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Mar '23
Obviously, I can't say much. The Manhattan setting is great. The movie is set on the cusp of Halloween, meaning Ghostface Takes Manhattan isn't a stretch. Everybody is throwing parties and there's an element of hiding in plain sight going on that's really wonderful. They certainly take full advantage of the NYC locale and try to exploit that in various ways. Notably convenient stores, subways, apartment buildings, and Central Park.

Our characters still got it, the violence is heavy, and... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ6 🚸 👀782

Mar '23
I was wondering what everyone's opinion of a throwback movie is?

đŸ’Ŧ6 🚸 👀729

Mar '23
Hey everyone, I have been away for a long times, and currently do not watch movies anymore. I cannot even remember the last movie I watched. I had a question for the parents on here. Or a couple.

So I had a son this past October, he is a very chill baby, but I still haven't taken him to a theater. Im super nervous about taking him the first time. He loves watching the tv when its on.

He is 4 months old, 5 months on the 11th. Im taking my grandma to watch the new scream movie when it comes ou... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ17 🚸 👀753

Mar '23
When I went to see Michael B. Jordan's Creed III in theaters, I saw a trailer for some crap Damon/Affleck movie about original Michael Jordan...'s shoes. A movie about a shoe doesn't seem interesting to me. Especially with those guys in it. I hope those two actually have sex with each other in their next movie, because the sexual tension is unbearable.

Creed 3 is okay. At least they didn't kill Rocky off or some stupid shit. They simply ignore mention of him almost entirely... Continue »

🚸 👀128

Mar '23
Aka "Tanny and the Teenage T-Rex", even though everybody still calls her Tammy. Featuring George 'Buck' Flower as a sheriff trying to stop the mad scientist's murderous robot T-Rex that has Paul Walker's brain inside of it.

Denise Richards and Paul Walker only ever wanted to fuck each other, but he just had to go comatose after brawling with mountain lions, didn't he?! The computers aren't good enough to run that animatronic. We need a human brain in there, and Paul Walker was bor... Continue »

🚸 👀397

Mar '23
The plot is reminiscent of Child's Play 2019. Megan is a prototype designed to bond with a child, and it's always expected that the robots will go haywire and ignore morality. Does that make this movie a derivative waste of time? No, it's actually pretty legit. Don't let kids spend too much time with their devices, or those devices will remove you from the equation.

Obviously, there will be some dickhead businessman trying to rush an unfinished project onto the market, but shouldn't we d... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ27 🚸 👀1.2k

Mar '23
From the director of Dazed and Confused is another coming-of-age story about young adults who loiter outside of a convenience store as they try to figure out what to do with their post high school lives.

I liked it. It was thoughtful, albeit aimless, and the setting was relatable. Small town in Texas, pretty boring, but real. You got your conflicted cynic (Giovanni Ribisi), his activist punky artist girlfriend, the immature annoying sidekick (Steve Zahn), the jaded drunk nihilist (Nicky... Continue »

Feb '23
The past couple of weeks I've been rewatching his films which started by bumping into Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. I thought it was good the 1st time I viewed it but appreciated it much more this 2nd time around. So I started digging out old DVDS and searching out what I didn't own, I even watched films he doesn't consider his but either co-wrote, co-directred or produced like Killing Zoe, Four Rooms and Dusk til Dawn. I didn't bother rewatching Reservoir Dogs or Pulp Fiction cause I can pract... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ19 🚸 👀1k

Apr '20 *
Not everyone likes this movie, but I think it gets a lot of things right, somehow. I don't think I completely understand why or how, but I'm going to just say what my thoughts are.

If you don't instantly remember what it is... it's that 80's Santeria run amok in NYC movie, with Martin Sheen, Helen Shaver, and Jimmy Smits. And Robert Loggia! Quite a cast, really.

Apparently it's not exactly a Santeria movie. It's about some very dark, evil form of witchcraft that has some common ground with... Continue »

Mar '23
Tornadoes are in the forecast today. I fear I may perish as I have nothing left to live for, for I have just seen what is probably the the trashiest trash epic ever.

Return to Return to Nuke 'Em High (Vol II) is the dumbest shit ever. Loaded with dicks, dykes, ducks, farts, titties, and toxic waste. Featuring trademark cameos by Lemmy, Joe Fleishaker, Stan Lee, and Ron Jeremy as God. It's sad that we wont see more of them in the next Troma movie, if ever there will be one. Except in arc... Continue »

Feb '23 *
Aren't there any posts about Phenomena here? We have definitely discussed it, at least the excellent scene toward the end with the impromptu abrupt beheading.

I just wanted to mention something cool about it. The Wikipedia article on it says Argento intended the film to be set in a world in which the Nazis had (perhaps secretly, I think) actually WON WWII. I guess he ended up deciding not to stress that idea too overtly, and instead spent his energy developing the dreamlike atmosphere of t... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ5 🚸 👀438

Feb '23
Name an unpopular opinion you have. Or two. Or more.

Star Wars and superheroes are for children. Seriously, if you're over the age of 12, and you care about that shit, I think you're a loser. No offense. emoticon

Straight porn is for bisexuals. How can straight men watch that shit? Cocks are so fucking gross, and they turn me right off.

