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Apr '17
Mine is boring, so don't bother (part-time dishwasher).

But it seems to me that a lot of people here might have interesting full-time jobs.
Not sure what he does, but -deadandburied81- said he spends 9 hours in front of a PC.
Also, if memory serves me correct, Johan said that he's a test-engineer.

Tell me about your jobs, especially if they're full-time. I'm interested.

đŸ’Ŧ36 🚸 👀2.4k

Jun '17 *
I just love these offbeat vampire flicks. I decided to check this out on the spur of the moment a few months back and I didn't regret it. It is based around female artist who happens to be a vampire - played seductively by the stunning Cristina Ferrare. It is not your traditional vampire flick in the sense that this one is about vampirism as a disease like George Romero's 'Martin' - only 'Mary, Mary, Bloody Mary' predates it... Continue »

👍1 🚸 👀64

Jun '17
Regardless of genre. Off the top of my head some i have already watched :

No Vacancy (fucking terrible)
The Motel Life
Across the Hall

đŸ’Ŧ5 🚸 👀479

Jun '17
What horror movies or horror franchise do you have the most fun watching? For me, it's definitely The Final Destination franchise. I love how each movie opens up with some major disaster. I love the buildup for the kills and the fairly unique way in which the characters meet their demise.

Jun '17 *

đŸ’Ŧ1 🚸 👀157

Jun '17
Has anyone seen it yet? I finally got around to watching it the other week and I was really impressed. It's essentially a coming of age cannibal movie with good gore and some fucked up moments. I also felt like it lived up to the hype, unlike The Witch from last year.

Nov '14 *
image If you live in the United States, you have to be living under a rock if you've at least never heard of Chuck E. Cheese's. But for those of you who are unaware, let me sum up Chuck E. Cheese's right here: a place that sells low quality pizza, has games that give tickets for prizes (cheap toys and other small junk like that), and has an animatronic show, featuring Chuck E. Cheese himself and some other forgettable characters. In other words, a chaotic, fun time for kids and a living nightmare for parents.

So, with all of that in mind, allow me to present: Five Nights at Freddy's (2014). A low budget, indie, point-and-click, survival horror game that takes place in the fictional Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. You're the night time security guard, which would normally probably be a really boring job in a place like that. But not here. Here, the animatronic's roam around at night and if they manage to get inside your little security room, you are completely fucked. As a previous employee in the game describes over the phone to you on your first night, they will think you're a robot out of costume and force you into a costume, where you're stabbed by the metal parts meant to connect to the robots. Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ6 🚸 👀2k

Jun '17 *
image The title says it all about this game. LSD: Dream Emulator is based on a real dream journal that had been written over the course of a decade and it feels like a drug trip when you're playing. Though apparently the 'LSD' part actually stands for 'Lovely Sweet Dream', the title of the journal.

It should be no surprise either that it was only released in Japan for PlayStation. Not to say other regions never get weird games, but back then especially, I think there was no real market for it elsewhere. Certainly not one viewed as profitable by the publisher. It seems that whoever owns the rights to the game now might still feel that way because while the game's available on the digital PlayStation Store, it's again only for Japan. A shame since the game's mostly English-friendly. Continue »

Jun '17
So, I'm watching The Witch for the second time. I kept hearing about how good this movie is, but I just can't really like it. I hate the ending, but what's worse is I can't understand a damn thing the father says ( I keep waiting for him to say I'm Batman with that shit awful voice of his.), and the mother is an annoying cunt. Black Phillip is pretty cool though.emoticon

Jun '17 *

Recently, I was rearranging my DVD/Blu-ray shelves, and decided that I had so many shot-on-video Horror movies, that maybe two shelves are in order. Classic 80's SOV and post-80's SOV. And after admiring both shelves, I was surprised to notice how many of these I own that are from the 90's. Believe it or not, there was once a market for these types of movies, which peaked around '83 to '88. For several reasons, the popularity these things... Continue »

Mar '17 *
I've got this great idea and it makes total sense right. Plumbers and electricians are ripping us all off when you think about it by pretending that we need to have two completely separate systems in our houses for delivering water and leccy. If you stop for a moment, there's no reason why hot and cold water pipes couldn't double up as the mains supply. Live in the hot pipe, neutral in the cold. Waste pipes could then be connected to the earth. Electric sockets could then be soldered onto centra... Continue »

Jun '17
Anyone ever heard of this or seen it? David Hemmings is in it, and it was supposedly right before he was in Deep Red. It's apparently about a serial killer who kidnaps girls, tortures them, dresses them up as rabbits, then turns them loose in a forest and hunts them down.

It's not listed on IMDb.

