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Jan '19
These days, they get really lazy with taglines, or they flat-out don't have them. These sort of things help sell a movie and most of the time, taglines suck. Or their just short and simple and stupid. There are a few standouts, though. Some of my favorites:

Easy Rider (1969) - A man went looking for America. And couldn't find it anywhere...

Re-Animator (1985) - Herbert West has a very good head on his shoulders... and another one in a dish on his desk.

Alien (1979)... Continue »

Feb '19
Gymno said I should implement this, so I finally did. Where is he, anyway?

So yeah, if you're too lazy to rate stuff on here, you can import your imdb ratings onto Trash Epics. This will of course adjust your 10 star vote to our 5 star system:

1 or 2 = 1/5
3 or 4 = 2/5
5 or 6 = 3/5
7 or 8 = 4/5
9 or 10 = 5/5

You can go to IMDb and export your ratings to a csv file, then upload them here at https://trashepics.com/app/import_ratings/

Any titles you rated that aren't in our database... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ11 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€526

Apr '19
So here we are... Trash Epics in 2019! And what a state we're in!

I ain't gonna lie... losing some of our most valuable posters over the DUMBEST SHIT IN HISTORY really does upset me. I could elaborate on why I'm so pissed about Tromafreak, Onyx, and Johan's decision to leave this place, but I wont, because quite frankly... their reasons are stupid as fuck, and they can all go fuck themselves for putting me in this position. I did nothing but cater to every one of their goddamn requests, and t... Continue »

Jan '19
Not a lot of us have watched the first season, but those who did were surely quite impressed. Ultra violent, fucked up, and glorious. Better than the movies, and arguably as good as DareDevil, Netflix's other series.

However, being that this is Netflix, they're highly likely to cancel the show after season 2, because they've cancelled all their Marvel collaborations. Those bastards! But in the mean time, we still have at least ONE more season, and goddamn, does it look amazing:

youtube Continue »

Apr '19 *
What a marvellous film!

'Paris, Texas' is a slow, subtle, dark and moody film that deals with love, forgiveness and redemption. It starts off with some stunning desert images where a Harry Dean Stanton wanders around until he is found by his brother. The enigmatic soundtrack stays in tune with the situations. The cinematography adds a spacious but lonely feel.

The ending is incredibly moving - one of the most emotional passages in any movie I've ever seen. The speech lasts nearly ten min... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ6 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€334

Feb '19
My record would be five. Certainly for me - five or more in a single day would be the absolute most I could manage. I would tend to get 'burnt out' after five.

What is your record?

After how many would you start to become fatigued?

Oct '18
With Halloween fast approaching, what better way to get in the mood with a festive soundtrack to set the tone? Horror movies, candy binges and rock n' roll, baby.

I remember threads like this on imdb always popping up in October so let's get a good playlist going, alright?

I'll start with an obvious classic


Apr '19
Talk here!

๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€77

Apr '19
Here's some more public domain gold for you. The House on Haunted Hill is an old school ghost story of sorts in which our devious host Vincent Price will pay $10,000 to anyone who can last the night at this supposedly haunted hill house.

The movie reminds me 'Clue' in how a small group of various folk are locked in a mansion for some ulterior motive while the plot thickens. And like Clue, this movie is set in a place where modern day conveniences are out. No phones, no escape. Just sit back a... Continue »

Apr '19
I miss that guy. Looking over his filmography, he really was in some interesting movies. Even after he achieved some degree of mainstream fame and success, he continue to appear in really weird, offbeat films like "The Dark Backward" and "The Vagrant."

Of course, he started his career in horror with "Night Warning" (according to his filmography; I honestly don't remember him in it, but it's been over a decade since I last saw it) and "Mortuary." Then he appeared in a bit part in a little kn... Continue »

Mar '19 *
I've watched Dragged Across Concrete twice now since it was released to streaming this past Friday. It's not quite as good as Zahler's previous Brawl in Cell Block 99, but it's still pretty damn good.

Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn play cops who get suspended after someone records them on a cell phone using excessive force during a drug bust. They also may or may not be racists. They certainly aren't politically correct. Financially, the suspension is a problem for both of them. Gibson and Vaugh... Continue »

Feb '19
I blind bought these two recently and plan on watching them at the weekend.

Any thoughts on these two movies?

Apr '19
Anybody remember how cool this movie was when it came out? A star-studded cast in a violent noir setting, stylish as hell, and unforgiving. Boy, I must have watched this movie a couple dozen times when it first came out on dvd. I was obsessed. Then, I bought that "extended cut", which turned out to be really shitty, because they'd split the damn movie up into segments, and added an end credit sequence to ALL of them. So yeah, there's an additional 30 minutes of footage, but 2/3rds of that... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ9 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€464

Apr '19
Basic stuff here. That bell icon up top will notify you when 1.) You get a new reply, 2.) You're tagged in a post/comment, and 3.) Someone likes your post/comment.

