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Sep '18
Is anyone watching this? I have seen the first two Purge movies, and I liked them, so I'm giving it a shot. I still have to get caught up on the other Purge movies... hopefully this TV show doesn't assume viewers have watched them all.

Anyway, so far I like it. There are at least four major plotlines, as far as I can tell. A young marine recently back from... whatever future war they made up, probably Iran or Venezuela... anyway, he is out, as the Purge rages all around him, sometimes ge... Continue »

Sep '18
Just getting into the Necrostorm films. I started with Judy and Taeter City because they were free on Amazon Prime. I have yet to see the others, including Adam Chaplin. Taeter City was pretty interesting, but Judy was really cool.

JUDY (2014) - A team of street performers terrorize a young woman in her house. This low-budget home invasion film is really creepy. The street performers have terrifying facial make-up and masks, and a bizarre โ€œtrickโ€ involving a spiked crate with nails... Continue »

Sep '18

It really doesn't get much better than 80's Horror, does it? Maybe it wasn't the all around best era as far as quality goes, but it was the most fun. The genre was also at it's most marketable, as well. In those days, Horror was everywhere, and at one point, that didn't look to be changing any time soon. So, what the hell happened? Long story short, '88 and '89 happened!

image Stepfather II happened, Iced happ... Continue »

Sep '18
I know, what a specific topic. Figured it'd be a good way to get people talking more and getting a better glimpse into what we're all really like.

Good thing: Gave away like 75% of my wardrobe to Goodwill last week. Just felt like someone may have needed it more than me. I've only got around 5 t-shirts left in my closet now, but whatever. I pretty much wear the same clothes over and over again anyway.

Shitty thing: My girlfriend and I have been fighting a lot lately and I said som... Continue »

Sep '18
He deserves his own thread. He was a fuckin' cool guy, and he had a great mustache.

Burt started off as a stuntman, and was so sexy, he just worked his way into acting. Not sure if he was any good at acting, but he had enough charisma to keep us all entertained. Everyone will remember him for his laugh, drinking a lot of Coors, and driving a black trans-am.

What are your faves?

I like Cannonball Run, Hooper, Smokey and the Bandit 1 and 2, and Deliverance. I've seen a few others, but t... Continue »

Sep '18 *
I don't have too many ideas yet, but generally, I think it would be interesting to have a 28 day (4 weeks exactly) challenge where each week is a different type of comedy.
Week 1 (Feb. 1-7) : Sitcoms
Week 2 (Feb. 2-14) : Romantic Comedy (Valentines Week)
Week 3 (Feb. 15-21): Dark/Black Comedies
Week 4 (Feb. 22-28): Horror Comedy

Thoughts and ideas are welcome.

Aug '18
I'm bored, so I thought this up. Let's have a little fun, so participate will ya?


1. What is your favorite Italian horror film?
2. Why?
3. Who is your favorite Italian horror director?
4. Why?
5. What Italian horror film has your favorite music?
6. What do you think is the goriest Italian horror film?
7. What about the sickest?
8. Italian zombies or cannibals: Which do you favor and Why?
9. Gialli. Underrated or overrated?
10. Whe... Continue »

Jul '18
On the night of Friday, July 13th, the marathon of The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs began airing on Shudder TV, the live stream portion of Shudder's service. Running for a little over 24 hours, it consisted of 13 movies:

image Tourist Trap
Sleepaway Camp
The Prowler
Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama
Daughters of Darkness
Blood Feast
Basket Case
The Le... Continue »

Sep '18
I have to start out by saying before I spent all my time being a dick, I spent it playing Pokemon and Castlevania.

Last year when Netflix released this show I got so damn excited and my expectation was surpassed. So now a year has gone by and I need some fantasy points for my challenge so I'm rewatching it. I was planning on doing it next month before season 2 drops, but hell why not get some points.

Has anyone else watched it yet? I'm not big on anime at all, but this show and FMA are thi... Continue »

Sep '18 *
So this movie.... It's bad, but it somehow held my attention. I'm not big on foreign films, mainly from my ignorance, but this one was... very interesting. First let me say that I won't spoil plot points, but may ruin some gags. First I have to say these guys took this movie very seriously. All three main character just have the most intense looking facial expressions and are often shot in a close-up frame. When the shark is coming you get this light sound and a weird freeze on camera and a bad... Continue »

Sep '18 *

I don't always write about PG movies, but when I do ... I don't know. I just do, sometimes. However, when I do take a more family-friendly route, you can bet your goddamned ass that PG movie is going to be pre-80's. Why? Because Pre-80's PG doesn't feel like PG at all. They just feel like regular movies. Nowadays, a PG rating might as well be a G rating. Or they more of less are now that "G" has sort of been phased out. To hell with now, though. Tod... Continue »

Aug '18 *

Some movies, you just know you're not going to like. You don't even need to see the trailer. You just know. However, some movies, people won't shut up about, so, curiosity takes over as it usually does. And just like that, I had a new least favorite movie. Ok, maybe that's an exaggeration, but today's movie, at the very least, is candidate for most unlikable film of the 2010's. Bold statement? Fuck no! Spring Breakers is what's on my mind... Continue »

Aug '18 *
Wrestlers like horror characters have their gimmicks. Some cheesy, some creepy. What wrestling persona (alive or dead)would you put into which horror film to replace the killer(s)? And which killer would you enjoy seeing in a wrestling match? Which wrestler would be their best opponent?

