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Sep '19
From the producer of the Evil Dead remake, and guess what? It's going to be... a direct sequel to the original. emoticon

And I thought the continuity for the Halloween series was bad! It's like they're not even trying anymore. They're rehashing and rehashing until they're rehashing a rehashed rehash. What's wrong with continuity these days?

Remember when they already did a direct sequel to the original in 2013? It may have lacked grit, but it was still a fun movie and its heart was in the right... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ5 🚸 👀815

Oct '19
Snowy won by a lot. Congratulations to her.

I wanted to watch a lot more than I did. The Outer Limits was going to be my main source of points, but I just couldn't get into it.

Snowy_Owl: 9048

jimb14red: 5913

Der_Tables: 4589

BloodWank: 2477

ZombieCPA: 2139

Box_a_Hair: 1680

markus-san: 860

Ballz: 811

Bambithedeer: 509

Gymnopedie: 319

PickOfDestiny: 142

Oct '19 *
I just saw this a couple days ago, for the first time in ages. Is anyone here a big fan?? Of either Serenity or the show Firefly? I have never seen Firefly.

I'm asking because it has an intriguing way of presenting some ideas that are probably Libertarian, or... well, at least conservative in a way that I can see the sense in. The Nathan Fillion character has a little soliloquy where he talks about how the people who run society in the world(s) shown in the movie are often coming up with... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ2 🚸 👀771

Sep '19
I always get pumper for the OHC. It's usually the highlight of the month, well, second to celebrating Halloween with the little one. How's everyone popping their cherry and when is everyone starting the challenge.

I'll be starting at the midnight with Night of the Living dead. Actually planning on pulling and all nighter and working my way through the Dead trilogy. Beyond that, I haven't planned ahead.

Feb '19 *
This thread is for sign-ups. Rules and discusion can be found here https://trashepics.com/post/2/41/
Sign-Up's will Close 3/10/2019 at 2399 GMT

Please respond with /in as (drafter/voter)

1. Gymnopedie
2. Box a Hair
3. Ballz
4. Foz(willing to vote if drafters fill up)

1. Marcus-San
2. Bambi
3. Snowy

đŸ’Ŧ16 🚸 👀883

Sep '19
Isn't it funny how often the year 1997 is used in dystopian cinema? On August 29th, 1997, Skynet launched the nukes that killed 3 billion people. In 1997, a virus wipes out 5 billion people in 12 Monkeys. In 1997, Snake Plissken has to rescue the president in Escape from New York. In 1997, Los Angeles is a ghetto mess in Predator 2. In 1997, Turbo Kid has to fight a tyrant in the wasteland. What a year, huh?

Besides the year, Terminator and 12 Monkeys are almost the same movie. After a massive... Continue »

Sep '19
Rules coming soon, sign up here

🚸 👀105

Sep '19
The Shining is getting a new 4k re-release this October, so I went to watch it in theaters (again) to prepare for the upcoming "Doctor Sleep". What's funny is that this theatrical endeavor was totally cropped to make it widescreen. You could tell because of the end credits were cut off. For a cinematic legend, it's funny that Kubrick made a bunch of his movies in the 4:3 aspect ratio, but we'll forgive him.

For starters, I think this movie is great. A horror classic exceptional for its brooding... Continue »

Sep '19
Anyone have any favorites? This certainly qualifies as a Trash Epics topic.

I am sitting here watching Timecop right now, which I have always liked. Timecop isn't a particularly awesome title, but YEESH that damned Trash Epics spider just crawled past my hand...

Anyway, Jean-Claude Van Damme movies had some decent titles, suitable for saying in the profoundly pissed-off voice of whoever did the voiceover for all the trailers for those movies, which were on VHS cassettes and DVDs for m... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ6 🚸 👀389

Sep '19 *
Is anyone else getting stoked for October yet? Does anyone have an idea of what they what to watch? Do you have anything saved for it?

I know there is still two weeks or so to the kick-off of The October Challenge, and I know that there is a challenge underway, but I am starting to look forward to this years challenge. It is not just the challenge - I like this time of year, when the evenings are shorter. Leaves are falling and Autumn is calling. It is good for TrashEpics too, a sharp increase... Continue »

Jan '19 *
This is for anyone who wants to keep a log of their viewings/ratings every month please feel free to add yours!

The links for the previous two years viewings are here if anyone still needs to access them for reference:

2018: https://trashepics.com/post/30/5/
2017: https://trashepics.com/post/9/97/



Cam (2018) - FTV - 6
The Strangers: Prey at Night (2018) - FTV... Continue »

Sep '19
It's been 11 years since Rambo came home, but he's finally found peace in Arizona where he was born and raised. He lives a calm life on his father's ranch where he has a surrogate family. When Gabrielle (who refers to him as Uncle John) wants to find her sleazeball father in Mexico, John advises against it, but he can't change her mind. From then on, he knows he's only going to run into trouble.

