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Mar '19
I didnโ€™t feel like the revenge part of this movie done very well. It is kind of strange that she wanted to play with her rapist prior to killing them. Also, she is such a small woman, and the idea of seducing and then killing her rapist just doesnโ€™t seem very practical. Overall, it was just ok and nothing really special. I donโ€™t think it deserves the reputation it has.

๐Ÿ’ฌ11 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€756

Mar '19
Could be a new reboot for Rawhead Rex.

I've heard there's a new Hellraiser starting from scratch coming as well.


๐Ÿ‘1 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.7k

Mar '19
So I had this movie as the second feature on a blu-ray with The Beast of Hollow Mountain.

So a scientist creates a serum that can regress evolution. He tries it on a cat which turns it into a sabretooth tiger and eventually on himself.

Standard fare for 50's movies. When people mention the term B-Movie this is the sort of thing that comes to mind for me. It's not much good but I didn't mind watching it for the sake of curiosity.


๐Ÿ‘1 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.1k

Aug '15
So last week, blokes caught this big arse mother fucker in the Northern part of NSW. They found Jaws!


A couple of days ago, this image went viral of this monstrosity covering an electricity meter in Queensland.


Oh and while we're on the point of spi... Continue »

Mar '19
This is available On Demand right now, for another day or so. (It's also available in shitloads of other ways, of course, but that's not important right now).

One of the interesting things about this movie, to me anyway, is that you can see Edmund Gwenn (who played the elderly entomologist) acting in some scenes together with Sandy Descher (who played the poor little girl who spends most of the movie in shock). Edmund Gwenn was born in 1877, when Hollywood didn't even exist yet, and Los Ang... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ4 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1k

Mar '19
What a guy. I just heard about the Stan Lee cameo in Captain Marvel, and now I really want to see the movie. For just one joke. About Mallrats (1995).

Kevin Smith is currently doing another Jay and Silent Bob movie, because his other efforts never get greenlit. Wtf, Hollywood? Then again, he worked for Miramax a lot, so you might wonder if the Weinstein scandal has negatively affected his influence in the world of cinema. It's been a damn shame that he doesn't get his movies made. I want a go... Continue »

Mar '19
This movie left me in awe when I first saw it. It's pretty trashy, too. Like, almost perfect, even. No, this movie is perfect. It's a monster movie in a small coastal town, but not just any monster. This is a humanoid sea monster, and there are boatloads of 'em. Well, as depicted anyway. There were only about three guys in suits doing it all, but it all works out.

This movie is really short, but it's never dull. The pacing is basically perfect, giving you proper story exposition, creat... Continue »

Mar '19
I don't think there have been any threads about Phantasm in awhile. Anyone? Anyone? BOOOOOYYYYY? GIIIRRRRLLLL? BUUUUEEELLLEERRRRR? Anyone have anything to say?

I was just thinking, it is too bad they never did more with that idea from the first movie, about the Tall Man's severed finger turning into a giant carnivorous fly. They could have done a lot of things with that. Maybe every time they lop off part of the Tall Man's body, it would turn into some kind of creature? Or, it could... Continue »

Feb '19
What do you think about them? Do you have one?

I myself have a major one. Sometimes it's so strong i can't even see straight. I remember this one time dancing with a girl at a club years ago and afterwards we sat down and I asked to massage her feet. She complied, reluctantly so, and I was in heaven. Getting to rub this strange girl's sweaty feet drove me absolutely wild.

I know that there's a correlation between the genitals and feet. A lot of wiring in the body overlaps between those ar... Continue »

Mar '19
Ballz: 5251
Markus: 2030
Foz: 1414
Zombie: 1277
Troma: 971
Snowy: 774
Box: 246
Onyx: 105
Gym: 0
Der: 0

I win. By a lot. emoticon Continue »

Mar '19
Things have been so shitty lately. I mean it. I just got back home after working 14 hours to realize how divided people are on TE, and this shit really upsets me! I've poured years of my life into this place, and all I can see is how many people have joined enthusiastically, only to leave with such bitter disdain.

I blame myself. Who else can I blame? I built this fucking place, as well as all of its shortcomings. I've tried to cater to everyone, but these things can't be divided in such a wa... Continue »

Mar '14 *
Hit control + v and show us what's in YOUR clipboard today!

