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Nov '21
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🚸 👀919

Oct '21
For a movie with a 3.5 on imdb, it wasn't terrible. I avoided it for a while because it's a sequel in concept only, but that isn't always a bad thing. The second movie wrapped up all those loose ends, so where do we go from there? Colorado, apparently.

Yeah, WTF is the fisherman from North Carolina doing in Colorado mountain territory? Well, our characters start their descent with a prank involving him because their too damn stupid to realize they're landlocked. It's like telling a story about... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ5 🚸 👀397

Jul '20
In my room, I have 4 distinct shelves loaded to the brim with dvds that I've collected from the heydey of my youthful era of teenage angst and self-exploration. These titles are primarily (though not exclusively) horror films that struck my fancy when I was perhaps impressionable enough to deem them as essentials. Classics of the genre that stood the test of time.

However, some movies take a while to gain the appreciation they deserve, and some are billed as classics almost immediately. It's ha... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ11 🚸 👀1.5k

Oct '21 *
You know the type, takes place often in a small area, with some mystery guy behind it all, like

Fermats Room

đŸ’Ŧ2 🚸 👀718

Oct '21
A very Evil Dead/S-Mart inpired movie, starring Bruce Campbell, Devon Sawa, and Michael Jai White. This will be a must-see for me.


🚸 👀165

Oct '21
My sister renewed Netflix to watch "You" season 3 and told me to watch season 1, so I started an episode... next thing you know, I had binged the entire first season in one day.

Usually, it takes about half a season for me to know my stance on a show, but this show was pretty fucking good. I can't stop thinking about that ending.

Anybody watch it? If so, no spoilers, because I plan to start on season 2 in a couple of days.

đŸ’Ŧ6 🚸 👀1k

Mar '21 *
Quizzes are a new post type. To create a quiz, go to the forum page and click the Add Post button (➕) next to the search button. Select 'Quiz' instead of 'Post' and you can add questions/items to the quiz.

You can ask four types of questions:

Single: Select one answer choice.
Multiple: Select one or more answer choices.
Input: Enter text answer. You are allowed to specify multiple correct answers and whether the answer is case sensitive.
Match: Match the te... Continue »

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đŸ’Ŧ5 🚸 👀455

Sep '21 *

Any questions, suggestions, requests for recommendations, discussions you wish to have can go right here...

đŸ’Ŧ15 🚸 👀1.3k

Oct '21
I don't have a whole hell of a lot to say about these, but they were all right. As far as "modern" horror slasher types go, this was a cut above the rest. The various time frames is reminiscent of American Horror Story, only it doesn't suck ass. We didn't have all that dumb meta shit, the sets and costumes were spot on, the slashers were cool looking, it was definitely gory, the characters were likeable, and the soundtrack was fantastic. I felt like I was back in the 90s with the songs and style... Continue »

🚸 👀225

Oct '21 *
OK we're just over half way through the month so I thought I would give you an update on who has already completed the challenge, who is on track and who really needs to put in a bit of work...

Already done and dusted:
Vincent - 47 (23)
Box - 43 (26)
Ballz - 43 (22)
Troma - 42 (36)
Deferenz - 32 (20)
insanislupus 31 - (31)

On track for glory:
Johan - 29 (26)
ebossert - 29 (19)
triggerhappy - 25 (25)
Nicko - 22 (20)
markus... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ13 🚸 👀1.1k

Oct '21
This movie was fucking CRAZY. It picks up right after Halloween 2018 and doesn't have to waste time with exposition, but there are a few recaps for anyone dumb enough to jump into this sequel without having seen the last one. In addition to recaps, they also have some extended backstories to the original 1978 events, which are pretty glorious in their own right.

Jamie Lee is back of course, but not in the capacity you would expect. The last movie was her film. This movie is about the carnage an... Continue »

Oct '21
Just had this dream, and it would make a nice film so I'm putting it in the public domain, though will need rewoeking as since it was a dream things prolly don't make sense.

Scene: small town of 500-1000 ppl by the sea somewhere in NZ. The main character about 35 white, A works in a fish processing factory , turning small fish into fertilizer, his supervisor is a maori guy B. A is fed up at work and gets an idea to turn some of this fish into food flavoring instead to make his own brand of pota... Continue »

🚸 👀112

Oct '21 *
Just finished watching this Thai/Korean co-production on Shudder and it bored the crap out of me.

The director is the man who gave us "Shutter", "Alone" and the "Phobia" movies. All good. The producer is the man who directed "The Chaser, "The Yellow Sea" and "The Wailing." This movie should have been way better than it turned out.

If I had to describe "The Medium" in one word, it would be "boring." 2 hours and 11 minutes is not justified here.

This movie takes a long time to get going... Continue »

🚸 👀957

Oct '21
As far as remakes go, this wasn't shit. It always helps when the movie being remade is shitty from the get-go because you might have room for improvement in that case. Here, production values are better than both BF movies, but are we really going into a movie like this for production values?

