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Jan '19 *

Welcome to the 2019 Crime Challenge.

Any movie or TV show involving crime applies to this challenge. You don't have to stick with stuff specifically labeled as crime, but crime should be part of the plot. For example, certain superhero or slasher movies/shows. Documentaries are allowed.

You get one point per minute watched.

This challenge starts when February starts and ends when February ends.... Continue »

Aug '17 *

I'm a Horror guy. So, most of the releases that I notice are naturally of the Horror genre. That goes for the good and the bad. There's of course plenty bad everywhere you look, especially these days. But is it just me or is the whole "so bad, it's good" thing, mostly a Horror thing? It seems to be, although, several exceptions do come to mind. One of which, I recently watched for the first time. I know I've been recommended The Room... Continue »

Feb '19
Watched this again last night.

A bit tedious but there's enough camp to make some bits enjoyable when they come around. Killer theme song as well.

What are your thoughts on this fantasy sci-fi with Reb Brown?


Feb '19
It used to be one of my favorite shows. Watching the intro now it almost gets me all weepy-eyed. There were a lot of episodes that were horror-ish too, such as - the one where they go inside a Friday the 13th type slasher flick to face off against a maniac called "Mittface" (that's catcher's mitt), or another where they're trapped in a funhouse with a killer clown, or the one with some sort of demon and even recently-deceased Dick Miller guest stars.

It was such a wacky show and tons of fun... Continue »

Feb '19
I recently downloaded all of the Tales from the Crypt comics, as well as its sister comics, The Vault of Horror and The Haunt of Fear.

The fourth issue of The Haunt of Fear from Nov/Dec 1950 contains a story called The Hunchback. In it, a hunchback is accused of being a ghoul. By the end, we find out the real ghoul is his "hump", which is actually his deformed siamese twin. Not bad for 1950.

Feb '19
Halloween (2018)

Laurie Strode confronts her long-time foe Michael Myers, the masked figure who has haunted her since she narrowly escaped his killing spree on Halloween night four decades ago. The intro scene is underwhelming, and the theme song is adapted to a less creepy version, meaning that the opening 10 minutes feel flat. Most of the protagonists are obnoxious twits, especially the two journalist dweebs who are totally unlikeable. The first 30 minutes are just dull setup. T... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ12 🚸 👀1.7k

Feb '19
Directed by Michael Mann, starring Scott Glenn... this sounds incredibly cool. Check this out, some people are trying to make a documentary about the film that Michael Mann tried to make, but was prevented from making by various circumstances. This documentary sounds a lot like Jodorowsky's Dune (2013). You can read more about the actual movie that was released in 1983 on Wikipedia, IMDB, etc.

🚸 👀309

Jan '19 *
So here are the results of the subtitled/foreign movie challenge and what do you know, the person who proclaims they don't like watching subtitled movies takes the first crown. Congratulations to Tromafreak, because you also watched the most amount of movies, at one per day on average. Hopefully if you take anything from this victory, it's that you won't feel so reluctant to check out a non-dubbed foreign movie in future emoticon. Well done!

Also bravo to anyone else... Continue »

Feb '19
OK, not really. But, if you try to go back in time in horror movies as far as you can go, with as few connections as possible between horror actors, how would you do it? What I mean is, if you select a horror actor with a long career, and connect them via one of their early films to a more senior actor who played in that film, and then looked for the earliest horror film you can find with the senior actor, how far back in time can you get? If you allow shitloads of "degrees of separations," o... Continue »

🚸 👀1.8k

Feb '19
This has bugged me for a long time, and I think I might have finally figured it out. In 28 Weeks Later, you know the scene near the beginning, where the US-led military coalition is repopulating London? The kids in the movie arrive on a train, with a lot of other people. If you listen carefully to the background music, you might be like "hmmm, this sounds familiar, haven't I heard this somewhere before??" I think they might have drawn some of the instruments, some of the beat... (I don't kno... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ1 🚸 👀244

Feb '19
I was just thinking, the next time you get in an argument with anybody about whether SotL should be considered a horror movie.... maybe compare it to Pieces? They have a lot of common ground, if you think about it. There must have been some good threads about this here, but, whatever, I was just thinking about it. Probably most non-horror fans won't know what Pieces is, but it doesn't matter. If you describe it, they should see the similarity. And no one would ever argue against Pieces bein... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ1 🚸 👀1.2k

Feb '19
This is really cool. And there must be clips from a few Trash Epics, somewhere in there, so this isn't even necessarily totally irrelevant to this site!

