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Feb '18 *

OK, hear me out. Today, I'd like to talk about two unlikely pop culture icons, who, at first, may not seem all that similar, and in many ways, they're not. However Al Bundy and Stone Cold Steve Austin actually have a lot in common. Both were portrayed as the blue-collar every man, allowing them to easily relate to their audience with distinct personalities one could describe as "rough around the edges". The anomaly that was Austin and Bundy's abr... Continue »

Jul '17
Still one of my favorite vampire movies.

Very unique and one of a kind for the genre.

Romero has stated that he believes character isn't truly a vampire, but the film itself leaves it open to the viewer's interpretation.

What do you think of the movie?

Do you have a point of view on whether Martin is a vampire?

There is a significant amount of the film that demystifies both faith and also vampire myths, so for me that leans heavily towards Martin just being a human killer.

Mar '18
I am a pretty impatient person by nature, but I don't think it's unreasonable for me to wish that people would AT LEAST drive the speed limit. My preferred driving speed is actually 5 mph over, which will not get you pulled over unless you're in a school zone, but I would be happy if people would just drive the speed limit. But at least 95% on the road like to go a good 5-10 mph under, and they have no idea what the difference is between the right and left lane, and I swear one day they are goi... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ12 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€385

Feb '18
I've been a little out of it this month. Watching a lot of Trailer Park Boys for the crime challenge, working on a website for a starter company, writing the last few chapters of my next novel (even though no one read the first), and playing a lot of Left 4 Dead 2 on my new computer. It can handle this game perfectly, but it can't handle the Friday the 13th Game. I tried, but that shit is laggy as fuck. Too bad Valve never made that game, or it would be smooth as fuck.

I think there isn't a l... Continue »

Feb '18
No one's mentioned the impending release of Liquid Sky on Blu-ray. Are there any fans of this movie here?

There's lots of Blu-ray releases happening lately. I just ordered The Sect and Scalpel. There's also Grizzly, The Church, American Gothic, and Seven Blood-Stained Orchids.

I never thought Liquid Sky would get a release, but it's happening. Now we need The Meateater and A Quiet Place to Kill.

Feb '18
As far as I know, he's one of the few examples of one being possessed by a deadite and then later being able to rid himself of the demon.

Is there any reason he can do this?

๐Ÿ’ฌ11 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€2k

Feb '18 *
Admittedly, this is a sub genre that I am not too knowledgeable about, but I have seen a fair few. I like found footage films, some are rubbish, and some are great - that bring some much needed originality. I go through phases, where I was a lot of FF movies, to where I may not see any in months, but I always find them entertaining. .I never do anything by halves, so I will list what I really liked. (In order, for the most part)


The Pou... Continue »

Feb '18 *
So, anything from last month stand out? Favorite FTV? I forgot what mine was. I watched a bunch of Film Noirs and classroom hygiene/anti-drug shorts, along with some Andy Griffith and Reefer Madness type flicks from the 30's and 40's. I watched Repulsion and found it dull as shit, watched Freaks for the first time in forever and didn't hate it. Decent challenge.

CPA and I were neck and neck for the longest time and then he fell WAY behind and didn't update his spot until it was over. Thought... Continue »

Feb '18
Anyone ever been to one of these awesome theatres? I've only been about 3 times myself, but I think they're a really cool chain that caters more to film buffs and genre enthusiasts than average moviegoers. I saw Big Trouble in Little China at my local Alamo here in Denver last night and loved every moment of it. It was my first time seeing a John Carpenter movie on the big screen, and I hope to see more of his stuff in such a fashion here in the future.

Also, on a side note, there's a... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ2 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.1k

Nov '17
Anyone else love this movie?

I particularly like the take on Count Dracula here. In many movies vampires are depicted as glamorous. Whilst here he is depicted as quite a pathetic creature.

The rat scene where they are eating a meal at a table in the middle of the street is quite striking to me.

Isabelle Adjani as well, what a beautiful and stunning actress.


Feb '18
Pretty simple.
1) Pick a line from a movie
2) Add 2 clues of your choice (Decade, Year, Main Star, Genre, Movie Series, etc.)
3) The person who answers correctly does the next quote

Clue #1: Crime/Action
Clue #2: Steven Seagal

"Look upon this madman! Him dead and him don't even know it!"

๐Ÿ’ฌ8 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€943

Feb '18
I was watching Army of Darkness again and a thought occurred to me whilst doing so. Skeletons don't have dicks. So why are they rounding up naked girls?

๐Ÿ’ฌ2 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.2k

Feb '18
What are the odds of the same guy having his loved ones wiped out by gangs on five separate occasions? I think I would have given up on starting relationships after the second time. Forget it, dude. You're cursed. Everyone you will ever love is doomed.