Robert "Elm Street 2 Grady" Rusler plays the new Fuad Ramses, a family man who moved to France to run a not-so-successul diner business with his wife Caroline "Stretch" Williams. Already, the cast is alrig... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ6 🚸 👀440

Jul '21
I used to think this movie was bad, but it's worse than bad. It's one of the dumbest money grabs I've ever had the misfortune of seeing.

We'll start with the god-awful retcon... In H20, Laurie gives Michael a slew of stabbings to the chest before he falls off the second-story balcony. While she's headed down the stairs to give him the final blow, a paramedic finds him and examines him before Michael awakens and rises to his feet to crush the guy's throat. Michael proceeds to undress himself, th... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ1 🚸 👀1.1k

Oct '21 *
I came across this DVD at a swap meet. Never heard of it, so thought I would give it a whirl.
My GOD, what a piece of shit. After watching it, I did a little research. It is not on IMDB, but it IS on TMDB.
The first half was filmed in probably mid to late 90s, and includes wonderful scenes, such as having camera sitting on the floor filming a wall for about two minutes while the action was in a different room.
The second half was filmed probably 2008, and has (I'm guessing) at least five minutes... Continue »

👍1 🚸 👀955

Sep '21
I never dream. It's not that I dream and forget what I dream about, because I would at least remember that I don't remember what the dream was about. For some damn reason, I had sooo many dreams last night, and they were all NIGHTMARES!

If I were to go into detail about all of it, they wouldn't seem nearly as frightening or engaging as they were to me, but the gist of it is that I continually fell asleep, had a nightmare, and woke up in a sweat since I'd exhausted myself in the process of men... Continue »

Oct '21
When you've seen the theatrical cut as many times as I have, this version seems a bit bizarre in comparison. Many scenes are re-arranged and there's a lot of alternate takes used as well as additional scenes, which come at the cost of less graphic kills and some completely removed kills. Some characters just disappear after a certain point, and if this is the only version you've seen, it might cause a bit of confusion.

A notable difference is that this is only presented in full screen. The fi... Continue »

🚸 👀378

Oct '21
I wont get too long winded here, but this was a pretty decent flick. It has one hell of a cast if you haven't noticed with the leads being Alison (Cristina Raines) and Michael (Chris Sarandon). Alison moves into a Brooklyn apartment and things get weird quick.

This is a religion horror in the vein of Rosemary's Baby, complete with an apartment setting and weird neighbors, both based on books released within 7 years of each other. It's fairly engaging, and though it gets a little slow in the mid... Continue »

Oct '21
Monsturd. Now that's a good movie! Set in Butte County California. I know the name is supposed to be the "butt" of the joke, but it's even funnier that it's set in California, because that whole state is bullshit, just like our killer Jack Schmidt, aka The Shit-Man!

This movie will make you fear the toilet like Jaws made you fear the water. Don't get caught with your pants down! And protect yourself from the shit-man by wearing diaper armor and stocking up on pepto bismol and a million flies.... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ2 🚸 👀370

Sep '21
I think it's pretty fucking stupid that Victor Miller won the infamous Friday the 13th lawsuit. He shat out a screenplay while Sean Cunningham produced, directed, and breathed life into the damn movie. It's much more his movie than Vic's, and also much more his franchise since he produced later installments. If Cunningham had the rights, we'd probably have another Jason movie already.

đŸ’Ŧ2 🚸 👀260

Oct '21
What better way to start off the Halloween season than to watch a Christmas movie set on a tropical island? Since I have the worst taste in movies, this is a no-brainer.

For no reason, a group of scientists revive the killer snowman from the last movie, and he somehow manages to travel 2000 something miles to a Caribbean island resort where our sheriff and his wife are taking a vacation. The first movie was dumb, but this one is definitely dumber and with shittier effects.

The kills are funny.... Continue »

🚸 👀816

Sep '21 *
So, I have RLS (restless leg syndrome) and I've had it for years. I'm currently out of my medicine for it, and that means no sleep. I hate having it! It's so annoying and painful.

I think the longest I went without sleep was 7 or 8 days while waiting on my medicine to be filled. Those were some crazy nights! Tromafreak told me I was talking about naked guinea pigsemoticon.

No real reason for this post aside from not being able to sleep. Do any of you have RLS? What's the longest you went withou... Continue »

Sep '21
I have not thought about this is a long time... possibly never, actually. Anyway, I was just wondering if Candyman might have been partly inspired by John, the old voodoo priest in the original Child's Play. Just the art on the walls in each of their homes, which was apparently made by John in Child's Play, and by Candyman in C... it's sort of similar. Also, I guess just the fact that both characters are black makes me wonder if one could have inspired the other.

Candyman was at least mostly... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ4 🚸 👀775


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.