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Nov '18
Well, that was the lousiest October Challenge I've ever experienced. Wasn't in to it at all. I had planned on watching a bunch of TV movies and some Hammer films but got stuck on micro-budget 2010's Slashers I found on Amazon Prime. Nothing else was doing it for me for some reason. I hope everyone else was able to get into the October spirit. Nice turn out this year. And congratulations to Ballz on gaining the top spot.

Ballz - 97 Films - 97 FTVs

Johan_WOW - 78 Films - 73 FTVs

shroudo... Continue »

Nov '18
It can't be viewed unless you go through the forum tab, and it won't allow me to type anything on there either? It has been acting up the past few days from my end.

๐Ÿ’ฌ8 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€383

Nov '18
Holy hell, what a hilarious piece of trash! A true turkey, if there ever was one!


The Amazing Bulk is an "Incredible Hulk" '08 rip-off filmed entirely in front of a green screen, featuring animated sets and crude models, used redundantly. The actors keep a straight face while they're doing this drivel, and that's always a huge plus. It's awful to see actors who are intentionally bad, because they know they're in a piece of shit. It's wonderful wh... Continue »

Sep '18 *

[b]Here we go! Another October Challenge. Second one for Trash Epics, so, we must be doing something right.

So, the rules are: 31 Horror films must be watched during the 31 days of October. 16 of which must be first time viewings. Watch all you want. I sure as hell am, but to count in the end, it's gotta at least be 31 and 16.

This challenge will begin as soon as... Continue »

Nov '18 *
I know some people here must have seen this already, but for anyone who hasn't... check it out! Someone tracked down Sandy Johnson. She sounds like a really nice lady. Also, it sounds like things have worked out for her pretty well, after a rocky start. I'm sorry about all the @#$$%^&^$#@!ing pop up ads... #$%$%^&%$#@!ing Dread Central.


๐Ÿ‘1 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€2k

Nov '18
So I finished my October challenge with barely 31 movies, but I fucking did it, and you can't argue with that! I beat the challenge with Toxic Avenger, but I also started wondering if the Toxic Avenger even counts, but IMDb lists it as horror, so I guess it does. But just to make sure nobody would combat my argument, I watched Hereditary again, just to make my victory solid.

I saw this movie a few months ago in theaters, and it stuck with me something fierce. It's a slow-burn movie in the sam... Continue »

๐Ÿ‘4 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€280

Oct '18
I wish there were a channel that was just constant Ash vs Evil Dead reruns, with occasional showings of any of the Evil Dead movies, interspersed with reasonably decent fan videos based on the Evil Dead mythology. I would watch that every day.

By the way, I have said this next thing before, and I'm sticking to it: there should also be a Bigfoot channel. All Bigfoot. All the time.

Oct '18
Tam Lin (Blu-ray)
The Magus

Also just ordered Five Miles to Midnight on Blu-ray.

Oct '18
There, I just finished my FTV portion of the challenge. Yeah, I know I'm way behind some of you, but these days, my mind wanders too much for me to get these damn movies watched. Now, I only need 3 re-watches to get 'er done.

So Amicus was a pretty big deal, apparently, huh? I'll admit, I don't know much about these movies. I suppose that, being Britain-based, they're a lot like Hammer movies. However, I notice they put out their fair amount of anthology movies, too. And like Hammer, they f... Continue »

Oct '18

Rewatched Nosferatu (1922) last night. I really wasn't keen the first time I saw it, fault of circumstance it turns out because this time I was very taken with it. The first great Dracula film, albeit an unlicensed knock off with young estate agent Hutter and his wife Ellen, Professor Bulwer, Knock instead of Renfield, and of course, the sinister Count Orlock. The second half differs, but much is familiar before, so much so that the film was ordered destroyed for its infringement. All good... Continue »

Oct '18
Those are all the right ingredients, so why not? I can never turn down a video nasty, just for completion's sake, and I need those FTV points.

This one starts off in New York as police investigate a weird boat. Then, people start exploding, because there are evil alien eggs that blow up on you and make your insides burst. It's pretty awesome.

I kinda like that main guy in it, but about halfway through, they basically write him off and replace him with Ian McCulloch from Zombi 2 and Zombi H... Continue »

Aug '18
I don't. That goes double for dead people. Or maybe animals is worse. I wouldn't know. I could probably deal with fur better than cold, dead skin. But yeah. Fuck them both. I'm not sure what the appeal is. Of course, I don't really get the appeal of anything that I don't find arousing. That's pretty normal, I think. The jury's still out on the gays as far as "normal" goes, but not so much all that other shit. Far lefties already trying to wedge in the "P" into the LGBT. P for Pedophile, N for Ne... Continue »

Oct '18 *

Years ago, I read the novel The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson. It is a perfect read for those who enjoy a classic gothic style ghost story. I later found the 1963 movie The Haunting based on the novel. I fell in love with it and it's one I still revisit. I do all I can to forget the 1999 remake, The Haunting. Not even Liam Neeson could save that steaming pile of shit.