It ain't perfect yet, but it's good enough for me now. I still need to adjust tagged users when a post/comment is edited, incoming emails, mod notifications (only admin has them at the moment), and give it audio, but I'll get there. Just figured this was necessary to fix that bit on how a new PM would stay in your notifications for

Mar '19
Not US magazine. Not the United States. This is Jordan Peele's US. If his last movie was any indication, this movie would be okay at best. And it is. Okay.

I still think it's funny that this comedian is taking over horror. This movie will probably win two or three oscars. Even if I don't think "Get Out" was great, I still respect the guy for conning those Oscar nuts into giving him an Oscar for best screenplay on a movie that's quite similar to a few other titles and has a foggy story to it.... Continue »

Mar '19 *
Don't worry, I know a lot of us don't respond well to long posts - so I am not putting pressure on anyone to reply to this. I won't throw a hissy fit like one particular former user ! I thought I would create this post here in case anybody is looking for modern recs, and for personal reference. It goes without saying, it is all subjective. Obviously some may disagree with some listed or not listed.

The 21st century has been, overall, an extremely healthy one for horror. Thereโ€™s been the usu... Continue »

Apr '19
It's funny in a few ways... all the parallels to Marvel's "Captain Marvel", the various pokes to other DC characters in the shared universe, and because it's your favorite from the nerd herd, Zachary Levi as the buff red suit with a cape. What can he do? Well, that's part of the journey, to find out just that. And believe me, it's nothing original.

Interesting bit... John Glover returns to this third appearance in various DC canon over the years. This time, he's basically another Lionel Lutho... Continue »

Apr '19
Pop culture likes the classic Romero zombie. This is a day and age when shit like The Walking Dead is all the rage, and zombies are known to eat human flesh, and sometimes... brains.

But before the flesh eaters, we had the more classic voodoo/servant type, as seen in White Zombie, King of the Zombies, and others. I've heard the name Val Lewton mentioned a lot during this era, too. Some of those images look creepy.

So why did this breed of zombies go neglected in favor of another typ... Continue »

Apr '19 *
I always thought this was a great old school title featuring the legendary Lugosi, fresh off of Dracula. He plays a guy named "Murder", he has a unibrow, and he controls people (much like Dracula) through that nifty clenched grip thing he does.

Sure, there's a old-timey romance featuring some squares, and Lugosi mostly wants the woman because he's a conniving old bastard in this movie, but I love the scenes where you see your villain going about, smugly putting pieces together on how he can s... Continue »

Apr '19
I love this movie it's weird and so 70s and freaky and it's basically like every 80s slasher you've ever seen only not because it was made in 76/77 so it had more in common with grindhouse and exploitation movies no it isn't very gory or violent but the atmosphere is there in spades it's cruel and dark and gritty and weird and low budget there's just something about this flick i watched it again the other night I've seen it roughly 7 or 8 times now it gets better with every viewing I appreciate... Continue »

Apr '19
Harmony Korine. You either love him or you hate him. I'm in the camp that can't look away. When he puts something on screen, I'm mesmerized. Even when I felt dirty after watching Gummo, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I watched it a few more times until I discovered a depth in its grim and hopeless redneck suburbia.

I've watched Werner Herzog drink cough syrup out of a shoe because he made it look like art. I've watched Die Antwoord roll up in their pimped out wheelchairs because Harmony Korine can make magic out of nothing. Just imagine what he can do if he has starpower and a budget to boot. Continue »

๐Ÿ‘1 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€150

Apr '19
I'm sick of this place. And you know what? I don't even like trashy movies. I'm going to go watch the latest blockbuster. Fuck you guys. emoticon

๐Ÿ’ฌ11 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€607

Mar '19
I had several, over the years on IMDB. I just googled the one I had toward the end of IMDB, and this thread came up. Good for the soul, to see it. My soul, anyway. What comes up when you google your old sig lines?

๐Ÿ’ฌ10 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€393

Mar '19
So as many of you know Ballz is our new Challenge Moderator and I would like to fill a couple other moderation roles if I can.

Below are the Moderation Positions I would like to have:
Challenge Moderator: Ballz - In charge of the challenge host queue and ensuring challenges start and run efficiently. Also Keeper of the Trash Cup. (That's a title idea "Keeper of the Cup")

Draft Moderator: - In charge of the draft host queue. In charge of ensuring drafts start and run efficiently. Tasked w... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ12 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€530

Mar '19 *

I watched my favorite musical, Rocky Horror, last night, and realized it maybe my all time favorite movie. I'm thinnking about watching it again today, and already have the soundtrack playing. As a kid this must have been the first R rated movie I ever saw, although I had never really thought of it as R rated before last night. favorite movie of all time. My mom is an ex-ballarina and show choir performer so I saw this at a relatively young age, bu... Continue »


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