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Jun '19
I didn't say that the way I mean it, I don't know how to say this right. I have U.S. Marshals on TV right now, on the AMC channel. Tommy Lee Jones's gang of deputy underlings crack me up, the way they interact with each other and with Tommy Lee. I started thinking, that was kind of a trend in the 90s and maybe the late 80s, to have a lot of banter between buddies in a group of people who somehow assist the main character. Think about it. There was U.S. Marshals, The Fugitive, Twister, Dante... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ7 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.6k

Jun '19
I'll try to get this posted on Sunday from now on.

I have so little time for movies anymore but I managed to revisit Baba Yaga (1973) a few nights ago. I had it on DVD but decided to replace it with the Blu-ray. It was worth it - the colors look a little richer and you can see more in the dark scenes than before. I don't remember if this movie ever got mentioned on the old board but I always liked it. It's a little different than anything else I've ever seen, possibly due to the unusual s... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ1 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€287

Jun '19
WOW! So I got the chance to see Shaft this past weekend! I took my family for Fatherโ€™s Day, and WOW! I loved every second of it! Samuel L Jackson is one of my favorite actors and he did not disappoint! The story line was pretty good! The set up of it was good. I didnโ€™t think there were any slow moments! Lots of funny parts, so youโ€™ll always be laughing throughout the movie! Regina Hall made an appearance and that girl is beyond gorgeous!!

Anyways, I think thereโ€™s gonna be another one... Continue »

Jun '19
When this movie first came across my radar some years ago I immediately sought it out being an obsessive fan of all things terrible, '80s, and slasher. So, this being a terrible '80s slasher it was right up my alley, but I came away disappointed. Watched it again last night, and found a new level of appreciation for it.

Every once in a while a movie will come along and make you wonder to yourself, "How in the hell did this get made?!" Ogroff, AKA Mad Mutilator, is one such film.... Continue »

Jun '19
I haven't had time to do this in so long that I guess we can include the last several weeks.

Offerings (Blu-ray)
Phantom Lady (Blu-ray)
The Chosen (Blu-ray)
Witchboard (Blu-ray)
Lords of Chaos (Blu-ray)
A Simple Favor (Blu-ray)
The Iguana With the Tongue of Fire (Blu-ray)
First Born
Sweet Body of Bianca
Black Candles
Death Steps in the Dark

๐Ÿ’ฌ3 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€328

Jun '19
I don't even know where to start. First of all, the Beatles are by far my favorite band. I listen to their XM Radio station every day. I know all of the words to 90% of their songs, including each of their solo careers. I bought @Box and his mom, my mother-in-law, these tickets back in January. I've never looked forward to something as much in my life. When I had my heart failure issues I used to joke and say as long as I make it until June 14th. Anyway, enough preamble let's talk about the conc... Continue »

Jun '19
Has anyone seen this recently? It's on AMC. I just noticed a few likely references to 80s movies that I think I missed in previous viewings.

Toward the end, Nica dresses very similarly to how Chris Sarandon dressed, not in the original Child's Play, but in Fright Night (1985). She has a red scarf on, and a winter coat with a sort of collar that is not identical to, but is similar to, what Chris S wore in FN. Chris S's winter coat was darker in color, but otherwise they are kind of similar... Continue »

Nov '17
Easily the one of the most fun straight forward horror movies. Watch a monster kill some people for an hour and a half.

I heard that Clive Barker retroactively made Rawhead Rex an official part of the Nightbreed. But i'm not sure.


Jun '19
Bob Clark made an ultra-creepy Christmas classic back in 1974. It relied on mood, mystery, and dread, with the perfect amount of humor thrown into the mix. Top notch horror, and with that said... it didn't resonate to the studios for some 32 years. Then, somebody asked Santa for a new Black Christmas, and what did they get?

In 2006, some bastard finally decided to revive pop awareness of the original by directing the remake. Granted, the movie isn't half bad, with a great lighting scheme and... Continue »

Jun '19 *
It's On Demand this month. I'm basically a fan of this movie, although there are probably too many things that you're not supposed to think too hard about.

Dominic Purcell is really good in this, he has such a sense of urgency. He's always charging around with his eyes really wide open, bellowing at the top of his lungs. In this movie, he reminds me a lot of Richard E. Grant in Warlock (1989). He's supposed to be the only one who really understands how much peril everyone is in.. or leas... Continue »

Jun '19
After the 1981 slasher saturation, things would never be as good as that again. So in 1982, we went out with a bang, because The Slumber Party Massacre is just really fun to watch.

The backstory of our killer Russ Thorn is as generic as it gets, because we don't need a backstory for this guy. We just need a creeper to stalk and kill some gratuitous teens through various great locations.