Sep '18
Back in 1997, the first "Cube" movie came out. I don't remember much about it, other than the basic premise: a bunch of people wake up in a giant cube filled with traps and must work together to find their way out. Of course, people panic and often sabotage others in their efforts to escape. Honestly, the ending of the movie doesn't even matter, because it's pretty ambiguous, so whatever.

The first movie doesn't seem too far-fetched, because if I remember correctly, it's mostly mechanical tra... Continue »

Jan '18
I still have a hard time wrapping my head the fact that David Bowie isn't alive anymore. He was such a phenomenon for half a century, and then poof. No more. I really thought he would be around forever. You assume famous people can buy their way out of anything, even illness and cancer, but what do you know? Famous people get it too. Continue »

Aug '18
Went to the theater today and watched a Bollywood horror movie. It is funny when they donโ€™t complete curse words in the subtitles. Shit was sh##.

The movie was based on the urban legend of Nale Ba. A female ghost comes to town at night and abducts any man that doesnโ€™t have โ€œStree, come back tomorrowโ€ written in blood on their door during a four day festival. It reminds me a little of Jewish Passover.

Overall, I found the movie interesting and enjoyable. The main characters were wel... Continue »

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Aug '18
It's funny how your mind wanders. The other day, @der bought me a sangria, and I immediately thought of Sanford and Son.


I watched all of that fucking show. It's fucking hilarious. Redd Foxx played Fred G. "Sanford". That's S A N... F O R D. Period. He was a cranky old black man who couldn't bear with the thought of his son moving on without him, so he'd often sabotage his efforts to make it big. Demond Wilson played "Son" aka Lamont Sandford, th... Continue »

Aug '18
Why is the shit emoji so popular? When I buy a pack of lighters at the store, usually at least one of them has ๐Ÿ’ฉ on it. A lot of fidget spinners have ๐Ÿ’ฉ on them. My nephews have pencil erasers with ๐Ÿ’ฉ on them.

Why, oh why, oh why is this a popular thing? Why are emojis standardized into today's tech, and recognized as valid characters? Does this mean that people will soon be able to legally change their names to "๐Ÿ’ฉ"? When asked how you spell something like that, do you just say "shi... Continue »

Aug '18
Does being up somewhere high ever give you the urge to jump? I'm afraid of heights, but I always have this little desire to jump.

๐Ÿ’ฌ7 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€497

Aug '18
A Certain Sacrifice (1979)
Atrocious (2015)
What Have They Done to Your Daughters (1974)
Collector's Item (1985)
Death Occurred Last Night (1970)

I don't think I ever saw any mention of them on the old horror board. What Have They Done to Your Daughters has a Blu-ray release coming up, but the others seem to be pretty obscure.

Aug '18 *

There is a lot that can be said about the films of Andreas Schnaas. OK, maybe not a hell of a lot, but take my word for it. These are some important movies. Schnaas' German atrocities are exactly what the shot-on-video market was needing, come the late-80's. I wouldn't say they were any better, quality-wise, than their American counterparts. Actually, they were far worse than most, but the Schnaas brand of SOV brought a little something different to... Continue »

Aug '18
I haven't had much time the last few weeks, so just a few.

Novemeber Criminals
Dark Crimes
American Gothic (Blu-ray)

Also ordered Leonor on Blu-ray. That's a blind buy, but the director is Luis Bunuel and Ornella Muti is in it.

Aug '18 *
Troma and I discussed this recently.

Considering the ending of this movie, is it a slasher film? What about Return to Horror High (1987)?

Aug '18
There have been so many great haunted house horrors through the years, and The Amityville Horror is the quintessential movie of its kind. Haunted house movies can be extremely creepy and atmospheric when done right, the tension builds and builds, they grab you and don't let you go. They can also be a hell of a lot of fun. The Amityville Horror has all this in abundance. What makes it even the more intriguing is the fact that it is su... Continue »

Dec '14 *
I'm not made squeamish very easily. When it comes to watching anything on a tv/computer screen, it almost never phases me. But it does happen. Most recently when I watched a scat porno called Walking Toilet Bowl. It was pretty much what I expected. But I didn't expect it to be so... I don't know. fucked up, I guess. Anyway. I have officially been phased.

image I'm not a huge fan of porn of any kind, but intrigued by all that is extreme and/or fucked up.... Continue »

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