Here's some for the horror fans:
Lucio Fulci was a talentless hack.

Halloween is one of John Carpenter's worst movies.
28 Days Later is one of the worst movi... Continue »

Mar '23
The movie begins with the same song used over and over again in another Elizabeth Banks series. "Jane" by Jefferson Starship. I had to laugh at that. She can't get away from that song. Or she simply doesn't want to.

Overall a fun movie. A step up from the other turkeys I saw recently. I love the popeye/powerup effect the coke has on the bear. That was also a thing in The Wolf of Wall Street and it made me lmao.

Ray Liotta's final role, huh? It's a pretty generic villain role, but he doe... Continue »

Feb '23
The casino is where you gamble your TE moneys in turn-based games. Card games and board games.

Located in the "Junk" dropdown menu.

How does it work?

Some bozo user will create a lobby for some specific game to be played. Users may then join the game, or spectate.

In the lobby where you are viewing the game, you will be allowed to make certain actions depending on the state of the game. The general flow is this:

The seating process, where you... Continue »

Feb '23 *

I think it's safe to say that the slasher is one of, if not the most beloved of all horror sub genres. More specifically, the 80's slasher. What is basically movies about serial killers slowly picking off a group of people. Usually teenagers and usually for a random, often very personal reason. These movies usually focus on the group above the killer, and mainly the one member of the group that is to survive. One of the most entertaining types of... Continue »

Feb '23
I just heard about this. It sounds pretty interesting. Some sort of a Red Dawn type of deal.

Here, this is the first episode, and you can click to the other episodes on the right.


🚸 👀491

Feb '23
Disney has officially turned Ant-Man 3 into a Star Wars movie. When I first heard that, I thought Guardians of the Galaxy would obviously be the more suitable candidate for Star Wars rip-off, but nope. This movie is way more Star Wars rip-off than Guardians, for sure. It's full of wacky aliens, dumb robots, weird sci-fi visuals, rebels versus the empire, blasters, and more. The main difference is that instead of dealing with outer space, it deals with inner space.

It also r... Continue »

🚸 👀511

Jan '23
I'm not a gamer and haven't been for 20 years but I've read and heard from friends that are and it's one of their favorite games of all time even if the sequel shat the bed. So I went into this new HBO series with an open mind even as I said to myself do we really need another zombie apocalypse just after the anti-climatic ending to The Walking Dead? Eh...it wasn't bad, actually surprised me some. I rather liked Pedro Pascal early in his career, thought he was great in GOT as Prince Oberen and e... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ13 🚸 👀1.2k

Feb '23 *

Just once, I'd love to see an awesome, legendary horror film come along and impress us all while making plenty of money for everyone without studio greed and desperation rearing its ugly head. Why can't they ever just say "Great job, guys! Let us know if you have anymore ideas". Nope! Success means that success must be Xeroxed at all costs. And as many times as possible. If it made money, there must be an attempt at repeating the formula to milk... Continue »

Feb '23
The fact that this movie exists is wonderful. It's a big middle finger to Disney, and they deserve it. When you get around to watching the actual movie, you'll find it's a very mixed bag. The concept is a big lolwtf pitch, and the plot is amazing: a bunch of girls go to a secluded house in the woods and some bad stuff happens. We don't need to reinvent the wheel here, so we wont. We know we're watching a slasher movie, and this movie doesn't try to put on any airs. It really is as dumb as it sou... Continue »

🚸 👀136

Mar '18
OK, I'm not a complete moron (a half moron, yes) so I gather most folks don't like that the scales tip more toward comedy this time around, and that, after the absolute classic the first is, that chances are a sequel was just gonna pale in comparison.

But hear me out (read me out)

I've made it very clear (annoyingly so, I'm sure) that I'm a ROTLD fanatic. I think about that movie or some facet of that movie at least once a week. However, ROTLD 2 means nearly as much to me, b... Continue »

Feb '23 *
I was just thinking about something from the Douglas Adams book Life, The Universe, And Everything. There's a part about a guy named Prak who was supposed to be some kind of witness in a big legal case. They gave him a truth serum to ensure that he didn't BS them, and they made him swear to tell "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." But, the problem was, someone bumped into the medic administering the truth serum, so he got WAAAYYYYY too big of a dose.

Somehow, the truth... Continue »

Feb '23
That is the stupidest thing I ever heard! Jesus Christ...

I don't know, Scotty. An animal in the basement of a secluded cabin in the woods in the middle of fucking nowhere doesn't sound all that implausible to me.

And then a minute later he's all like "yeah, you're probably right. It's probably just some animal."

What the fuck is this guy's deal?

Feb '23
Wasn't there a thread about this already? Maybe I posted something in the shout box. Anyway, I'm just thinking about this subject. Iron Man 2 has a LOT of stuff drawn from Lethal Weapon 2, especially the ending in the shipyard. Iron Man 3, which I have on right now, has a scene that is like a combination of scenes from Lethal Weapon 1 and 2. It combines the scene where the helicopter attacks Tom Atkins' house, in Lethal Weapon 1, with the scene where Riggs and Murtaugh destor the house on s... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ9 🚸 👀872


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.