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Apr '17 *

We were told it would never happen. We were told it wasn't possible. We were told it was just too expensive to even consider. Then again, we were all told, at one time or another, to never say never. And after years of John Waters insisting in interviews that a dvd/blu-ray release of Multiple Maniacs wasn't in the cards, well, there you go. Never say never, John.

https://trashepics.com/dump/file/9/127dc68740b36a09cca03a7dc71cc529.jp... Continue »

Apr '17
I was at my father's place for a few days, visiting him and some cousins who were also there. I had a couple things I wanted to post here, but A.)I didn't have my password with me, to log on, and B.)my cousin's kids were keeping me too busy for me to sit down quietly for five minutes anyway.

I think I might have forgotten something I wanted to post here, but, this is something that I wanted to post. I always think of these scenes on Easter. I like the way the little girl looks at Ethan Sup... Continue »

Apr '17
The end of the Stephen King short story The Mist is NOTHING like the ending of the movie. So, if you want to say something here about the ending of the movie, OK, but that's not what I'm talking about right now.

In the short story, the main character (played by Thomas Jane in the movie) hears the word Hartford on their car radio, as they are driving away from the supermarket. If you lived in New England, like Stephen King, you would know that that means Hartford, Connecticut... that's a l... Continue »

Apr '17
I'm watching Fight Club, and I keep thinking of characters from other movies whom it would be funny, or interesting, to see walking purposefully down the street, in a movie, with Fight Club music playing.

Aragorn, from LotR, is the first one I thought of. Also, Candyman... not sure why that strikes me as funny... maybe because of how he dresses? Also, Randall Flagg... The Tall Man... Chucky... maybe Ken Foree in DotD1978... does this idea even make sense to anyone else, and if it does, w... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ2 🚸 👀1.1k

Jan '16
So, in Primal Fear (1996):
Richard Gere is recapping what has happened, walking out of the courthouse or jail.
He realizes the mistake he's made, feeling like a fool (which is appropriate), but suddenly stops right before crossing the street.

Call me a dunce, but I never saw a point to the ending (at all).
Unless I remember it wrong, and he stops because of the revelation/confession.
But this doesn't make any sense, since it had already happene... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ13 🚸 👀1.9k

Aug '14 *
A random topic. If you like music, share it here.


Mar '17
I watched this for the first time last night. I went into it having no idea what it was about. I mainly watched it for Bill Paxton. Anyway, I have some problems with the ending.

I thought the movie was great when it was about a demented lunatic having his sons help him kill innocent people in the name of God. But by having the twist be that everything the father said was true, I feel that the movie kind of comes off as being pro religious fanaticism. As a rational atheist, I find that to be... Continue »

Apr '17
The oldest (recorded) person in the world & last person alive from the 19th century has died today

29 November 1899 – 15 April 2017

not bad going

Apr '17
Not a very good movie. But if you want to check out werewolf movies then the Howling sequels are kind of at least a complete viewing sequence.

Probably not the most fun Reb Brown movie as that would probably be Yor, Hunter From The Future.

Anyway the real star is Christopher Lee.


đŸ’Ŧ11 🚸 👀1.2k

Feb '17 *
bowie/bowie however you pronounce it


i'm in a scary acve with bats...thats lovely thank you brian


Apr '17
What a concept. I tried to emulate it (and imdb), but it only goes so far. A lot of our topics on TE aren't necessarily horror. Not that I mind, and I think nobody does, but we always tend to gravitate towards horror and exploitation because it's so bad-ass. It has all of our darkest desires, and it rocks! I get all my recommendations from you guys, and I love you for it.

Honestly, I still can't believe IMDB killed itself. I loved those goddamn boards, and it'll never be the same now! Today,... Continue »

Apr '17 *
sorry, i'm a bit bored... Bottom is exceleny purile fun tho!

Mar '14 *
Most internet forums have a whole board for new users to introduce themselves. I don't think a whole board is required, but here in the likes of you obviously open-minded individuals lingering on a website that's apparently devoted to 'trash' (and I solute you for that), I feel we should all be okay with divulging a few dirty little details about our past, not just for an intro thread, but whenever even. Nobody ever knows what's going on in your head unless you express your thoughts, and as a paranoid recluse, I've never been able to do that very well, but here goes. Continue »

Apr '17
I mean how has that not come back yet?

I can do the back spin

đŸ’Ŧ10 🚸 👀1.7k

Apr '17
Anyone have any thoughts on this? I've watched it a few times on cable recently. I keep thinking, it's kind of funny how they make everything SOOOOOO stereotypically Texan, in the first part of the movie, until the part where Chop Top and Leatherface show up at the radio station and... you know.

Anyway, I keep noticing little thing they threw in there, to make it all seem more Texan. One character says something about some "old boys" he knows... plenty of people are wearing cowboy hats, of... Continue »

Apr '17
Is anyone here a fan of this?

I just saw it the other day in a library. It was actually the French edition that I saw. I didn't even try very hard to read it, because I assumed it would be full of incomprehensible French slang... the next time I'm in that library, I will give it another shot. I should be able to read it at least a little... I was forced to learn French fairly well in school, kicking and screaming, to... Continue »

Mar '17
Die Hard

đŸ’Ŧ13 🚸 👀2.1k

Apr '17
Me, very simple and casual. T-shirts and shorts. I like shirts that are earthy in color and have skulls on them. Shorts are usually cargos. Love camo shorts especially. I buy clothes from Wal-Mart, Target and Ross. I can't bare to spend more than $10 on a shirt. My shoes are a mix of Nike sneakers, Chuck Taylors and some Vans. Around the house I'm always in a shirt that I've cut the sleeves off of and basket ball shorts. I guess I kind of dress like a teenager, but I love maximum comfort at all... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ10 🚸 👀1.7k

Apr '17
2016 was a bad year for cultural icons passing, esp those involved in music or film. Best of the Worst is an online show from Red Letter Media, where some guys watch 3 shitty movies n drink beer n talk shit about them. Some of the folk they mentioned died.

...but not Wilfred Brimley!


👍3 🚸 👀141

Mar '17
Which do you prefer?

Werewolves for me.

But obviously you can't have horror without vampires.

In fact if you research the origins of mythology for both of them you'll find they were both created out of the same folklore.

đŸ’Ŧ12 🚸 👀802

Apr '17
2nd in an ongoing series of what I hope will be very irregular posts. I'll try and give notice to some of the overlooked passings of figures deserving of trash recognition.

This time I'm here to note the passing of the sexploitation pioneer, Radley Metzger. I've enjoyed all of his films - his artier ones he did under his own name as well as the porn he directed under the nom de plume, Henry Paris (Henree Paree - dig it!). Metzger approached all his films with an artistic eye, a willingness... Continue »

Apr '17
Well, that was just fucking awesome, wasn't it? I do believe I have a new favorite challenge. In fact, I actually considered extending it an extra month. So much more I wanted to fit in, but I ended up spending most of the challenge earning Giallo and Bikersploitation trifectas.

So, tell me, everybody. What was your favorite film of the month? What was your least favorite? And what would you say was the trashiest film you watched?

I got myself a new favorite Giallo since watching Your Vice... Continue »

Apr '17
Some examples i recall watching :

My Little Eye (2002)
Kolobos (1999)
Girlhouse (2014)

There must be more out there, right?

đŸ’Ŧ6 🚸 👀363


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.