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Jun '20 *

There are a lot of theories on what is racist and what isn't. Or who is the most racist and who might have a right to be. I'm not here to attempt to clear up anything for anybody, as this subject isn't my area of expertise, and not a subject I find all that entertaining. Although when it comes to comedy, all bets are off for me. There are plenty of dark subjects that CAN be funny. Not always, and especially if not timed all that great, but it's a thi... Continue »

Jun '20
About a man getting his gooch licked?

Jun '20
Anybody ever read this? There must be a Poul Anderson fan or two in here. Anyone? Anyone? That is the correct spelling of his first name, by the way, P O U L. Notice that O is at the opposite side of the keyboard from A, soooo that's not a typo. I think the name might be Danish.

Anyway, the story is sort of a cross between the movie The Legacy (1978) and the TV show Survivor. The book I'm talking about came out a long time ago, in the late 70s or early 80s. It's about a bunch of people... Continue »

Jun '20
Anyone seen this? It's based on Henry Lee Lucas and was made, as far as I know, shortly before Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer.

Unlike the 1986 John McNaughton film, Confessions changes the names of everyone involved. So instead of Henry, we have Daniel and instead of Otis, we have Moon.

Even for someone familiar with the real life crimes, Confessions has plenty to offer and despite the fact that it pulls from the same source material, it goes in a completely different direction than Hen... Continue »

Jun '20
The slasher genre was at its peak in the early 80s, but not every one of these movies was breaking new ground. Sometimes, they overanalyzed their predecessors to make a product based on the formula and it didn't always work out. So what about Prom Night then? Where does it fit in?

Two years after Halloween, Jamie Lee Curtis was still a go-to option in the genre. If she's in the movie, it can't possibly be bad, right? Well... I'll be honest. I like Prom Night. Truth be told, it really isn't a gr... Continue »

👍1 🚸 👀136

Jun '20
I started my genre obsession with slashers because they were realistic. Sequels aside. They all started off as somewhat plausible concepts, so that's how I was able to access the genre from a point of realism.

I haven't seen a great slasher in a long time, so I feel that they're not as relevant as they once were, but I still get excited when the old ones make a modern reprise. I'm ready to cum blood for Halloween Kills.
How do you feel about slashers over the years?

Jun '20
It's been a while since I watched this, but when in RomeAmazon Prime...

This was a surpringly decent rewatch. A few college freshmen pull a New Years prank on some nerd so that he thinks he's going to make it with a hot woman, but it ends up being a gutted corpse from the med lab. That's funny, right? So the guy loses his mind and is sent to the looney bin.

Three years later on yet another New Year's Eve, the same group of med students are celebrating with a late-night party... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ5 🚸 👀1.7k

Jun '20
I like this story. I am pretty sure it was based on the Winston Niles Rumfoord character, in the Kurt Vonnegut book "The Sirens of Titan." That would make this story sort of a cousin or sibling of Watchmen, because the Dr. Manhattan character was also based on Winston Niles Rumfoord.

Anyway, this is an interesting story, but it has sort of a complicated style. I think it's worth spending time figuring it out. The basic idea is the a guy who had trained as an astronaut is hired for a time... Continue »

🚸 👀1.4k

Jun '20
Hey guys, I hope you had a wonderful May. This challenge is fun, and I will definitely bring it back next year! The slasher cahllenge is now underway, if you haven't joined, then come on! What are you waiting for. Slashers are awesome, and their are tons out there. But before we get well into the month, here is the results for the liteary challenge.

Bambithedeer: 93
Box_a_Hair: 51
Der_Table: 51

Ballz: 36
Tromafreak: 4
ZombieCPA: 3
Markus-san: 1
OnyxHades: 0

I hope everyone had

May '20
In the days of my dvd obsession, I was always open to blind-buying the Anchor Bay disc of this movie because I enjoyed Don Coscarelli's work after watching Phantasm and Bubba Ho-Tep, but this title always evaded me. It fell out-of-print, so I was screwed.

Thanks to Amazon Prime, I was able to catch this movie over dozen years after my initial interest, and I figured it would probably underwhelm me at this point in my life. I'm happy to say I was wrong. This movie was a lot of fun.

Back in 1982... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ3 🚸 👀1k

Apr '20 *
Starts May 1st at midnight and ends June 1st at midnight!

Hey guys, this month the challenge will be a literary challenge. This means that any movie based on a novel, novella, poems and short story will count. Graphic Novels and Comic books will count this year.

The book must be the basis of the movie, and not the other way around. Books spawning from movies, like Star Wars, will not count.

There will be several ways you can earn points
1 point if the movie is based on a book
... Continue »

May '20
Seeing as this guy has so much material, I still haven't seen all of his movies, so I sought out a few titles I haven't seen.

