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Feb '22 *
So as suggested by Box, we're going to do a mini challenge for February. For those in the mood for a spot of learning for the rest of the month, make your spot below.

1 point for every minute watched of any documentary (minimum duration of 30 minutes).

Add 10 points for a documentary about a dark subject matter.

Add 20 points for a documentary about the horror genre or a specific horror movie.

Add 30 points for any documentary on Black Hist... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ9 🚸 👀2.2k

Mar '22
This is a horror-ish... dramedy? That's a pretty good word for it. It's about a school where the kids in the senior class keep spontaneously exploding. They just sort of pop, VERY abruptly, with no warning at all. Anyone could do it, at any moment, there is no way of knowing when it will happen. The movie never even really explains why it happens, exactly... it's mostly about how the kids deal with their knowledge of their own mortality.

Katherine Langford, who was in Knives Out, does a re... Continue »

Mar '22
This Troma movie is mildly amusing. An asshole alien crashlands in redneck territory and kills everyone it comes across. A massive gunfight erupts in which several mobile rednecks fire against the stationary Nightbeast, who is blasting his ray gun recklessly and excessively in all directions. Of course, when one of his rays hits a human, the human glows bright before disintigrating, because that's the funny way to do it. So not only is this alien not moving from his spot, but his face doesn't mo... Continue »

Nov '21 *
So here is the topic where all those who are interested for these type of movies can sign up. Since December is a busy month for some I got the permission to let this challenge last for 2 months starting December 1st until 31st January 2022.

What kind of movies are allowed:

* Found footage: people went missing or dead and there is footage found that shows what happened before their fate was sealed (Blair Witch Project, Cannibal Holocaust, The McPherson Tape)
* Documentary/Mockumentary sty... Continue »

Mar '22
I have never noticed anybody posting about Dr. Chopper here. I have not seen it in a while, but I definitely remember that it would fit in pretty well with a lot of the other movies we talk about. The title supposedly means that the evil doctor in the movie rides a chopper/motorcycle, but there is also a lot of horror movie style chopping going on.

It is no masterpiece, by anyone's standards, but it might be worth a watch if you are looking for a "so bad it's good" movie. Hmmm, OK, I see... Continue »

🚸 👀281

Mar '22
...who just can't fathom why anybody would enjoy gory movies? Like you must be some sort of sicko who enjoys real life violence. How do you explain the difference? Damn near 20 years ago I did watch a real life decapitation online, and it bummed me the fuck out. I don't ever want to see anything like that again. But in a fictional movie, I love a good old fashioned decapitation! How hard is this to understand?

đŸ’Ŧ5 🚸 👀658

Feb '22 *
This pretty cool. The Hammer Horror films twitter account just posted this, but it looks like it's an Italian film... my first guess was Spansih or Portuguese, I had to check. Anyway, they describe this as the first gore film, from 1936. This clip is two minutes long. https://twitter.com/HorrorHammer1/status/1497085961397837824

Feb '22
This is the third "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" film, though not to be confused with "Texas Chainsaw Massacre III: Leatherface", which is not to be confused with "Leatherface". With franchises these days, the same-name titles tend to go: Original, Remake, Sequel to the Original only. This one can't quite be a true legacy sequel since all the original actors are either dead or irrelevant, but we'll take what we can get, huh?

So to avoid all the plot specifics, I'll say overall... I didn't hate it. I... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ7 🚸 👀598

Feb '22
I don't understand football. You can explain it to me, but I still wont get it, because I simply don't care about any sports. Never have, never will. But the super bowl has never been about football to me. It's always been about the commercials, and this year, it's more about the trailers for me.

Moon Knight's tv spot is meh. They don't show much new footage and I'm not a fan of his costume. It bears more resemblance to a mummy than it does the comic's aesthetic.

Doctor Strange in th... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ11 🚸 👀765

Jan '22
Due to the element of mystery of these movies, this review will have to be vague as fuck. When I saw the first trailer, it was so vague that my interest was very slim. When all these glowing reviews started pouring in, my curiosity grew a lot, and I had to avoid the damn internet like the plague because the stupid news articles are constantly trying to spoil things with their headlines, those dumb bastards.

So it's been 11 years since the last movie, though this entry is being set 25 years afte... Continue »

Feb '22
Hi folks. I've been lazy as shit lately, and I apologize for that. Winter drains my will to live.

So, February is an empty month here. Is the Trash Challenge happening in March like usual? The Found Footage Challenge was more fun than I thought, but I burned out after about a month. I think a mini challenge might be a good idea to prepare for that possible Trash Challenge, just to keep the routine going.

February is black history month, and I blew the chance to do something with that. At t... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ10 🚸 👀532

Jan '22
I watched this the other day. I have seen it before, of course, but I haven't paid close attention while viewing it in... several years, maybe more than ten. Yikes.

Now that I've watched it without being distracted, I can't stop thinking about why it isn't better than it is. I can't figure it out. It seems like it should be a major horror/sci-fi classic, just for the scenes with Brad Dourif and Sigourney Weaver talking to each other. Just stop and think about that, for a sec. What a great... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ15 🚸 👀931

Feb '22
Unless they get her first... she'll never let them out alive! Gator Bait has a surprisingly interesting story going for it. The deputy and his redneck friend lust after a sexy swamp lady in her daily gator wrangling routine, but if she's crazy enough to be playing with alligators, you ought to know this ain't no ordinary woman. As soon as they make their rapist intentions known to her, she plays victim, speeding away in her motor boat until she baits them into her trap.

