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Nov '14
It's been about 10 years since I started collecting dvds. Sadly, they're mostly obsolete now, but that's not gonna stop me from buying more movies with my infinite supply of Amazon gift cards (courtesy of my Bing searches). So considering that, I figured I should get an up-to-date list of my dvds on here.

Since it's hard to distinguish between the several different regions, re-releases, and disc versions... I'm simply going by which titles are available to me given my current selection of discs.

View the list here: https://trashepics.com/app/dvd/

đŸ’Ŧ5 🚸 👀1k

Aug '17
Beaumont, Texas is in the news a lot right now, because of Harvey and all the flooding. It made me think of Charles Beaumont, who was a pretty important writer for The Twilight Zone. He tragically died in his 30's of some horrifying disease, or combination of horrifying diseases. Anyway, I used to have a book or two about The Twilight Zone, and it had a lot to say about him... interesting guy.


Sep '17 *
Driving to work last night I noticed that every gas station I passed had an enormous line. Later on my break, it took about 5 seconds of googling to find out that there was a confirmed false rumor that Austin was having a gas shortage, and everybody is filling up, whether they need to or not, before we supposedly run out. Of course this rumor is now becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy, as every gas station in town is struggling to keep enough gas in stock to satisfy all the gas horders.... Continue »

Aug '17
I noticed in our news feed that they're making a Planet of the Apes / King Kong crossover comic.
Comics can get all sorts of cool crossover treatments, like Evil Dead meets Darkman / Re-Animator, etc.

I know @smerd read a lot of PotA comics for last month's challenge. My question is more like multiple questions. Kinda drunk and rambling here, so bear with me...

Are the Planet of the Apes comics good?... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ5 🚸 👀697

Sep '17
Anyone here ever go to Burning Man? My brother and his wife have been there for the last week or so. They go every year. It sounds so insane to me... I could probably take it for a couple of days, but a whole week would drive me out of my mind. Has anyone here ever been to one??

🚸 👀201

Aug '17

I went camping once, a long time ago. I never knew whether or not it would turn out to be something I enjoy, and to this day, I still don't. Let me explain. The one time I went camping, I was deathly hungover. The kind of hangover that keeps you uncomfortable for a better part of the day. I wanted no part of this camping trip, but my friends made the day's plan out to be far cooler than it was. It turned out to be a disastrous, humi... Continue »

Aug '17
God dammit! George Romero a month ago, and now Tobe Hooper. Not many of the big ones left emoticon

đŸ’Ŧ9 🚸 👀1.4k

Aug '17 *
You know, like the Kevin Bacon game. I recently noticed that Elsa Lanchester, who was the Bride of Frankenstein (1935), starred on several episodes of a TV show called Nanny and the Professor, back in 1971. Kim Richards was on that show, on those same episodes, I think. She was just a little kid at the time, like 6 or 7 years old. And, of course, she is Kyle Richards sister, so that connects Elsa Lanchester to Halloween (1978). Kim Richards is also Paris Hilton's aunt, so I guess that conne... Continue »

🚸 👀165

Aug '17
Troma and I had a discussion recently on what qualifies a movie to be a gore film. I realize that the overall definition is a splatter film or gore film that deliberately focuses on graphic portrayals of gore and graphic violence.

But can movies that show only a few scenes of gore be considered a gore film? Or are they just gory? Is there even a difference? Does the gore have to be the main element of the movie for you to consider it a gore film?

Aug '17 *

As an Irishman, I am bound by patriotism, to support McGregor, even thou he is the underdog. I can't wait for this fight - it is considered the Fight of the Century by some. I don't consider myself an aficionado of boxing, or even MMA, for that matter. McGregor talks a good game, he is a tremendous trash talker, and he didn't get to where he is witho... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ19 🚸 👀3.2k

Aug '17 *
I just used the IMDb advanced search of my ratings and these are what I really liked under 4.9 rating. There is quite a lot of them, and I was kinda surprised to see some of them rated really low. Anyway.

In order:

Grave Halloween (2013 TV Movie) (4.2) 8
Hell of the Living Dead (1980) (4.9) 8
Demons 6: De Profundis (1989) (4.4) 8
The Nesting (1981) (4.6... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ9 🚸 👀616

Aug '17
How happy are you with TrashEpics.com? What do you like about this site, and what do you hate? What bothers you about it? What pisses you off? Would you change anything? Are there any things that are unclear about it that you would like some more insight on? Are there enough features and functionality to your liking? Is there anything you'd like to see more of? And most importantly, do you consider yourself a member of the Trash Epics family, or are you a lurker who doesn't care either way? (If... Continue »

Jul '17 *
I'm sitting here watching Criminal Minds reruns on Ion, may the Lord forgive me. Anyway, it reminded me of some episodes from years ago, when C. Thomas Howell played a serial killer. The episodes were in seasons 4 and 5, and one in season 9... I don't know if I ever saw that one. Anyway, as a fan of The Hitcher (1986), I remember it was pretty interesting to see him play the killer, not the good guy. I thought he did a pretty good job, too. He tried to play it for laughs a LITTLE, but was m... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ6 🚸 👀1k

Aug '17
A pretty good creature feature.

