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Oct '22
It's kind of it's own thing, but you still need to see the original to really get it. The sequels are largely insignificant, as they should be, so it's all about the first one. Same Chicago setting, the fallout of that bonfire, and the urban legends around Candyman. But who is Candyman? A question to be explored in this racist, woke, but damn interesting story.

I really love how it reinvented the mythology to make Candyman more of a symbol of an era rather than a singular character, bu... Continue »

🚸 👀280

Sep '22
I've always wanted to know about the madness that went into making Ren & Stimpy, and that doc was plenty informative. They want to paint creator John K. as a monster, how he was a dictator, but I feel like the end justifies the means. His batshit "storytelling" helped pave the way for better cartoons, but it definitely seemed to alienate him. It also delves into his scandal, though they never mention any specific sexual misconduct. John K does seem like a weird guy, but in that perfectionist... Continue »

Aug '22 *
It's almost September and you know what that means: it's time for the annual Sci-Fi/Fantasy Challenge.

As always, you'll get one point per minute watched of any sci-fi or fantasy movie or TV show. The challenge starts at 12:00 AM September 1st and ends at 11:59 PM September 30th.

Make your SPOT below! If you have any questions, ask them in the shoutbox.

If you need some ideas for what to watch, here are links to the challenge from previous years.

2017 - https://trashepics.com/... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ12 🚸 👀1.8k

Sep '22
I listen to the radio on the way to work. The classic rock station is the default. It's familiar and comforting. But damn, they need to play the OTHER STUFF every once in a while! There are so many songs I'm getting so sick of hearing multiple... times... every... fucking... day. GNR is so overplayed. ACDC is overplayed. I'm so sick of their "hits", but these are also the songs being put in every movie soundtrack now. Thor 4 had four overplayed GNR radio songs in it, for god's sake. And i... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ9 🚸 👀1k

Sep '22
I put this on for background noise, but it sucked me in. Anything with time-travel and dystopian futures is always worth a look, and it has some interesting sci-fi mumbo jumbo. It very much reminds me of Edge of Tomorrow, which also features vicious alien invaders. Instead of the death-loop form of time-travel, this movie features a parallel back-and-forth sort of time travel. They can wormhole from the 2022 present into the 2051 war, but always pushing forward in time. It makes more sense if yo... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ1 🚸 👀737

Sep '22
Some of the genre's best movies would take place in some arbitrary future date. 1997 was a common year in a slew of titles, such as Terminator, 12 Monkeys, and of course... Escape from New York. That one (released 1981) depicts a what-if scenario 16 years from itself. Could New York City really turn to shit like that in 16 years? I'm sure it seemed somewhat believable to those watching it in its first run. 16 years from now, could Manhattan still become a prison island?

"Look, I am ... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ10 🚸 👀631

Sep '22
In the ancient days of pre-streaming, it wasn't so easy to watch that somewhat obscure movie you yearned and pined to see. If it wasn't on tv, and it wasn't at the video store, you had to physically buy the damn thing, usually at that higher OOP cost. Online ordering made things easier, but you could never be sure of the disc and case condition, even if it's marked "Like New". There were a lot of drawbacks and concerns to those blind-buys, so you knew you were taking a risk.

I could blin... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ9 🚸 👀293

Sep '22 *
I saw this. I was waffling for awhile on whether to give it a shot. On the one hand, it looked like a chick flick. On the other hand, hey, it's Edgar Wright! You can't go wrong with Edgar Wright. On the third hand (yes, I'm an alien, just deal with it) Anya Taylor-Joy looked like quite the babe in some of the trailers and reviews I saw... that was probably what made me decide to watch it, I don't even remember.

Anyway... it definitely has its moments! Possibly the most important thing, th... Continue »

Sep '22
For the longest time, Blade Runner 1982 was the only one of its kind. Of course, you'd get a new version every so often to keep you drooling, but it's still basically the same one movie. The movie invented the tech noir genre and made it great because of that beautifully brooding aesthetic and score. It's very noir, but in a futuristic setting. It offers some interesting questions on what it is to be human, and the cast rocks. It's a perfect movie, so it makes sense why sci-fi nerds love it so m... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ6 🚸 👀1k

Sep '22
This movie got pulled from TIFF for using DC characters, but there's perhaps some technicalities involved that will allow it to come out anyway? It looks like garbage. I want to see it.


🚸 👀167

Sep '22
You've all heard the expression of how magic is simply science we don't understand. Science is the study of something, and if you study fantasy, there must be a science to it, even if it's all theoretical. Fantasy runs on its own rules that often break our real-world physics, but they still have some rhyme or reason. Sci-Fi as a genre doesn't need to have the tropes that it's often known for, like space aliens and robots, but it's not unexpected in the genre if these things show up. Couldn't the... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ6 🚸 👀806

Sep '22 *
Holy fuck, this is terrifying. I hope this link is clickable. If not, try googling Loab AI machine learning nightmares.... maybe try entering that into Google Images. I think there will be more and more images appearing online, in the near future, as they tweak the programming. I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about here, it just sounds reasonable to me. If I'm wrong, good. Anyway, here, try clicking on this: https://itsonlydark.substack.com/p/loab-explained

Sep '22
The experiment itself causes a vortex. A hole in the sky of sorts that sucks in air and acts as a bridge between the two times, 1943 and 1984. The visual of that hole in the sky sucking in the clouds and air around it is something that always intrigued me. Imagine how frightening it would be to see something like that in real life...