Snakes! Scaring the men... Continue »

🚸 👀205

Dec '21 *
This is for anyone who wants to keep a log of their viewings/ratings every month so please feel free to add yours.

The links for the previous 5 years viewings are here if anyone still needs to access them for reference:

2021: https://trashepics.com/post/30/37/
2020: https://trashepics.com/post/30/31/
2019: https://trashepics.com/post/30/9/
2018: https://trashepics.com/post/30/5/
2017: https://trashepics.com/post/9/97/

đŸ’Ŧ6 🚸 👀5.8k

Jan '22
Has anyone actually gotten this blu-ray? I pre-ordered it Novermber 8 and the street date was supposedly November 23. The place I ordered it from never got it and keeps saying it's backordered, and it's now listed as out of stock everywhere. It's not listed on the Arrow website at all. Did it ever actually get released?

🚸 👀699

Jan '22
Whilst browsing Shudder's epic catalogue, I remember hearing about a zombie movie about a girl with big boobs going to a hospital for a reduction and then having to deal with a zombie outbreak instead. That movie is called Yummy, probably because she looks very yummy indeed.

The whole movie has her self-conscious about her breasts while everyone around her is telling her that she has a beautiful body and that she should be happy with what God and nature gave her. Then, the zombies come along... Continue »

Jan '22
Before I cancel Disney+, I wanted to get through all this shit while I can. Right off the bat, I can say I think this "phase" is weak as hell, and I'm not impressed with most of what I'm seeing. The whole Marvel Cinematic Universe is becoming so formulaic with forced diversity when a 90s era comic fan like me doesn't want to see any of this new shit. I only want to see the same old shit I grew up with, which is to say the characters I grew up with. They're introducing so many new boring characters, it makes my head ache. Anywho, here goes... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ9 🚸 👀1.2k

Dec '21
We're a little over halfway in the season of Dexter: New Blood, and they're starting to throw a lot at us. I'm not sure how spoilery this thread will get, but the ending of the latest episode has me antsy to see what happens next.


Harrison is a bit of a dick, Dexter is still leaving out too many details for him to truly connect with anyone, and Kurt is trying to win Harrison over. Dexter's gonna need to step up his game if he wants his son to not hate him!

And a somewhat unrelate... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ27 🚸 👀1.9k

Jan '22
I've been trying to squeeze in a few more found footage viewings before this month ends, and since I loved the first Hell House, I suppose it was time to check out the second.

What we have here is more or less the same. Another documentary crew goes into the Abaddon Hotel to investigate the disappearances of the last slew of victims and are quick to find themselves trapped in a hopeless situation. There were definitely a few creepy moments, but this entry did seem a bit more overt, and a lot of... Continue »

🚸 👀366

Jan '22
I've seen the theatrical version twice, so I was pretty certain I would notice the extended scenes when they came up, and the verdict? WHY THE FUCK BOTHER? There are a total of TWO extended scenes that total maybe twenty seconds, plus the extended ending which seemed cooler in theory than in actual execution.

What are the extended scenes? In 1978 when Lonnie is bullied by the kids, he starts running home. He sees Michael staring from behind a bush, who then hides. There's half of your extended... Continue »

🚸 👀399

Jan '22 *
Test your fandom with this epic 50-question Halloween quiz. This covers all 12 movies to some extent, as it's hard to balance out so much convoluted shit.

You're probably wondering, "Why is this idiot posting a Halloween quiz now? October was months ago!" Well, the extended Blu-Ray for Halloween Kills is out now, and I'm too jazzed up to keep quiet about it! I bought it today and I'll probably re-ramble on that later, but for now, a quiz ought to suffice.

Give it your best shot and... Continue »

You must log in to take this quiz

🚸 👀869

Jan '22
This was a found footage movie I saw several years ago. I got it from the local library. It has the word Tapes in the title, like The Poughkeepsie Tapes or The Anderson Tapes. It's a bunch of young people or kids in a large forest at night, one or more of them with video cameras recording everything, and they think they are being watched or tracked. I think they were investigating some urban legend about a pedophile ring and missing children. Some of them disappear and the others keep seein... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ3 🚸 👀632

Dec '21
It's been a while since I saw them, so I kicked off my FF viewings with the first three movies and I liked them more than I remembered. Generally entertaining anthologies, though I have to say that part 2 is my favorite of the bunch. Highlight skits include the bicyclist who encounters zombies who crash the birthday party in the woods. The one that stuck with me was the alien invasion. Normally, I could care less what happens to the people in these things, but... SPOILERS... who cares if the boy... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ6 🚸 👀736

Dec '21
How's everyone's 2021 Christmas been? How did you celebrate? Was it fun times, or just another day?

My experiences tend to be mediocre at best, but I'm feeling better about things this year. I have a steady job that pays better than my previous part-time minimum-wage fare, so I decided to treat myself to a (free) month of Shudder and Back 4 Blood on PC, which is a lot of fun. I hear it has crossplay, which sounds promising if anyone else is into killing zombies.

The year is almost over,... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ1 🚸 👀385

Dec '21 *
A group of dumb teens play with a ouija board and bring a man back from the dead. And apparently he isn't too happy about it.
Plenty of bad editing, as well as a pretty bad story and worse acting doomed this to failure.
About the only highlight was Jonah's makeup. But even that wasn't anything great, as it looked like a poor man's attempt to copy Frank from Hellraiser 30 years earlier.

🚸 👀873


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