Last Blood is the supposed final chapter in this near 40 year saga, taking Rambo out of the conventi... Continue »

Sep '19
Last night, I'd gotten to see one of my favorite bands ever with @der. Back when I was just getting into music over a decade ago, Iron Maiden was my first big musical obsession. I'd between them, Alice Cooper, and The Rolling Stones, I'd say Maiden was my favorite back in the day, and never did I think I'd be able to see a band as big as they are live in concert, but they came to Dallas, and wham! What a night!

First off, you know you're in the right place when half the audience is wearing a Ma... Continue »

👍2 🚸 👀149

Jan '19 *
RTD (Roll to Dodge):
Sign-Up/Set-Up Phase:
1. Players sign in by posting "/in", accompanied by a backstory story for their character and posts it to thread (you can pick whatever you want: abilities, intelect, etc..., but keep in mind it is more fun when you stick to the theme)
2. The first 5 players to "/in" will start, any additional players will be placed on the waiting list.
3. Sign-Ups will close on Friday 1/18/2019 at 11:59 CST

Day Phase:... Continue »

Aug '19
Okay, I know the 1990's are not particularly looked upon with great fondness by most horror fans, but personally, while not the best, I feel it was an underated decade.

@jimb14red posted an informative thread about his views on the decade a while back.

"90's Horror: An underrated decade" - https://trashepics.com/post/102/4/

My Top 10 would look like this: (a word to the wise - a lot of obscure stuff here and may not be to everyones taste)

1. The Addiction (1995)
2. I Zombie: The C... Continue »

Sep '19
Rob Zombie is a master of undoing himself. When he shit onmade Halloween in 2007, he wasn't very sure what he was doing throughout the movie and it shows. He even explained in commentary how many alternate takes and scenes he went through because he didn't know which ones to use or basically what he was doing at all with that movie, but at least he ended it on a decent note. Michael got blasted in the face with a magnum and you saw his blood splatter everywhere. Then, he undid... Continue »

Sep '19
The Cars is one of the most 80's bands ever, even though they came out in the late 70s. They were new wave and yet they pioneered the synth pop sound that dominated the 80s.

Ric was kind of a beatnik, and even played "beatnik cat" in John Waters' Hairspray. I loved ALL of The Cars music, and Ric even had a pretty damn good solo career. I'm very very upset about this...

When The Cars reunited in 2011, that album was GREAT. I listened to the fuck out of that album and was highly anticipating a f... Continue »

Aug '19 *
Come one, come all! Cum on the woman with three boobs from Total Recall! Because it's time for another Sci-Fi/Fantasy Challenge, where a woman with three boobs isn't out of place.

The rules for this will be the same as before. For anyone new or in need of a refresher, it's simple. You receive one point per minute for anything you watch, as long as it falls under the genres of sci-fi or fantasy. TV shows, shorts, and documentaries are allowed.

This challenge starts at 12:00 AM on ... Continue »

Sep '19
1. Stand By Me
2. Carrie
3. It Chapter 1
4. The Shining
5. Maximum Overdrive

đŸ’Ŧ20 🚸 👀2.3k

Sep '19
This movie was better than it had any right to be. In my limited window between work shifts, I could watch either Peanut Butter Falcon or Dora the goddamn Explorer. I never watched the cartoon because I'm not a baby, but I needed some easy fantasy points, and somehow... it ended up being a decent flick. Engaging, funny, and generally entertaining.

The studios must have taken a hint from the success of Jumanji, jumping on that jungle adventure bandwagon and adding a bit of Goonies to the mix. Continue »

Sep '19
IT: Chapter Two came out last week, and I went to watch it. I wasn't expecting much becuase sequels usually fall short, and aren't as good as the first one. But for me, this isn't the case for IT. I really loved what they did with the sequel, and I honestly enjoyed the slowness of tying it all together. The casting of the older Losers was pretty much spot on. and I really liked how they interwove the past memories with what is happening in the present. I don't want to go much more into the movie... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ2 🚸 👀356

Aug '19 *
So to help compliment and promote my favorite draft of the year (maybe second only the the black & white), I am going to organize and run a Sci-Fy/Fantasy draft.

The rules are simple:
1. Reply /in to get in!
2. When it is your turn, select a Sci-Fy/Fantasy character
3. Each match select a line-up from your pool
4. Have fun!

Here's how it works:
1. Once all players have joined they will be put in a random order of pairs
2. Players will have a pool of 10 characters that they draft
3. Each r... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ102 🚸 👀3k

Jul '19
As you know, I've been working on a lot of stuff lately, and you'll be seeing those changes in seemingly random increments. Posts are now able to be categorized under as many boards as you want, and that required me to go through EVERY post and manually set them. That means I had to go back in time, to the very first posts of Trash Epics. In doing so, I saw all that potential we had, and all those users who were once very active, only to see our userbase dissipate over petty squabbles.

I'm no... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ41 🚸 👀1.6k

Sep '19
Here's a good sci-fi movie that randomly popped into my head that would be perfect to watch for this month's challenge. Based on a book, this is a time-traveling military experiment gone wrong. Originally to be directed by John Carpenter, he opted to be executive producer instead, essentially outstretching his hand and collecting that paycheck. Trivia says he never even met the director. emoticon

So back in 1943, an experiment in invisibility goes wrong, sending David Herdeg (Michael Pare) and h... Continue »


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