For a sci-fi theory, I always wondered about that hole. Was the 1984 hole sucking in air, only to send the air back to 1943? If so, would 1943 have more air... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ2 🚸 👀356

Sep '22
It counts for the challenge because IMDb says so, but forget what they say. Dystopian movies aren't always sci-fi, are they? Presented as what-if fantasies, but that doesn't make them part of the 'fantasy' genre. All movies aren't real, but they can't all be labeled as fantasy.

What about Max Max neccessitates the label of "Science Fiction"? What is scientific about the movie? Society does not have technology at this point. What do you say, mate?

đŸ’Ŧ25 🚸 👀869

Sep '22
When you're a kid, you don't always have control of what you get exposed to. I'd seen this movie when I was like... 6 or 7? Suffice to say, it left an imprint on me at that age. I always thought Eddie Furlong was the coolest. He had that bad-boy teenage drama that I always envied. Girl problems, a misfit way of life, and an otherwise seemingly dope lifestyle.

He plays "Michael", and Michael's room always seemed like a cool place to me. He lived in the attic with a lot of "cutting edge" mid-90s... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ6 🚸 👀534

Jun '22
For those who don't know, The Boys is an Amazon series based off a comic series. It's about corrupt superheroes and a handful of pissed off regular folk who want to kill them. What if superman was a narcissistic asshole murderer? What if Aquaman gets molested and realizes how fucking lame he is? Well, it's a pretty ride, and season 2 left off with the best cliffhanger of all time:

Our "superhero" goes on top of a building, looks over the city, and jerks off all over it... to the thought... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ4 🚸 👀407

Aug '22
What a little cunt. Seriously, fuck him and his dick nose. Sick of seeing him on that Tubi ad with that other unfunny piece of shit from Scrubs. Makes me wanna watch more Amazon Prime, where there are far less ads.

Aug '22
That was a damn good movie. Kathryn Bigelo is one of the few female directors who understands action and tension. With some of that good ol' Eric Red writing, you get a tense and well-paced thriller about a wall street guy who snaps one day and fixates on a beat cop he saw take down a bad guy.

Jamie Lee does a fantastic job here. Nobody believes anything she says except for good ol' Clancy Brown. He usually shines in villain roles, but he goes for a good-cop role this time, and it works. Ron... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ2 🚸 👀481

Aug '22
image Imagine, if you will, a day in the life of a working man. A man who saves every penny so he can enjoy an early retirement. However, a mere day in the life wouldn't reap the rewards of the endgame, thus the working man works for it, and continues to work for it to such an extent that he may work himself into an early grave.

Mr. Smith is on the commute home from the bank after making a hefty withdrawal. His life savings, to be more
... Continue »

🚸 👀704

Aug '22
I avoided this one for a while because I figured it would be bad. Nobody ever really talks about it, so what gives? I guess Daniel San isn't a kid anymore, so fresh blood was needed. This time, we get Hilary Swank, and you know what? She does a damn fine job.

image Julie Pierce is an angry teen. She's been recently orphaned and has a rough time in high school. Violent male stalkers, poor attendance, unsympathetic teachers, the works. Ho... Continue »

Aug '22
Oh no! There's this horrible man eating monster that's killing everybody! How will we ever stop it? How will we ever avoid it? How do you know you won't be the next one to be eaten?!

Oh, I don't know. Maybe just STAY OUT OF THE FUCKING OCEAN? You know, that big wet salty place that you have absolutely no reason to ever go into, ever? Maybe just don't go in there?

I can't thing of any type of attack that is easier to avoid than a shark attack.


Aug '22
This is available for free on Pluto TV right now. It appears to have six episodes. So far I have watched the first two.

It's pretty scary! It's from 1981, and was filmed in and around London. Anyway, they did a pretty respectable job on it. I think most of us have seen the 1962 film by the same title, at some point in our lives, but just in case not: the idea is that a meteor storm affiliated with a comet has put on a light show that blinded everyone who watched it, which was over 99% of t... Continue »

Aug '22
Concerning Stephen King, I was thinking about King's films I saw at the cinemas. I remember seeing The Dead Zone, Maximum Overdrive, The Running Man, Pet Semetary, Sleepwalkers and 1408 in theatres. Seeing a film at the cinemas was always a different experience than watching at home imo which made a piece of shit like Sleepwalkers seem alright. Which films adapted from King's writings did you see in theatres?

Aug '22
I was just thinking about this. Can anyone think of any Stephen King book, or movie, where he makes a character in the military who is positive or sympathetic?

He might do it in some of his books from the middle period of his writing. I have read most of his early stuff, and a fair amount of his recent stuff, but I am having a hard time thinking of any of his books showing people in the military as the good guys. Maybe he did this in some of his books from the 90s or early 2000s.

Anyway,... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ3 🚸 👀244

Jul '22
What are your thoughts on DC movies and shows? Marvel is imploding upon itself, so I'm trying to get more acquainted with the company that makes content for adults. I don't care for most properties outside of the Batman/Gotham variety, but I do believe DC has something decent every now and then that isn't just Batman. DC is also brave enough to do standalone movies outside of the convoluted and cluttered continuities of the "cinemative universe" trend.

I got HBO Max to catch up on some comic j... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ11 🚸 👀648


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.