Hearts in Atlantis (2001) - This has quite a few Stephen King tropes in it, which is never a bad thing. It's a period piece primarily set in the late 60s and deals with a lot of childhood stuff in a Connecticut suburb. David Morse plays the modern day character reflecting on this youthful self played by a tiny Anton Yelchin living with his selfish somewhat of a b... Continue »

🚸 👀1.4k

May '20
This could potentiallybe a pretty funny thread, if it takes off... I watched Bachelor Party (1984) a few days ago, and there's a great little scene where one of Tom Hanks' friends (the basket case drug addict guy who drives them away in the bus at the end) is watching TV, and he sees someone on TV who reminds him of his wife. He says something like "She was so young when we met... that bitch." I always thought that was so unexpected, how he just says it out of nowhere. I bet no one seeing the... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ3 🚸 👀228

May '20
I'm going through Amazon Prime's list and I figured, why not? There's a reason this and the previous film didn't get theatrical releases. They're not that good and they don't have Arnold, but they were probably easy to shit out.

Stallone has a bigger role in this than he did in the last one. For some reason, they decided to give some random dude the spotlight in part 2 and Stallone was reduced to a bit part. Not sure why they thought that was a good idea, but they probably just figured this who... Continue »

🚸 👀70

May '20
That pretty much sums up this movie. Peter Weller leads a team of deep sea miners to collect metals and minerals and they discover a downed Russian ship. After excavating it, they bring aboard an infected bottle of vodka that kills and mutates the crew in a Stan Winston special effects bonanza.

Where it becomes The Thing is in how the infection merges people and transforms them into weird looking monsters, and it's also in an isolated setting where they must avoid infection.

It's funny to note... Continue »

👍1 🚸 👀343

May '20
Watching it right now. It's free, on On Demand. Mostly a waste of time, except for some cute girls, and the fact that supposedly they filmed it in an old building that was some kind of reform school where Rory Calhoun was sent sometime back in the late 1930s or early 40s. It takes all kinds of critters to make Farmer Vincent's fritters!

🚸 👀93

May '20
Out of all the seven dwarfs who do you think you would be. I would have to say I would be dopey cause I have a lot of blonde moments, and seen out of it a lot! But close second would be happy. Can I be a new dwarf, Happily Dopey!

And bonus points if you can name all the seven dwarfs without looking it up. I sat here for a bit trying to name them. I got six and was at a blank. But I finally figured it out!

đŸ’Ŧ10 🚸 👀560

May '20
Okay, so I know a lot of you probably aren't a fan of the cw or it's shows, but Arrow is honestly one the best shows I have ever watched. Sure it has a couple seasons, like 4, 5, and 6. I barely remember what those seasons were about.

Now I haven't always been a fan of Arrow. I watched a few episodes when it first came on, and I couldn't stand watching it. Four years later, I discover flash, who is my favorite super hero. So I binge flash, and of course this show has cross over with Arrow, bec... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ2 🚸 👀1.1k

May '20
Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing amazing. I just wanted to make a quick little post and hopefully you all can help me out!

So I decided to finally host a challenge! I'm actually hosting 2 in the next two months. I am super excited! For the most part I have my July challenge figured out, but I am stuck on the slasher challenge for next month! Now I know and I talked to Snowy and usually the slasher challenge is only for 2 weeks? I wanted to change that into a month because I really like... Continue »

May '20
I'll be restructuring the damn thing to optimize it for a new feature I'm working on: the multiplayer turn-based arcade. I'm building a whole lobby/room system for it, which will also provide new shoutbox rooms for basically any page, so bear with the bugs and I'll try to make the downtime as quick and unnoticable as possible. You've been warned!

đŸ’Ŧ1 🚸 👀1k

May '20
One of my go-to sources for great recommendations had mentioned this A24 indie a few weeks ago, and when I saw it was on Netflix, I couldn't pass up the chance. This is not so much a story as it is a collection of incidents with seemingly legitimate white trash Florida characters living in a motel run by the great Willem Dafoe.

Primarily, we follow a free spirit named Halley, played to perfection by Bria Vinaite, who I've never heard of before, but hope to see more of in the future. She lets he... Continue »

May '20
I don't know where to post this. You COULD watch it on TV, if you want, so I'll post it here. This is just something funny that happened last night. I was watching as it happened. Two... um... I was gonna say "chicks"... well, OK, two chicks, one of whom is an astrophysicist and the other of whom is a PhD candidate in biology, were hosting a little Youtube show they do sometimes. The name of the show is Drunk Science. God bless them for doing this. They don't seem to get totally hammered,... Continue »

🚸 👀774

May '20
I am curious y'all, how many of you guys want the Stephen King mini Challenge again this month. You can count whatever you watch on both challenges

May '20
This might be worth giving a shot, for some of us here. It's not exactly a horror, but... Peter Cushing, Caroline Munro, and MONSTERS. Close enough, right?!? I mean, jeez Louise, what the hell do you want?!?


May '20 *
When seeking for some good movies from the early 1910s I found an animated short which really blew me away. The original name is in Russian (and hard to remember) as that's the creator's nationality I stick to its English name: The Cameraman's Revenge.

The animation is not done with puppets but real bugs. Sure they are dead but you wouldn't say so if you see how fluently they are moving. The setting is like our world and they act and interact like real humans. It feels so natural sitting on... Continue »

👍3 🚸 👀300


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.