👍2 🚸 👀93

Jan '19

To some of us, Slasher franchises matter. Maybe it's a generational thing but it's true. The big picture, the integrity of it all, maybe even closure. For some reason, closure is a big one for me. That's one reason why I was never down with Rob Zombie's contributions. Because they weren't. Those movies were remakes, and going by past remakes, this is the obvious kiss of death for a franchise, regardless of how much life it had left in it. A tr... Continue »

Jan '19
This should be fun. You know you've watched a movie or tv show in which they depict or discuss a movie, but the movie isn't actually real. Some of those can be pretty awesome. I'll jump right into it:

"Pineapple Express 2: Blood Red" was shown in This is the End, featuring Jonah Hill as Woody Harrelson. B.F.F.F. F.F.F.F.! Rogen also had a teaser for a "Neighbors 3: Zombies Rising"

Ricky and Morty had a few golden commercials for a movie that's in theaters now, coming... Continue »

Jan '19 *
I meant to post about this here a few weeks ago, but I knew I was forgetting part of the story. (edit: what reminded me of what I had forgotten is the death of Dick Miller, because he was in The Howling. That'll make sense if you keep reading). Over Christmas vacation, my family took me to see elephant seals in their natural habitat, on the coast of California a ittle ways north of Santa Carla, whoops, Santa Cruz.

When I say "natural habitat," of course I mean a small part of their natural... Continue »

Jan '19
Netflix came out with this story about an assassin who wants to get out of the life, but a greedy fat man doesn't want to pay up, so boom. Here we are in one of those John-Wick type movies about an agency fucking with the wrong man.

Mads Mikkelsen plays Duncan Vizla, aka "The Black Kaiser", who's one of those Charles Bronson type of guys who doesn't say much, but he can get the job done, no questions. The movie kind of meanders about for a while, only hinting that it'll go off the rails towar... Continue »

Jan '19 *
Here it is! The results to the 2018 Turkey Challenge! The battle of the century was waged between @TromaFreak and me. Now, we finally get the results as tabulated by a Certified Public Accountant.

Jan '19 *
Those wishing to partake, please stick your names on this thread so I can get an idea of final numbers and how to work it out for the following round. It shall begin this coming Friday 1st February.

This first time around, we will be picking bands and solo artists, not songs. It is purely optional to add a link to a "best" song you feel represents them well, as of course not all of us will be familiar with everything chosen. Otherwise, those of us who are not lazy *beep*s... Continue »

Jan '19
It's been about 20 years since I watched this movie, so I gave it another go last night just to see how it held up. It was one of those popular 90s horror movies spawning from the success of Scream in 1996, and everyone was jumping on that bandwagon.

The movie was based on a novel, but like most teen-screams from the late 90s, the screenplay was written by Kevin Williamson. He was the go-to guy in that era, and everybody was so young and fresh to Hollywood back then, it's just crazy.

You c... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ9 🚸 👀554

Jan '19
I was watching Alien with @box earlier tonight, and I have to say I quite enjoyed the movie. In the past I haven't been an alien movie fan, but my movie knowledge has expanded during this last year, and I have come to like these types of movies. Alien was really good. I like the way it immediately starts off suspenseful and is kept that way throughout the entire movie. I also like how it took place mostly on a spaceship. When they first landed, I thought the movie was going to be t... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ2 🚸 👀321

Oct '18 *

It's the greatest story ever told, the most legendary Soap Opera in history, the peak of the Horror genre... Well, maybe Dark Shadows has never been called any of those things, but then again, it's never been called "the death of continuity", but that wouldn't be much of a stretch, either, now would it? Dark Shadows has left an impact on many of us. Perhaps the biggest impact made some 50 years ago, before episodes could be rewatched, but... Continue »

Jan '19 *
Curious to know everyone's music tastes so I think this might be a good idea for a future draft. I get the impression the majority of us enjoy rock/metal music but would be interesting to know who picks what. If anyone is not sure of a particular band/artist when it comes to voting, just YouTube their "best" song.

Anyone up for this? If not more than 8 participants, I won't bother but let's see.

Jan '19 *
I remember a time when people who viewed Hollywood mainstream movies looked down on those of us that watched lesser known low budget movies. The kind that would never be shown in a theater and if they were it was probably some back alley or hole in the wall type of place.

Nowadays, it seems at least to me, that the roles have reversed. Those that view the micro low budget movies look down on those that enjoy multi-million dollar mainstream films.

Have any of you noticed this? If so, why... Continue »

Jan '19
Hey, it sounds like these guys need some support. I am really not in a position to help them much myself, but if any of you guys can share this to other horror communities you have connections with, it might help. I posted here about this store a few years ago, I think. Back around 1980 or so, the owner of Dark Delicacies, Del Howlinson, was roommates with the guy who played Scott in the original Evil Dead, and the Del part of his name was incorporated into that guy's stage name, Hal Delrich.... Continue »


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.