When I hea... Continue »

Oct '18
I wanted to watch this last night, but I couldn't find a stream, so I watched it a few minutes ago. First of all, most of us were probably thinking, "wtf is The Goldbergs, and why did Robert Englund agree to this?" The answer: emoticon

This show is set in the late 80s, so they want to throw around a lot of cultural references at the time. This "Halloween" themed episode was about horror movies and over-parenting your children. Some dork is trying to watch Nightmare on Elm Street, and th... Continue »

Oct '18 *
OK you guys, I'm not posting this in the random message board field (shout box) because you'll give me grief about hexing Teresa Palmer to an early death just by mentioning her. So, please just chill.

I just wanted to say, I realize that the only reason I even know who she is is because she's such a babe, but I just watched an interview with her and she actually seems pretty cool. She's legitimately into ghost stories, if not necessarily slasher movies. Also, I wouldn't exactly call her a... Continue »

๐Ÿ‘1 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€937

Oct '18
Has anyone here seen this?

I just found out there is a Blu-ray release of this. I haven't seen it in years and don't remember that it ever got mentioned on the old horror board. I don't remember a lot about it except the basic premise of an innocent girl wrongly committed to a corrupt mental hospital and that it had a lot of fairly big names in the cast including Bo Hopkins, Julie Adams and a pre-Freddy Krueger Robert Englund. The lead actress in it, Dianne Hull, is from my home town.

๐Ÿ‘2 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€235

Oct '18
Back in 2004, Stevan Mena directed a total Halloween rip-off called "Malevolence". After a bank robbery goes bad, the thieves kidnap a woman and her child and hole up in a house in the middle of nowhere. That's when Martin Bristol comes a' knockin'.

Basically, he wears coveralls (like Myers), but he's got a sack mask (like Jason 2). And he also loves to organize bones in a decorative manner (like Leatherface). He's also mute, and he doesn't feel pain due to a rare medical condition.

His ba... Continue »

Oct '18
The title bugs me. The new one, I mean. I'm not sure what they should have called it but Halloween? That means there's three of them, although, this one isn't a remake. It's the new part 2, but fuck off, let's just call it Halloween, anyway. I feel like there needs to be something attached to the title to give it its own identity. Halloween II Part 2? Halloween H40? I think "The Last Halloween" has a nice ring to it, although I guess it's not going to be the last one after all cuz money. If I ha... Continue »

Oct '18
Yeah, I'm going there. I'll try to avoid spoilers, too, because I know everyone out there isn't as obsessive as I am, and they haven't seen it yet. So I'll try to say as much as I can without saying anything.

Clearly, the series is a mess, as it's gotten so involved in the family brother/sister angle over the years, we just couldn't get away from it. Every sequel, and the remake, focused on that aspect, even though JC himself thought it was a stupid idea, but fuck it. It's what we were stuck... Continue »

๐Ÿ‘2 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€2k

Oct '18 *
Leave it to Facebook to piss me off in less than 3 seconds. I don't know why I even bother with that damn site.

Anyway, I was watching videos of some pretty cool Halloween animatronics. I'm talking really fucking cool ones. Impressive as hell, and I would love to own every one of them. As I'm enjoying the videos, I made the fatal mistake of Facebook, I ventured into the comments section. I thought it would be full of people praising the sheer design and creativity that it took to make these... Continue »

Oct '18
Yeah, they say that a few times in the beginning, just so you remember what movie you're watching. I threw this one on for some quick FTV points, knowing that it has a bad rep, but I've already seen The Howling III, and it can't be worse than that, right?

So most people should agree that The Howling is pretty bad-ass. Obviously, a sequel was needed, and this one was based on a novel by the original writer, so it can't be terrible... but it kind of is. After all, Robert Block who wrote the ori... Continue »

Oct '18
I like a few Cronenberg movies, but there are a few I haven't yet seen. I decided to knock this one of this list, and it was pretty good. It's one of his earlier movies, and definitely a product of the time. It had vibes of Black Christmas (some of the music), Night of the Living Dead, and most definitely The Crazies (had an actress from that too). I guess it's also similar to some Polanski movies, in the sense that it was set in an apartment.

So this movie was all about a sexual parasite tha... Continue »

Oct '18
Netflix premiered "Hold the Dark" recently, and being a fan of Jeremy Saulnier's other works (Murder Party, Blue Ruin, Green Room), I had to see it. So what is it, anyway?

Hold the Dark starts off with a bang, as a mother's son disappears, and the local Alaskan wolves are to blame. She hires a tracker (Jeffrey Wright) to find her son, or at least the wolves, and that's what this movie is about. But wait! Alexander Skarsgard is in the movie too, as the dead boy's father. He's off fighting in "... Continue »

Oct '18
Recently I made a thread about 60's horror, so I thought I would make it more difficult and go ahead and talk '50's horror. The 50's was a highly influential decade for horror films...you will find countless genre classics that went on to inspire future generations of horror directors and producers. The decade brought about the advent of Hammer Films

This is a list of the best horror films that I have seen (rated 7 or higher) from each year of the 50's:


Thi... Continue »

Oct '18
It is a very good slasher and I love the score. It is an early performance by Scream Queen Jamie Lee Curtis who would later star in Prom Night and Terror Train. If you havenโ€™t seen it, then you should this October.


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