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Apr '20 *
I wont get into a big rant because I'm not a super nerd, but goddamn... this movie was so much better than the last one. I was actually very satisfied with how this one played out. I liked the arcs, the twists, the callbacks, all of it.

Now with that said, I hope they don't fuck it up by adding more to this series. I know they want to do spin-offs, which I'm sure is inevitable, but leave this part of the series alone, considering most of the core cast is killed off or dead.

๐Ÿ’ฌ6 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.6k

Feb '17

I watched this last night. It was nothing special, just your typical run-of-the-mill horror movie. It was better than the original, but that's not saying much, as that one was garbage. This one is just less garbage. I liked the retro feel to it; a throwback to the 70s. The acting was good, but there were some cringe worthy performances as well. The pacing was slow. I felt bored at some parts. The jump scar... Continue »

Mar '20
I was just wondering if there could be a connection between those two stories, the movie JC3 and the novel MD. The black sheriff dude is named Tashtego, which is an extremely unusual name. When I google it, most of the hits have something to do with the character from Moby Dick, or things that might be derived from that character. Also, his buddy, the white sheriff, is named Tubbs. This is reaching, but I wonder if Tubbs is an anagram for Stubb, the second mate from MD? I'm almost sure ther... Continue »

๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€90

Mar '20
If I'm about to go on a rant about browsers, then you know I've got nothing better to do with my life!

What browser do you all use?
Ramble on about this question in your response.

I saw that Edge is at version 80 something, so I updated my 40 something version and all those little changes are blowing my mind. Standard features are actually working? What?! I know I should be on top of this stuff already, but you should never underestimate my laziness to catch up with modern times!... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ4 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€932

Mar '20
In this video, you get to see Jean-Claude Van Damme in a trash can. If that's not a Trash Epic, I don't know what is.


๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.4k

Mar '20
Not sure where to post this, it's just sort of interesting. This guy apparently tracked down the origin of some of the more obscure monsters in the Monster Manual, in Dungeons and Dragons. Like, the owlbear, the rust monster, and the bulette. Apparently they got started as cheapo little rubber and plastic toy monsters, made by some company in Hong Kong for little kids back in the early 70's. I think it is interesting that the company apparently just made up their own freaky little monsters,... Continue »

๐Ÿ‘1 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€132

Mar '20 *
..... (title of this post continued): of a Big Brother show.

I have mentioned this before, but it was quite awhile back... probably on IMDB, actually. Anyway, I think they did a good job on this. Some of the people on the Big Brother show come across as total idiots, but most of them eventually show that they do have some semblance of a brain, if they are given a chance to use it. Of course, even if they do use them, most of their brains get eaten eventually anyway, by the hordes of rave... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ4 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€882

Mar '20
Everybody knows that Universal has been fucking up on their Dark Universe reboot, but that's because they're not even trying. This time around, they decided to give Leigh Whannell a shot, because at this point, what have they got to lose?

Now right off the bat, I can tell you I like Leigh. "Upgrade" was a kickass movie, and this recent effort is also a pretty solid one.

Invisible Man movies are usually about a scientist who takes some sort of drug to become invisible, and while this is partly... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ3 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.6k

Mar '20
In the last 24 hours, I've watched all three of these films, which are quite reputable in blaxploitation and stoner comedy circles. For some reason, I simply never got around to them, but obviously, if I'm binging the trilogy, they must have hooked me at some point or another.

I rank the series in descending order. The first one was pretty amazing as a ghetto California tale of suburban youth. It's fucking funny and it's well written. After that one, they get a bit more gimmicky, but people wil... Continue »

Mar '20
While I have heard of Dolemite before, I seemed to forget about it. A lot. It always seemed like a premise with some of the right ideas, but it never quite phased me on how perfect it could end up being. Dolemite is a legitimate Trash Epic about a guy who's got nothing who becomes a cult icon.

I'm glad Eddie Murphy finally went back to being raunchy. He plays it great and I love his arc. He dreams big and works shitty jobs, but then something about him snaps and he becomes something out of noth... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ1 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€438

Mar '20
This was a hunk of shit about making a bad movie comprised of several skit comedy jokes. Christopher Meloni plays a big-toothed producer who tries to make a great dirty movie with a LOT of bad taste jokes.

With that said, Christopher Meloni is great. I could ramble on about how cool that man is. He's played intimidating characters in shows such as OZ as well as comedic fucks in shows like Netflix's Wet Hot American Summer. Solid actor, and he plays a man without a moral compass here who is adam... Continue »

๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€148

Mar '20 *
Inspired by The Most Dangerous Game and the crazy political environment we have today. We have a movie where twelve โ€œDeplorablesโ€ are kidnapped by โ€œLiberal Elitesโ€ and are placed in the woods with weapons but heavily disadvantaged as many are quickly and unfairly snuffed in a gory, fun mess. Of course one of the Deplorables turned into a Rambo style badass and plenty of carnage ensues.

The movie have some good dark comedy moments. I find the political satire to fall flat though. I beli... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ4 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.5k

Mar '20
This was some funny shit. This is a mockumentary about how the confederates won the civil war, and how that difference ripples through history. People still own slaves and a lot of history still happens, only somewhat different.

