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Jun '17 *
Two prolific horror writers whose work has been adapted into hundreds of feature, short & small screen productions.

Pick you top three from each author & pit them head to head - who wins?

score to be updated periodically - also there's now a poll, so you can vote here>>>

Stephen King - 4
HP Lovecraft - 3

Apr '17
I'm not talking about your 5 minute free brazzres clips on pornhub, but full blown story line included feature length pornos. I've never watched a story based porno so I'm interested to see what everyone likes.

Jun '17
Netflix has it, and it's interesting retro poster art, so why not? Yes siree, that is Barbara Crampton in the tv, and that's all you'll see of her. In a tv. As one of our protagonists points out, she's smokin' hot. Still, even at her age, and that's only judging by her face!

So pretty much nothing happens for the first half of this movie... but once they start playing the game, it does get much more interesting. Weird quests to find keys, whilst inadvertantly getting people killed/poss... Continue »

Jun '17
inspired by Johan's post about actors who make a movie worth watching, thought i'd throw this out there.

started by Strong when he was a guest on Kermode & Mayo's Film Review show a few years ago, he was talking about the increase in actors asking for the 'and' or 'with' credit on film titles, and suggested there should be a 'but'. Where a film whose cast contains actors whose performance is usually of a high calibre, but that also has an actor whose output is usually of a lower quality.... Continue »

Jun '17 *

The Backstory: At one time, Professional Wrestling in America was thriving. Not only did it thrive, but all the many successful promotions actually co-existed in harmony. Territories, they called them. These territories were all under the same banner. The NWA (National Wrestling Alliance), which was a group of promoters, who were all under a handshake agreement. Basically, that agreement was to not fuck with each other. Mainly, don'... Continue »

Jun '17 *
I remember the days when TV show intros were more than they are now. They could be cool, or just plain goofy (I always thought the ones that had people pose with huge grins were goofy). Some of them had pretty catchy theme songs. I thought it would be fun for us to post our favorites, the weirdest ones we can find, or the ones you think were the best. Maybe a way to remember what we watched as kids. Here are two of my favorites.

https://www.youtu... Continue »

Jun '17 *
The title says it all. What are your interests and hobbies?

Obviously, besides movies, I am really interested in astronomy. I got interested in astronomy six years ago after I seen The Fountain (2006) and The Universe (TV series). I realized that there is so much to look at. I went and bought a Celestron Reflector Telescope with a large aperture (It was quite expensive when I bought it at the time) that allows me to see the planets and moons in this solar system and it also allo... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ47 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.6k

Jun '17
I'm sitting here, getting high and trying to think about stuff, and it gets me to the topic of life, and general sense of happiness. Are you a happy person? Could your life be better? Are your romantic endeavors fulfilled, or lacking?

I'd say I'm pretty happy. I'm not romantically engaged, nor have I ever been. Who needs the hassle? Of course, I'd take it if it came to me, but I have otherwise zero interest in pursing it. Financially, I make probably a dollar over minimum wage, but fuck it. I... Continue »

Jun '17
https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-insOr7JWk-g/Tr25RCmFcYI/AAAAAAAAcJY/YYzpOO-6jxM/s1600/PDVD_029.BMP Haunted house movies can be extremely creepy and atmospheric when done right, the tension builds and builds, they grab you and don't let you go. They need to be precisely and brilliantly choreographed. They can also be a hell of a lot of fun. Don't Go to Sleep has all this in abundance. This lesser known TV horror classic made such an impression on me that still remember it as if I watching it ri... Continue »

Feb '17
This is hard, I really all of Argento's Giallos. Tenebre is my Favorite Argento Giallo but I think Sergio Martino is great as well. I love Torso and Your Vice is a Locked Room

I am going to say Your Vice, Edwige is smoking hot and the Black Cat references are great.

Apr '17
Every bad ass has a place they call home. Here are some of my favourites;

Nosferatu โ€“ That grand gothic castle on the rocky cliff with minimalist taste in decor in the vast curved concrete walled rooms and stairwells that perfectly distort his shadow. Not exactly what Iโ€™d call homely.