Although not well known in the public conscious these days it is as far as I can tell pretty well regarded amongst genre fans.

I like that the backstory of the alligator and its gigantic growth sounds plausible enough, eating the hormone injected bodies of test animals illegally discarded in the sewer.

Robert Forster is good on the role, does he remind anyone else of Charles Bronson?

Aug '17 *
I recently started to watch these and I really like them. They came came on the ABC network, from 1969 to 1976 and were usually 75 minutes or about in length. They produced many other genres too but I am just dealing with the horror genre here. There were many commercial successful ones like Bad Ronald, Trilogy of Terror, The Night Stalker, Duel, Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (original) but they had a lot of overlooked gems too. Here are all that I have seen as of yet, ranked from best to worst im... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ27 🚸 👀2k

Aug '17
So Martin Scorsese will be producing The Joker's origin story movie, which will be a part of the current DC cinematic universe (which they're just kind of winging it, at this point). Normally, I'd be thrilled, because Scorsese is the man. I watched The Wolf of Wall Street again not long ago, and that 3-hour movie still captivated me. Scorsese has always made gritty crime/dramas better than anyone else, but DC movies lately have all sucked the big one. Continue »

Aug '17
All I remember is this: It took place in either Arctic or Antarctic. There was a female Eskimo who claimed she was actually a white male soldier, but didn't seem the least bit upset or confused. I seem to recall that he/she was in a prison cell. I know that someone asked him/her if they knew where *** (*** being the soldier's rank/name) was, and he/she responded "I'm ***." It was an odd plot point, as it seemed to have absolutely nothing to do with the story.
It seems like it might have been an... Continue »

🚸 👀2.2k

Aug '17
Now here's a creature feature that doesn't get much mention. Maybe for good reason?

I actually enjoy it though.

These big animatronic killer animals are way more appealing to me than the CG creations of today's SyFy monster movies.


đŸ’Ŧ1 🚸 👀223

Aug '17
It seems like I just did this the other day but another week is over.

Surprisingly I got the Beyond the Darkness Blu-ray Friday even though it was backordered. I was prepared for a long wait. So that's the only movie I've had time for this week.

đŸ’Ŧ17 🚸 👀889

Aug '17
Did the music in the intro to H3 influence the music for the intro to The Terminator? Listen to them both, and see what you think. I don't think I've ever really thought about this before. I guess it could just be because they both have that 80's synthesizer music, but it sounds like more than that to me.

Halloween 3:

The Terminator:

And, just for shits and giggles, the extremely memorable abrup... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ10 🚸 👀1.2k

Aug '17
The latest episode of Twin Peaks featured the archive footage of David Bowie's character "Philip Jeffires" in the '92 film prequel. I just read that David Bowie was supposed to have a part on this revival show, but he perished beforehand. I'd also read that after Fire Walk with Me, they were hoping to get about 3 more movies, one of the movies would have been about his character).

He died well over a year ago, but I'm still pretty heartbroken about Bowie. I loved that guy...... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ5 🚸 👀2.6k

Aug '17
I suppose the other thread should be deleted but not sure how to do it.

I've ordered Absentia, The Intruder, Beyond the Darkness and Eye in the Labyrinth. Beyond the Darkness is backordered so not sure when I'll actually get it, but the others should be here later this week.

Tonight I took a break from horror and watched one of my favorite 80s movies on Blu-ray: Fast Times at Ridgemont High

Aug '17
I went to their show on August 19th 2017 in Dallas. When I got there, they surprised us with an opening by The Edgar Winter Band, and while I'm not familiar with most of their stuff, they were kick-ass. Their touring guitarist and bassist were great, and I got to hear them play Tobacco Road, Rock and Roll Hootchie Koo (Rick Derringer cover), and Frankenstein.

After the intermission, Alice Cooper came out, opening with Brutal Planet, onto No More Mr. Nice Guy... Continue »

👍2 🚸 👀252

Aug '17
On a strange island inhabited by demons and spirits, a man battles the forces of evil.

William Shatner stars in this low-budget horror film that might best be described as Ingmar Bergman Meets The Outer Limits, a true obscure oddity. It may be considered highbrow to some, but it is well worth seeking out imo. I liked it, it improved on repeat viewings for me.

Anyone seen it, or heard of it?

đŸ’Ŧ2 🚸 👀337

Aug '17

From Pocket Ninjas, quite possibly the corniest movie I've ever seen. This scene is just the tip of the iceberg. Most sources say it's from 1997, but the copyright on the film says 1994. It's no surprise it had a delayed release. It's kind of hard to believe it got released at all. Or made at all.

đŸ’Ŧ2 🚸 👀2k


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