The narration and presentation is great. This laughable premise is taken seriously as if it were a real history channel documentary, and the best part are the commercials. Every few minutes, we're given a commercial break with some super racist gags. Continue »

Mar '20
I just discovered this. Does anyone here already know about Misty Brew? Apparently she was sort of an Elvira or Rhonda Shear type of character, on local television in Missouri, southern Illinois, and western Kentucky, back in the 80s. She seems more like Elvira than Rhonda Shear, I think... I haven't watched enough of her shows to be sure. Anyway, I am watching her presentation of The Legacy (1978), and she does a pretty good job. Google away, if you want to find out more. No, I'll just po... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ3 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€261

Mar '20
This shit about the Corona virus is the absolute hogwash. I have two jobs that are negatively affected by this tripe, and for no good reason.

Job A is a stockboy at the local dollar store. People come in buy more toilet paper than they would need in a month. But truth be told, they're probably buying it because they know everyone else is panic-buying it because they're dumb fucking cunts. Of all things to stockpile on, why does the world think it's going to shit itself unrelentingly over a viru... Continue »

Mar '17
Around 15 years ago, MGM had their Midnite Movies catalogue in full swing, with 60s to 70s (and sometimes 80s) classics brought to home video, finally. My mom bought one of her old favorites, "Count Yorga, Vampire" on VHS, and I had to see what the big deal was. Was it a big deal, though? Really?

Count Yorga... Vampire! AKA "The Loves of Count Iorga", originally conceived to be a porno, but toned down by the actor's request in favor of making it more legit. At least there's still implied lesb... Continue »

Mar '20
When I searched TE for this show, I got a bunch of articles from Feedproxy and Dreadcentral. I'm pretty sure there have been threads here about it, weren't there?? I guess I could be remembering stuff from the shout box. Anyway, Box, if you want to attach this post to any pre-existing thread about the show that you can find, that's fine by me.

I just wanted to call attention to a great moment in the show: when Ash meets his daughter Brandy, in the first episode of season 3, called "Family."... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ2 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€2.8k

Mar '20
I don't know how to title this post, and I'm not really sure this is even the section it belongs in, soooo I'm off to a HELL of a great start here.

Anyway, I was just thinking about how online communications has taken some local expressions that were once only used in certain countries, or even just in parts of certain countries, but now can be used by anyone.
For example, I have seen people on Twitter say "y'all" even though I know for sure that they are not from the American South (that's t... Continue »

๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.1k

Mar '20
Could The Beyond have been influenced by Phantasm?!? I know, that sounds a little crazy, but just think about it the next time you watch either movie.

The music often sounds very similar, in both movies. Also, both movies are surreal in a similar way... they don't really make total sense, except when considered as dreams or nightmares. Also, that place where they go at the very end of The Beyond makes me think of how the brothers and Reggie get a glimpse of that other planet, through the t... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ4 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€610

Mar '20
I can't sleep because I can't stop laughing. (Also because I haven't adjusted to setting the clocks forward yet, probably). Anyway, someone at XFinity has a sense of humor. Damien: Omen 2 is on their menu of free movies, and the little caption they gave it says "A couple sends the Antichrist to military school." I'm lying here in the dark, cracking up. What a great description. "Honey, let's send the Antichrist to military school! What could go wrong?" Then, later on, after a shitload of... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ2 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.3k

Mar '20
I just noticed the poster of the solar system on the wall, in Corey Haim's character's bedroom. I had that exact same poster on my bedroom wall, when I was a kid! I also had a jet-powered super-wheelchair with cool red flames painted on the sides, so that was fun too. (My last statement is significantly less accurate than my first statement). Anyway, you can see the poster when he sits on his bed after crawling through his window, right after getting home after he hits the werewolf in the ey... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ4 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€339

Mar '20
It feels very weird for me. I haven't been in school-mode in over a decade, but the change hits you. Now that I appreciate the merit of Spring Break again, I hope to watch some great trash for the few weeks.

The challenge has been fun so far. I love the video nasty point. That gets me through hard times. Watched Girls Nite Out for a gore or nudity point, but I don't feel right in counting only blood and no titties. Need to work on them FTVs though!

Since I've got time to waste, I'll be working... Continue »

๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€215

Mar '20
You guys, turn your TV or whatever on, and tell it to go to the TRVL (Travel) Channel. It's all paranormal stuff: ghosts, Bigfoot, cryptids, etc. Amazing. I think it used to be an actual channel about travel, but... not anymore.

๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€91

Mar '20
I just took this out of the library. Looks promising! Let's see how much of a dent I can make in it, before it's due back. I'll let you guys know if it's any good.

๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.3k

Aug '19 *
Okay, I have pretty much seen everything from this decade over this past year. So after a lot of thinking this is my ultimate list for the 2010's. There is a lot of movies that could make my list but this is it:

Mother! (2017)
The Love Witch (2016)
Hereditary (2018)
Spring (2014)
Trollhunter (2010)
The Void (2016)
The Autopsy of Jane Doe (2016)
A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014)
World War Z (2013)
What We Do in the Shadows (2014)

What makes your Top 10?


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.