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Mar '18
Here is where you save your progress for The Animation Challenge. It begins on April 1st at 12 am and ends on May 1st at 12 am. This challenge is scored on the minutes watched system. If you have any questions, comments or recs you can find the discussion thread here https://trashepics.com/post/85/95/

Have fun and good luck!


Apr '18
I got to see the boys, LIVE in Dallas. It was fucking great. We have a shamefully low amount of fans on this site, but the Trailer Park Boys are awesome. Truly one of my favorite acts out there, and I had a blast at their show.

To start things off, me and @der went to The Majestic theater, which is pretty classy. It's golden and artistic inside, and the seats are pretty nice. As soon as we walked in though, you could see how overpriced everything is. The shirts ranged from $40 to $70, probabl... Continue »

Apr '18
Anyone here ever read this? It's pretty fun, it's like Salem's Lot on a much bigger scale. It involved vampires taking over Los Angeles, with some backstory in Hungary at the beginning. It would make a hell of a movie.

I was just thinking, I wonder if it might have been one of the original inspirations for The Terminator. I had this idea partly because of the general setting, Los Angeles, and the basic story about a group of fairly normal, average people trying to head off a really overwh... Continue »

Apr '18 *
I don't typically pick up Criterion releases, but I made an exception recently with the new Criterion release of Romero's classic zombie movie that started it all, Night of the Living Dead. Got it for about $18 altogether off of Amazon and I don't regret a single penny of my purchase.


First of all, the 4k remaster is absolutely beautiful and is the best it's looked on video. Way better than the numerous dollar DVD versions that are out there for sure... Continue »

Apr '18 *
Who doesn't love a good documentary? Their purpose is to be both informative and engaging. Over the past few years I've found myself discovering and watching various documentaries about movie directors. They're more or less seen as the driving creative force of a movie and because of that, one is left to wonder how they got inspired to do what they do and what their creative mindset is like.

One of the more interesting ones (to say the least) that I just watched was David Lynch: The Art L... Continue »

Apr '18 *
So I decided to put together a list of horror movies that I would like to see over the next few weeks. A lot of these have interested me for sometime now, but for one reason or another - I haven't got around to them.

Anyone seen any of these? What are your thoughts?

Aswang 1994
Bone Sickness 2004
Brain Dead 1990
Brain Dead 2007
Dead Creatures 2001
Dead Season 2012
Deafula 1975
Demons 5: Devil's Veil 1990
Devil Fetus 1983
Effects 1980
Expulsion of the Devil 1973
Fear No Evil 1... Continue »

Mar '18
I know, I know. If you've been on the internet for more than a year, this question is like for Horror Nerds 101 (nerd? Speak for yourself, bub!) I myself have been using the internet for, Christ, about 20 years now, so I've answered this question - on multiple message boards and chatrooms - tirelessly, and with fluctuating answers at that.

I was a Dawn of the Dead junkie for a good while there (isn't everyone at some point?) Then one day (he was shooting up some food, and up from the... Continue »

Aug '15
Since we have so many new users of late, why not get to know some of them? Continue »

Apr '18
Who do you prefer?

The slow and meticulous Frankenstein collecting body parts over time or Herbert West directly injecting his serum into any corpse he can find?

Who do you find to be more manic, grotesque or interesting?

Apr '18 *

I did it! I goddamn did it! Wiped the fucking floor with you all! Check it out! I won! The second annual Trash Challenge goes to me. ME! The eternally correct IMDb legend that was Tromafreak and your current Messiah has finally done it. Oh, God, it feels SO good to win a challenge, again!

Seriously, though. I'm still super hard from this victory, but you all did a swell job, this year. Didn't look like it was g... Continue »

Apr '18
Asian girls (Bing Bing Li) Giant Sharks and Jason Statham one liners. All I Want. Definitely Sold.

They even found a way to get tentacles in there for Bing Bing.

I hope the doggie is ok.

I also noticed Captain Mudd is in there.


👍1 🚸 👀626

Mar '18
Such a special movie for me. The kind that you don't like to watch often because you just don't need to. It's engrained in my mind, right down to certain sound effects and when they're about to happen. Maybe I don't watch it often anymore 'cuz I'm afraid I'll outgrow it. emoticon

Not the case last night, thankfully. As if I didn't already hold the film in high esteem, this latest viewing made me realize what an arthouse masterpiece it is, and that, perhaps, if Roger Watkins were more me... Continue »

May '17
Just as the title suggests, list some of your favorite vampire movies.