Alien Queen โ€“ youโ€™re walking through the vast corridors of a stark man made facility with monochrome hard angles and it gradually morphs into a more organic moulded structure that dece... Continue »

Jun '17 *
image Myths do not die, they just get transformed. Today I talk about The Addiction. And so ends this most interesting film, vampirism is transplanted to a harsh modern urban setting as a metaphor for addiction, religion and redemption. The vampire legend, that is so rich in metaphor and symbolism, has never been treated with such intellectual depth and bitting social criticism. The modern vampire subgenre in my opinion works be... Continue »

Jun '17 *
https://imgix.ranker.com/list_img_v2/16886/396886/original/full-cast-of-the-mothman-prophecies-actors-and-actresses-u4?w=817&h=427&fm=jpg&q=50&fit=crop I am fully aware that The Mothman Prophecies divides opinions among fans of the horror genre. That is not even taken into consideration whether people believe these events occured or not. It is just one of these films. I first seen The Mothman Prophecies ten years ago - late night on TV. I had never even heard of it before. It was j... Continue »

Jun '17
I don't know anything about the SH video games, but I really like the first Silent Hill movie. Officer Gucci is the male police officer, played by Kim Coates. He comes across as more of a sheriff type of character than a cop. He's the guy who Sean Bean talks to, in several scenes.

Anyway, at one point in the movie, Gucci is talking to the Sean Bean character, and he says something like "go back to your warm bed, and your normal life, and let me deal with this town, and what has gone on her... Continue »

Jun '17
Jonathan Pie ranting about swearing bans & fucking liberals


Jun '17 *
Anyone watch this?

Just finished the series. I love this show.

Under his eye.

๐Ÿ’ฌ1 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€183

Jun '17

SyFy fully embraces the fact that they are only capable of schlock.

the first episode was a lot of fun. not sure how sustainable it will be.

๐Ÿ’ฌ1 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€944

Jun '17
Regardless of film's year released.

Best : image

Worst : image

But let's exclude 1 semi-decent gory scene.

Jun '17 *
I posted this awhile back on another forum - so I thought I would update it as I have seen some other great hidden gems that are worth check out. So, yeah, the past few months I have been specifically targeting horror under 500 votes on The IMDb and there is a lot of good horror movies out there that simply for one reason or another does not get the recognition that they deserve. Anyway, here is what I rated 7 or higher under 500 votes on The IMDb (I absolutely recommend these to anyone seeking... Continue »

Apr '17
Admin of IMDB2 pointed out my lack of Full Moon knowledge, claiming Jacqueline Lovell is someone to know, and we're not trashy enough if we don't know her.


Looks like a bunch of Full Moon, b-movies, and porn. I think he may be onto something here...

๐Ÿ’ฌ2 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€321

Jun '17
This definitely threw me for a loop and wasn't at all what I was expecting.

Between this and "Get Out" from a few months earlier, I'd wager good, mainstream horror with a wide-release is still (somewhat) alive. The preview for Annabelle 2 might play against that theory, though (and I liked Annabelle.)

Anyway, it's a mood piece. There's a virus that's destroyed humanity but instead of witnessing what's happening in the world and exactly how devastating it is, we follow one family's... Continue »

May '17 *

Recently, I wrote this article https://trashepics.com/post/9/135/ which serves as a tribute to the unsung cult classics of the 2000's. Ten movies, I picked to write about. Some definitely belonged there, others may or may not have, depending on who you ask. But I tried to come up with a diverse and impartial list of recognized and not-so recognized entries which I feel (should) best represent the decade. But the problem is, one could never narrow d... Continue »

Jun '17
I'm a fan of all things Karloff, Lugosi and also Hammer Horror so I had to check out the new Mummy. It's darker and more evil than the candy fluff of the Brendan Fraser movies but in spite of that I thought it was pretty disappointing.

Creature designs in it were very uninspired and I would even say lazy. It's pretty clear Dracula will be the big bad for the later films in Universal's new incarnation of the Dark Universe but it's off to a weak start at the moment.

Kong: Skull Island is by... Continue »

Jun '17
I will always prefer the original FN, but the 2011 version has some good points. I was just watching it (the 2011 one) and I admit it got me sucked in a little, ha ha. There's one point when Charlie says to some of his supposedly cool new friends "It's just game, man. Rock solid game." I think I actually said out loud, under my breath, "Oh, you're so cool, Brewster," when he said that. So, OK, I was quoting the original, but at least I have to admit that the new version provoked a response.... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ1 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€112


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