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Feb '18
I'm not terribly familiar with a lot of them, because I rarely catch anything I watch on a program that would be hosted by horror-themed character, but you gotta love the effort.

Elvira was popular enough to spawn a charming b-movie about her inhereting a haunted house. She's still going, but I've heard on and off again things about her retiring. I guess she can't get enough of it.

I don't know anything about Vampira, whom Elvira was based on, besides what I've seen in the... Continue »

Feb '18
I had surgery today on my poor, dicky wicky. Dont worry, I'm OK (in the head, not so much). Taking a nap with that sweet, sweet anaesthesia is fucking glorious. Wish i could suck that shit down every night to go to bed.

What surgeries have you had in your past? Does surgery make you nervous? I suppose for something serious, surely it would. I had surgery roughly 13 years ago to fix a deviated septum and the nausea and vomiting afterwards was pure hell. Thankfully none of that today.

Feb '18
I just added a few "Faces of Death" titles to the db, because I know they've got a reputation. Still, after all these years of being a horror fan, I haven't seen any of them. There are a few horror films I haven't been especially anxious to visit, because some of them cross a line. With horror fans, it's hard to find out exactly where that line is, because horror is all about testing your boundaries and getting out of your comfort zone.

So what are your limits? Are there movies you wont see? Snuff, or psuedo-snuff? Perhaps it's all fake, otherwise it would be criminal evidence. Personally, I'm not too keen on real-life violence. If I see enough blood, I'll probably hurl. I've gotten to the point where I can eat while watching certain gore scenes and not think anything of it. But if it was real gore, it becomes quite different. So here' s a sub-topic. Snuff Films: Are any of them real? Continue »

Jan '18
A few years ago I spent $100 on Last House on Dead End Street (1977). Big regrets on that purchase, I thought the movie sucked.

๐Ÿ’ฌ17 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€826

Dec '17
I got:


Ghosthouse (1988)
Dark Skies (2013)
The Daisy Chain (2008)
Dead Mary (Video 2007)
H6: Diary of a Serial Killer (2005)
The Da Vinci Code (2006)
The Bourne Supremacy (2004)
Panic Room (2002)
Jagged Edge (1985)
Out of Sight (1998)
Inside Man (2006)


I actually never owned a Blu-ray before, but I got a nice Blu-ray player this Christmas along with:

I Spit on Your Grave 2 (2013)
47 Ronin (2013)
Oblivion (2013)
Battleship (2012)
Immortals (2011)
Gladi... Continue »

Feb '18
tis the week of love, apparently, and what better way to welcome the spirit of romance than an Adam Sandler movie. well, many, admittedly, but wait, whatever you think of the self repeating manchild of movies there's no denying Happy Gilmore is a feel good fambly classic. and to a (much) lesser extent he repeats the role effectively enough in Waterboy, Billy Mads & Big Daddy.

Anyway, besides the point, i'm not here to defend Sandler or to highlight his best performance... Continue »

๐Ÿ‘1 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.4k

Feb '18
Tony Pitts is a captivating screen presence, his large physical frame and thick Sheffield accent make him a memorable performer and he happens to be in two fantastic British crime thrillers. So a flimsy excuse to promote an actor i like with a tenous link to this months challenge.

Hyena (2014)

Director Gerad Johnson's follow up to his 2009 low budget serial killer flick Tony follows a corrupt London detective Michael (great performance by Peter Ferdinando) as he tries to cont... Continue »

๐Ÿ‘3 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.4k

Jan '18
When we first started Trash Epics, I was pretty hung-up on b-movies, Troma, slashers, etc. I added a bunch of those to the movie database, then we brought in a few other users to add their titles, and now we have a few thousand titles on here. This is more than I've seen, but it isn't about me, which is why I've been adding those titles I don't particularly like, but some of you might. It's all about getting that contrasting perspective to know how shitty real shit is, and where other people's t... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ19 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€2.7k

Feb '18
Just like "Jigsaw" trying to distance himself from the high numbers of his first series, "Victor Crowley" is trying to start something new, but of course... these films are exactly like their predecessors, so the name change isn't fooling anyone.

Hatchet IV begins with an unnecessary prologue in 1964, and then jumps into the present, which is 2017 (which is when the film initially came out). The film definitively states that the original trilogy happens in 2007, so I updated the timeline acc... Continue »

๐Ÿ‘4 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€337

Feb '18 *
The Crime Challenge will be the monthly challenge for this February. Any movie or show that focuses on crime on either side of the law counts. The points are run time based. Since the month has already started, the challenge is starting now. I hope you'll join in.

Any questions or comments regarding the challenge belong here.