For me, it seems that like the zombie sub-genre - the vampire sub-genre has become exhausted. I feel vampire movies are dime a dozen and offer little in the way of originality and imagination so it is always refreshing to me to see a vampire flick that attempts to bring new ideas into the exhausted sub-genre.

I will list my top 10 favorite vampire movies. My list is quite irregular and you could say unusual. In order:... Continue »

Apr '18
I'm in the process of moving again. This is at least the 15th place I've lived, in the span of my near 30 year life. Safe to say, I move just about every other year. Holy hell, I just can't settle, can I? emoticon

Moving is a crappy process, but I've gone through it so many times, and re-evaluated my life and possessions just as many times, and it makes you wonder what's really important. What do you take, and what do you leave behind? Sentimental crap? Necessities? Are the sentimental... Continue »

Apr '18
So I was re watching Death Wish 3 and it left me with an impression and a few thoughts to describe it. The action movie of action movies. The sequel of sequels. One of the greatest shoot out scenes ever filmed.

Charles Bronson returns as the world's most dangerous pensioner, Paul Kersey. He's out to show the gangs who's in charge one bullet at a time and occasionally firing a rocket launcher inside an apartment building when the going gets tough enough. That's badass.

Makes Rambo look lik... Continue »

Jul '17
For any fans of that surprisingly popular piece of shit called "The Room", we have James Franco directing a movie about him playing Tommy Wiseau.

The Room has to be seen to be believed. Franco nails it.


Feb '18 *

It's back! Trash Epics' signature challenge which debuted a year ago, cheering up many of us after our home was destroyed by soulless cunts. This challenge is a broad one which allows any sub-genre of Exploitation you can think of, countless taboos, atrocities, cheese, and schlock. All that is fucked up and so bad it's good!

I'm really liking the "point a minute" thing we got going, but some challenges demand a point system wit... Continue »

Mar '18
So I was rewatching one of my favorite comedies Freddy Got Fingered once again and something occurred to me whilst doing so.

Is Freddy Got Fingered a Dada Masterpiece or simply a low brow comedy with a niche audience?

There are many elements of this film I feel are clearly stating something about repressed behaviour and acting socially acceptable. Exploration of the Id and acting out on it. Which in real life we mostly never do. There is a similar appeal in horror movies.

There has to b... Continue »

Feb '18 *

This is the progress thread for the 2018 Trash Challenge. If you want a month of gory/perverted/stupid fun, go ahead and get yourself a spot in this thread and I promise you will experience the most amazing month of your entire life.

Here's all the rules and shit. https://trashepics.com/post/9/185/

Apr '16 *

As we all know, low-budget Horror can be very hit or miss. Sure. Plenty of B-movies are entertaining without actually being quality films. Quality isn't always an easy thing to come by, or necessary. But there are low-budget Horror directors who can not only pull off a crazy, entertaining B-movie, while rising above their meager budget. Today, we're going to talk about a guy named Tim Ritter, and more specifically, his Truth O... Continue »

Mar '18 *
Super grimey follow up to the original Death Wish.

Charles Bronson is a no nonsense vigilante ready to make the punks pay. One of my favorite scenes is when Bronson is driving around and a street freak is on the street and Bronson doesn't bat an eyelid. He just doesn't care about fruits on the street.

I actually think it's a better movie than the original, though my favorite of the series is the ludicrously fun Death Wish 3.

It got a ton of hate and controversy and called worthless but... Continue »

Mar '18
I haven't had time to do this for quite a while and didn't buy much until the last few weeks.


The Church
The Sect
The Legend of Spider Forest


My Cousin Rachel
Don't Knock Twice

I've also pre-ordered Red Rings of Fear.

đŸ’Ŧ4 🚸 👀408

Aug '15
Make it make it, don't fake it!

Aug '14
Topic is self explanatory.

I'd go with either

A) When a girl throws up after you cum in their mouth
B) Bananas

đŸ’Ŧ26 🚸 👀3.6k

Jul '14 *
Who here has seen Murder Set Pieces? Chances are you probably think it sucks. I don't know why, that's just what the general populace seems to think. I happen to really like it, and I stand by that notion in this very obvious minority. Well, not really like it, I find it somewhat entertaining at least. Certainly not as bad as most people seem to think. Sure the director might be an absolute and total manipulative douchebag, but lets not compare the artist to the artwork. emoticon Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ8 🚸 👀4.4k


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.