in that scene? Freakin' hilarious.

Nov '17
Watching this movie again, it's all kinds of awesome. The acting, plot, and effects are just awful. They're always trying to homage great, classic old movies, yet the movie itself is atrocious. You can tell that everyone involved in this movie has a screw or two loose.

Gotta love it! Do you think the director honestly tried to make a legit film, or is he bullshitting with us? Tommy Wiseau with "The Room" is a similar situation. Was he for real, and did he put he best effort into that movie? D... Continue »

Nov '17
I'm watching some of Existenz this morning. I hope I don't sit here long enough to watch the whole thing, it would be better to go out and do something in the physical world. But, just to mention this... I have always been struck by how much Existenz (and some other Cronenberg films) feels/feel like a play. Not completely, but often, and certainly much more than many other movies.

The Ashley Judd/Michael Shannon movie Bug reminds me of a play at times, too.

I know I have thought this... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ3 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€220

Oct '17 *

The old Universal monsters were great. At least I'm sure they seemed like it at the time to all the depression-era folks who got their minds blown by all the Horror come to life. I mean, sure. They're ok. I mostly liked them as a kid, and will always respect them for what they were. But Dracula? Frankenstein? Wolf Man? The Mummy? They have a place. And t's called the 1930's and 40's. But of course, there's Hammer, who resurrected th... Continue »

Nov '17
Yeah, that's right... Jigsaw! The 8th movie in the series to feature a killer who's been dead since part 3. If you don't know that much by now, just leave the thread, cuz it only gets more ridiculous.

With that said, the series is a twist-centric gorefest, so I'll try not to post spoilers, but the twist is pretty much what you'd expect at this point. Ask yourself how you'd make a Saw VIII, and if you take all the cues from the previous sequels... you'll see that this sequel is absolutely no d... Continue »

Jul '17
What did you think of it?

I liked it and it has that weird vibe that sci-fi of its time had.

๐Ÿ’ฌ7 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€953

Oct '17
I was thinking about Cult of Chucky, and what a good job they did with it. There's a review floating around, somewhere out there in the ether of the internet, which rhetorically asks how it is possible for the seventh film in any horror series to be THAT good. I mean, jeez, it's a lot better than it had to be, right?!?

Anyway, that review got me thinking, and right off the bat I thought of several horror series in which the seventh film was actually one of the better ones in whatever the se... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ18 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€790

Oct '17
I really have to see this. It breaks my heart knowing she was so depressed and was treated so unfairly. It's very sad that she passed away during the filming of this. I hope it's respectful to her.


Oct '17
I have to go with Sublime (2007) for overall best watch (it was a rewatch) :


And with Gerald's Game (2017) as best FTV :


๐Ÿ’ฌ16 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.6k

Oct '17
well, one thing.

the protaganists are faced with a hospital staff who (of course) don't believe this crazy horror premise is occuring, and they result to violence with seemingly no hesitation. it's hysterical to me.

๐Ÿ’ฌ4 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€692

Oct '17
The hype is real :)

Watched all of Season 2 on Blu-Ray over October as well as the Original blu-ray of The Evil Dead. As well as some Friday The 13th movies. The Necronomicon is in Jason Goes To Hell so that franchise counts, sort of.


Oct '17 *

Well, itโ€™s that time of year again. This will be my ninth attempt at the October Challenge. Here are my results from prior years:

2008 โ€“ 34 movies (17 first-time)
2009 โ€“ 45 movies (28 first-time)
2010 โ€“ 55 movies (38 first-time)
2011 โ€“ 35 movies (30 first-time)
2012 โ€“ 59 movies (34 first-time)
2013 โ€“ 63 movies (46 first-time)
2014 โ€“ 63 movies (44 first-time)
2015 โ€“ 61 movies (41 first-time)
2016 โ€“ 47 movies... Continue »

Oct '17
Out of nowhere, I just caught myself whistling the Last Cannibal World theme.


I also love the Cannibal Holocaust theme.

The Friday the 13th game is releasing new content, and for some reason, they chose the Suspiria theme for the video. Can't wait to find out what "Paranoia Mode" is. emoticon


I also love the Madman theme, and I think that movie is perfect.

Damn... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ4 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€370

Oct '17
Italian director Umberto Lenzi has died. In the early days of VHS, Lenzi became known in the U.S. primarily for some of his horror movies around that same period--MAKE THEM DIE SLOWLY (CANNIBAL FEROX), EATEN ALIVE, NIGHTMARE CITY, etc.--though most of them are far from his best work. Lenzi actually worked in every conceivable genre over the years--Westerns, Eurospy pictures, action pictures, gialli, war movies, peplums, crime films, even made a Robin Hood movie once (though I've never seen it).... Continue »

Oct '17
Most probably have already watched this, but damn it was a very good movie, Flanagan's best so far in my book. 8/10


Aug '17
I just found it on IMDb, but never heard of it. Looks really interesting and fun! It has only 300 votes with 4.1/10 rating, but the movie poster looks cool though.


Oct '17
More than usual for me this week, though not all from the same place.

Vampire Lovers (Blu-ray)
Dunwich Horror/Murders in the Rue Morgue (Blu-ray)
Raymond Did It
The Gold Bug
Masque of the Red Death/Premature Burial (Midnite Movies version)
My Bloody Valentine 3-D
Night Owl

๐Ÿ’ฌ3 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€289


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.