Make your spot on the progress thread: https://trashepics.com/post/8/38/


๐Ÿ’ฌ9 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1k

Apr '17 *
*edit - subject was the not so appealing 'Can anyone suggest any good...' so i spiced it up*

**that was a shit subject**

*TV shows with a genius but flawed detective hunts a genius but psycho killer. Or anything along those sorts of lines, doesn't have to be a murderer, or even a detective. Just some good ole grim nasty bleak miserable lovliness.

One of my all time fave shows is Cracker (1993) whic... Continue »

May '14
It's hard for a film to make someone view the world differently. In a sense, the movies that changed your life could be your favorite films, because they have something that resonates with you beyond simple interest and into obsession. Or... they could be movies that you never want to see again because they show you asinine characteristics of humanity that you want to block out. Obviously, it wouldn't be a very large list, because not every movie is going to hit you in that profound of a way, but feel free to be moved either way. Continue »

Feb '18
I almost never see a normal high school bully in a movie. They're always borderline homicidal psychopaths who have an inexplicably intense hatred of their victims. Stephen King writes these types a lot. I dealt with my fair share of bullies, but I never once felt like my life was actually in danger. Did I just get off lucky?

Jan '18
I've been wanting to see this movie for over 10 years and I can't find a way to do it for a reasonable price or on a website I trust. Does anybody have any leads? It looks great.


Jan '18

Oh yeah, the guy that made the Elvis TV movie. Yeah, that guy.

Talk about this dude here, if you're so inclined. He's a fuckin' legend, ya know?

Been revisiting his films lately, which was the inspiration to make this thread. Started with Halloween a couple weeks ago, then Assault on Precinct 13, and Escape from New York the other night. These movies are like old friends and never fail to let you down. It makes me sad to think that next generation's kids (probably even this genera... Continue »

Jan '18

I feel sorry for anyone who thinks the government means well and is looking out for our best interests. At least as far as my own country goes. I'll spare you my opinions of our present day issues, but today, we're going to talk about propaganda. Anti-Marijuana propaganda of the post-prohibition 1930's. An utterly ridiculous movement pushed mostly in film. We had a lot of those for a lot of years. Too many if you ask me. Today, I'... Continue »

Jan '18
Hollywood needs to leave James Franco alone. Ever since the sex scandals started, any woman out to get something has been able to ruin the career of any male actor just by coming out and saying something. True or not, once it's said, the damage is done.

I'm a James Franco fan, so it bugs me that a loveable guy like him is being kicked out of all these stupid circles just because women are out to get him. Why do they wait until such arbitrary moments? Why is everybody scheming these days? He can't attend the oscars, but I guess that's for the best. I swear, those things are getting more and more ridiculous each year. They were built on Harvey Weinstein's donations, and now they act all self-righteous about it. Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ9 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€900

Jan '18
I actually like the zombies in this movie more than any modern zombie movie. Even if the effects aren't considered good by some, they have certain feel and look to them that's just unique and creepy. Even with the way they move and the incidental music in the background.

Definitely a great zombie movie that also includes incest and zombie nipple eating.

Jan '18
I think the easiest way to explain the differences between Jaws and Deep Blue Sea is that Jaws has an Oscar winning score from John Williams, whilst Deep Blue Sea has an LL Cool J song where he declares that "His hat is like a shark fin" (What does that even mean?)

Here's the trailer for Deep Blue Sea 2.


๐Ÿ’ฌ9 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€786

Jan '18
And everything that comes under the umbrella of paranormal like ghosts, extraterrestrial life, unidentified flying objects, unexplained phenomena, psychic abilities, conspiracy theories, haunted houses, demons, cryptids etc.. ?

I for one believe in all this stuff. I have a rather large collection of books from everything to U.F.Os/alien abductions to unexplained phenomena to conspiracy theories. A lot of people out there are (rightfully) sceptical, and might consider those who do believe to b... Continue »

Jan '18
I'm working on something that's almost 10 years old. When I go to certain webpages, the computer hums loudly, because it can't handle the javascript. I can't play games, and I think the thing is finally starting to crap out. Everytime I start it up, I pray that it works. I do a rain dance just to make it turn on, because sometimes, it really doesn't want to. Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ13 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.9k

Feb '18
Can someone explain these to me? Specifically:



๐Ÿ’ฌ1 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€241

Dec '17 *

Welcome to the 6th annual Black And White Challenge. This is also the 2nd one to be featured on Trash Epics. This is the place to make your spot. Again, new rules, this year. We're doing a point for every minute. Anything black and white counts. Movies, TV shows, serials, shorts. Tinted films count, as well as movies that are partially in color as long as it is outweighed by the B&W. Beginning J... Continue »


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