May '17
Twin Peaks... What a phenomenon! HalloweenLove posted a great, realistic article about this:

It's such a hard series to describe. Especially since it starts from a 90s show, then continues 25+ years later, right on track with the typical David Lynch weirdness! It's an absolute cult following on every level, but it's soooo fucking heartwarming! I guess a lot of it has to do with how great of a character Kyle... Continue »

Jun '17
Has anyone else here been watching this? I have been able to follow what is happening pretty well, overall. I am pretty sure I'm misunderstanding some things, but, whatever. It will all become clear... or not.

I had been a little surprised at how few cast members are actually American citizens... until this week's episode. This episode (A Murder of Gods) might be the reason American actors might have decided not to get involved with this show... it is so overtly politicized, I bet a lot... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ1 🚸 👀298

Jun '17 *
Yep, that's really what they're calling their new monster cinematic universe...ugh. Although I love a lot of the classic Universal Monster movies and think this new cinmatic universe is a good idea on paper, it feels really forced. Every studio seems to be jumping on the cinematic universe trend and it's unnecessary. It makes more sense for comic book based properties like Marvel and DC to be doing it, but Universal...I don't know. Sure they've done some monster crossover flicks in the pa... Continue »

May '17
Which horror movies do you love watch during the summer and why (if you got reasons that is)?

I can always pop in a Friday the 13th movie during the summer due to the fact that the series revolves around the cursed Camp Crystal Lake. What better horror series to get you in that summer mood?

On the subject of summer camp horror, the Sleepaway Camp series is also nice to revisit during the summer.

Of course there's Jaws too which is set during the 4th of July weeken... Continue »

Jun '17
posted the hilarious (fan made) trailer to this on Smerd's thread about shitty flicks you like, but since it fits the TE bill so nicely Neil Breen's masterpeice now has it's own page.

if ya unsure to invest in the whole movie - posted in the DOUBLE DOWN shoutbox where all the cool Breens hang - here's Rich Evans to dissect in a 5min nutshell. with Mike and Jay, but(t) Max Landis...


🚸 👀217

Jun '17
Can't recall is anyone posted this one or not yet... it's a FAB doco! Just watched it last night and thought it was great...highly entertaining and I love these lunatics!!!! If I was 20 yeras younger I might attempt it... not that I'd have a bat's chance in hell of finishing...


May '17

There were a couple of threads about this kind of thing on the IMDB board. I hope the person who started those threads comes here now... I can't remember who it was. At least one of the threads was about the Bill Paxton movie Frailty, and whether it could drive a crazy person to think their friends, neighbors, etc were demons. I thought the person who started the thread was making a fair point, although freedom of express... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ3 🚸 👀409

Jun '17
These last few years have shown Arnold to try out some more emotional acting. There was some in 'Sabotage', more in 'Maggie', and it all culminates to 'Aftermath', probably the most bleak film he's done yet.

It's a movie about performances, really. Arnold goes to meet his family at the airport, only they never show. Something really bad has happened, and someone has to pay... but what if it wasn't entirely that someone's fault? What if it was an accident? It shows you what happens on both end... Continue »

👍1 🚸 👀275

Apr '17 *
Let's jump back into the late 80s for a second, to the heyday of pop slashers. Not even five years after the original film, we have three sequels and a tv show going. That's right... a sadistic child murder has warmed his way into the hearts of America. Maybe since he's so ugly, people view him more as a monster than a burnt human, and that makes it okay? *shrug*

This show is as old as I am, and I still never watched it all, and that's going to change. I might ramble on some of these episodes... Continue »

Mar '17
I've been thinking about these, seeing as how we're in the middle of one right now. I'm having fun with it, and we can all treat it as a glorious event of comeradery. We're all on a quest for some great recommendations.

What challenges do you know of? And of those, what's the rundown on the rules and what month is it? And WHY is it that month?

Obviously, the main deal is the October Challenge, where we have to watch 31 horror movies, and at least 16 have to be FTVs (first time viewings).... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ38 🚸 👀1.8k

May '17
Just thought someone here might be interested in this.

An unfinished Japanese film from the 90's finally completed and recently released on DVD. Running in at about 62 mins long.


May '17 *
If you liked Pandorum, I wanted to mention a couple of similar short stories, written way back in the 1940's.

One of them is called Far Centaurus, by A.E. Van Vogt. I discovered that story in about 4th or 5th grade, and it absolutely blew my mind. The idea is that a spaceship carrying a few astronauts in a form of drugged suspended animation travels to Alpha Centauri, the nearest star system outside of our own solar system. The voyage takes hundreds of years (500 years)... when they arri... Continue »

May '17
I was reminded of this twice, over the past week or two. Once because somehow the Jason Mewes vampire movie Bitten (2008) came up somewhere, either here or when I was talking to my brother... Bitten is VERY roughly comparable to VOfB, just in the look and feel of the film. The other time I was reminded of it was because Jodi Lyn O'Keefe has been on cable lately, in Halloween H20. She plays a vampire in VOfB. She barely even needs those funky white contact lenses they always give vampires in... Continue »

👍1 🚸 👀153


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.