๐Ÿ’ฌ4 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€387

Feb '18
I love Re-Animator. The original is one of my favorite movies, and both sequels are solid. The first time I saw it, one of the things that really jumped out at me was the score. I was disappointed to later learn that the film's score bears more than a passing resemblance to Bernard Herrmann's score for Psycho. I had already seen Psycho when I saw Re-Animator, but it had been many years and I didn't remember the score.

In interviews, composer Richard Band's attitude toward being called out on... Continue »

Feb '18
Ali Mills (Elisabeth Shue)

Kumiko (Tamlyn Tomita)

Jessica Andrews (Robyn Lively)

My pick back then:

Feb '18
Slashers are one thing, but a killer who wears a mask? Are they trying to get away with it? Are they ugly as sin? Or are they wearing it simply as a joke?

I'm watching "Valentine" at the moment, and this killer acts like a Michael Myers rip-off, only his nose bleeds. It's all about the mannerisms of characters like these. Still. Calm. Focused. I guess Michael Myers set a precedent, but Jason kinda ran with it. He wears a mask because he's ashamed of how goddamn ugly he is. He could chase you... Continue »

Feb '18 *
Ever watch anything that you really didn't like, but almost liked or wanted to like? Movies that maybe had the wrong director or could have used some extra money thrown into it. What had the potential to be great, or at least not a piece of shit?

I saw this one movie from Sub Rosa that was almost kinda sweet, but mostly annoying, Called Ice From The Sun (1999), which was directed by Eric Stanze, who did Scrapbook and I Spit On Your Corpse, I Piss On Your Grave. Ice From The Sun was actually t... Continue »

Feb '18 *
Welcome to the Crime Challenge! If you like movies and TV shows about cops, private detectives, or vigilantes and the criminals they chase, this is the challenge for you. Make your spot here.


What Counts

Any movie, TV show, and whatever else you can watch that features either someone fighting crime or someone committing crime. Any genre is acceptable, but crime should be an important part of t... Continue »

Feb '18
Was watching YouTube videos, and Sacred Riana was on the recommended video. She is the 2017 Asia's Got Talent winner.
She does magic with a horror twist to the stage show.


(Just out of curiosity, how do you embed the video here?)

๐Ÿ’ฌ2 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€201

Feb '18 *
Mark your spot for this love-making extravaganza, from Sunday, February 11th to 17th. The criteria is based on this post https://trashepics.com/post/128/7/ , since I'm sooooo clever and can't think of my own spin on it.

1 Points) Movie with the word โ€œLoveโ€ or other romance related words in title
2 Points) Individual killed while โ€œmaking loveโ€ (not combined with #3 below)
3 Points) Two or more killed at the same time while โ€œmaking loveโ€
4 Po... Continue »

Feb '18
So I watched the new Hellraiser movie last night, was probably a bit too drunk as immediately afterward i began writing a review here on TE and subsequently deleted the post by accident after a fairly lengthy alcohol iduced ramble on the Hellraiser series as a whole.

This morning i gave the film another go, sober, and may as well give the review another go. ***contains spoilers for Hellraiser Judgement & other films from the franchise***

I love me some Hellriase... Continue »

Feb '18 *

I loved it up to the first half after they spent the first night into the cabin, palpable foreboding atmosphere but it went downhill after that point they couldn't sustain the eeriness up to the 3rd act that things are revealed it dwindled into a horror comedy.

Feb '18 *

Anyone ever wonder what became of crazy fat Ethel after that abrupt ending to Criminally Insane? Yeah, me either. As much as I would have loved an extra 15 minutes more of that movie, I'm good, and am definitely capable of using my imagination regarding the immediate and distant future of Ethel Janowski. So, no, Mr. Millard. That's quite alright. No need to risk making the worst part 2 in the history of part 2s just to give us Criminally Insan... Continue »

Feb '18
The obvious three are My Bloody Valentine (1981), Valentine (2001), and My Bloody Valentine (2009). I think the original MBV is a solid 80s slasher, and the remake is great because Tom Atkins is in it. I try to watch them both every year, and this year, I'll get points for it. emoticon

I don't remember much about Valentine, but it's due for a rewatch. I remember thinking it was kinda stupid, because his nose is always bleeding. What a loser he was.

It's also c... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ12 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€616

Feb '18
TV movies nowadays rightly get a bad rap with poor writing, low production values, and intrusive commercial breaks.. However, back in the 1970s, made-for-TV horror movies were a genre unto themselves. Many of those TV movies are still highly watchable, memorable, and have even enjoyed big budget remakes. I seen a lot of good TV horror movies over the past couple of years so here is what I really liked:

Don't Go to Sleep 1982
The Demon Murder Case 1983
The Haunted 1991
The Woman in Black 19... Continue »


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.