We start off in a lovely suburb of California. A few popular slashers are set in Cali, and others filmed... Continue »

Jun '19
The X-Men series has always been hit or miss. The first two films were pre-MCU hits that launched a few careers. Even if some of these movies suck... and they do it hard... Hugh Jackman was always bad-ass as Wolverine. The series finally started getting its shit together around 2014 with the epic "Days of Future Past", a mix between the old and failed X-verse with the new and popular First-Class-verse, and it worked. Exceedingly well.

Fox was finally learning from their mistakes, espec... Continue »

Jun '19
No this isn't a rant about Blue Velvet, although I do love the film. This is a rant about me finally feeling cohesion with the titular quote. Never in my life have I hated a beer; I've disliked the taste, cut myself on the can, thrown up because I drank too much too fast, throw up because I choked on it and thrown up because I just simply drank too much. Yet never and I mean literally never have I ever hated a beer... Until tonight.

It all started pretty normally. I had had a long day, fight... Continue »

Jun '19
Like many Italian films of the time, this one begins in New York with some grizzly imagery of a mental patient's recurring nightmares about dismemberment and past trauma. However, George is making progress in his treatments at the institution, so he's given some leeway.

Of course, on his first night out, he prowls the streets of NY, and that can only lead him to one place: a sex shop/strip joint. Naturally, his issues are sexual in nature, and this can never end well to a man of this type.... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ6 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€278

Jun '19
I've been meaning to see more Larry Clark movies for a while, so I finally knocked this one off the list. In this one, James Woods takes a delinquent junkie under his wing, teaching him how to rob places and be a better bad guy.

It starts off in the urban city muck with petty crimes, like stealing change from the vending machines. Very quickly, this movie shows you it isn't fucking around when our scrawny protagonist gets the shit beat out of him by a disgruntled security guard. Shit got fuck... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ6 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€347

Jul '18 *
image In 1977, a group of dumb, horny teens get murdered at a bible camp. In 1984, another group of dumb, horny teens arrive at the same camp for some more murder. The second group's led by Reggie Bannister though, so at least they have that going for them.

For some reason, Father Cummings (Reggie) thinks it would be a good idea for his church to buy the camp. He's warned about th... Continue »

Jun '19
This is a bit of an unexpected venture from Jonah, but he did a really good job with it. I was a 90s kid and I used to skate, so I see a lot of truth to this movie. Our protagonist is Stevie, a 13-year-old in Los Angeles who lives with his mom and his older, volatile brother Ian. And when I say volatile, I mean it. The movie begins with him beating the hell out of Stevie for going into his room, pinning him down and punching him in the face. This dude is a dick, but Stevie still aspires to get i... Continue »

๐Ÿ‘1 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€142

Jun '19
So I'm not feeling super creative lately, but I recently developed a nice frame work for a Command and Conquer like RTS system. My struggle has been thinking of good factions and good unique units for those factions. So I figured why not ask the community!

My basic idea is Trash People vs Stellas. Essentially Stellas (Hollywood Disco types) have taken over the world and a collection group of Trash People are waging a war to fight and take back the world in the name of Trash. The two sides wi... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ1 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€2.2k

Jun '19
1981 was a damn fine year for slasher movies. Everyone was trying to rip-off Friday the 13th, which was ripping off Halloween, and we ended up getting dozens of rip-offs of rip-offs until the genre died for a few years. It was slasher overkill, and that all piqued in 1981.

Our killer is as generic as it gets. He dresses like Jason from F13-3, but he doesn't wear a mask. He looks like some Sonny Landham type, only he sticks to the shadows, because his character is as generic as it gets. He's a... Continue »

๐Ÿ‘3 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€139

Jun '19
Well, it ain't the first time, but it might be for real. The character of John Connor is said to only have a minimal appearance in the new film, and I think it's safe to assume that it's his "Dark Fate" that he doesn't make it too far after T2.

Basically, we only have Sarah in this movie, trying to protect John's successor. I read somewhere that another attempt was made shortly after T2, where some article said a machine was sent back to kill in him 1998. That might explain Arnold's involveme... Continue »

Jun '19
Ma (2019) is a new horror movie by Blumhouse, because if a movie comes out theatrically, there's a good chance it's made by Blumhouse. They've become a rather solid company these days, and they yield generally positive results, IMO.

Teens need to party, and a woman lends them her basement. However, this woman is mentally unbalanced for generic reasons you've all seen before, and voila! There's a premise to abide by.

Again, it's nothing you guys haven't seen before. Bullies made her psycho... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ6 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€521

Jun '19
then this is the short for you.


๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€71

Apr '19
May 1st- May 31st

Hey guys, this month the challenge will be a literary challenge. This means that any movie based on a novel, novella, poems and short story will count. Graphic Novels, and Comic Books will not count, but they will be covered in a different month.

The book must be the basis of the movie, and not the other way around. Books spawning from movies, like Star Wars, will not count.

There will be several ways you can earn points
1 point if the movie is based on a book
... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ16 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€2.7k


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.