Mar '19 *
We do threads now and then ranking decades of horror films. I don't want to rank anything here, bu I was just wondering, if you had to break down the last century of horror movies into distinct (not necessarily totally distinct, they could overlap) periods or eras of horror.... how would you do it? They don't necessarily have to correspond perfectly to decades, of course. Like, movies about the Devil infiltrating homey, domestic settings probably peaked between the late 60's and mid 70's.... Continue »

Mar '19
He may not be the type of household name horror director the way John Carpenter, Wes Craven and George Romero are. All the same, I am pretty impressed from what I have seen of him so far. He is only Forty and he has made some good films. What hits me, is that he seems to have this skill for taking unrealistic, or unworkable, concepts and finding the humanity in them. Here is my take on what I have seen:

Oculus (2013) - I absolutely loved this one. With an emphasis on dread over gore, i... Continue »

Mar '19 *
I often feel one of my biggest disconnects from people on here is my lack of enthusiasm for most horor movies and even most horor genres. I don't really get it. Maybe I'm a bit to sensative to some things, rape, jump scares and torture don't really do it for me, I often want to close my eyes or look away. I think a lot of it comes from my upbringing. I didn't watch an R rated movie until I was 14 or 15 and it wasn't until I was 16 that I was "allowed" to. I honestly grew up watching nothing but... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ16 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€567

Mar '19
Hulk Hogan will now have to find a new rival.


๐Ÿ’ฌ2 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.4k

Mar '19
I am deeply saddened by the news of Luke Perry's passing. I have only watched a few movies, and shows he has been a part of, but I loved him in everything I have seen. For starters, he was Dylan McKay on Beverly Hills 90210. I loved this show growing up. It's a lot of drama, but it was something I could watch for hours and hours, and Luke Perry's charater was my favorite. He was the heart throb bad boy that everyone wanted, and it worked. I will always love the show because of him, and I am sad... Continue »

Mar '19 *
Since my rant used like 12 shouts I guess I'll just post it all here.

Look, Troma's and I's beef is between us. You guys don't know the vial PM's he had sent, nor the hatred he has stirred up. According to him Box is just a little bitch and I'm nothing more than a giant pussy. There is no place for that here. Yes I changed my avatar. I think it's funny and was a response to him claiming I'm trying to replace him and changing his title to be a passive aggressive dig at box and I. I could have... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ19 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€714

Mar '19 *
If you drive a car, I'll tax the street,
If you try to sit, I'll tax your seat.
If you get too cold I'll tax the heat,
If you take a walk, I'll tax your feet.
Don't ask me what I want it for
If you don't want to pay some more

That's really it just prepping my return and stewing over how much was taken from me. (Although my refund looks to be nicer this year because of the doubled child tax credit)

So I guess rant here if you don't like taxes, or even if you just don't like people th... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ16 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€439

Feb '19 *
I found this article. I am aware of what a complete dirtbag Victor Salva is, and that he personally makes all of our skin crawl even more than his Creeper character. But, I enjoy the Jeepers Creepers films, and would like to see more of them. Apparently they are working on a TV show too. If there is any way to legally steal all the profits that would have gone to Victor Salva, and distribute them to his victims, I am totally on board with that. Anyway, I just wanted to share this.
https://... Continue »

Feb '19 *
So here is the thread. Remember it's bands or solo artists. Anyone who doesn't make a choice within a 24 hour period will be given something at random of my own choosing (something definitely not in their preferred genre).

Let the draft commence!

Messiah_Of_Doom aka Tromafreak
1. Candlemass Doom Metal
2. Lamentation Dungeon Synth
3. Fall of Efrafa Crust Punk
4. Wedard Black Metal
5. Thi... Continue »

Mar '19
Wow, what a day on the shoutbox, huh?

Personally, I think the drafts are trial and error. More structure gets rid of those iffy moments of what is and what isn't, and really streamlines the whole process, and solidifies the victors with an award that wasn't polymorphed into some potentially rigged popularity contest. Solid rules help the game maintain absolution, and I can sympathize with der's point of view on that.

Normally, I'll agree that the main goal with the games is to have fun. I... Continue »

Feb '19
Ok so here is how I envision this working.

There will be 2 distinct groups in this draft and 3 distinct phases leading up to a playoff bracket.

Group One: The Drafters
Group Two: The Voters
Phase One: Population of Pool
Phase Two: Draft from Pool
Phase Three: Voting

The Drafters
During phase 1, the drafters will, in a round robin style, pick 8 actors each, 4 at a time. This will make up the "pool" of actors. Once everyone has selected 8 a... Continue »

Feb '19
Based on Marcus's thread, I'm wanting to expand my listening horizons so are looking for album recommendations, this ain't a competition though there are some rules, mainly cause I dont want some idiot listing 100 albums

1. Only list one album at a time
2. wait a decent amount of time between listing an album, like a week
3. Album has to be on spotify www.spotify.com
4. post a link to the album on spotify

๐Ÿ’ฌ13 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.1k

Feb '19
Now that I am back, and as host, I just want to send a belated emoticon to Znep for winning the Music draft. It was unexpected, but it's always good when an underdog wins. Congrats to Onyx too for coming 2nd. It was a very close tie in the end.

So here are the final standings:

1st: Znep
2nd: Onyx
Joint-3rd place: DerTables and Ballz.

Thanks to everyone who competed. It was interesting getting to know everyone's music taste, and pickin... Continue »


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.