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May '23
There's really nothing new about modern filmmakers trying to recreate the feel of the horror films of the past. However, I haven't seen anything done quite the same way as The Third Saturday in October. Many people who grew up in the 80s or 90s, and rented a lot of horror movies, or watched them on TV, probably originally saw a lot of the big franchises out of order. Maybe the video store didn't carry the all of them, or a sequel was just what was playing on TV that night. The filmmakers here ha... Continue »

May '23
I've been doing this con since 2012, with the exception of 2020. I hope I can get another chance to meet Tom Atkins and Ken Foree. But this year is different. It's at the end of the month instead of the beginning, and it's no longer at the Hyatt Regency in DFW, but the Irving Convention Center rather. I think the issue was crowd size, so the 'convention' center was probably more adequate.

I feel they were a little understaffed in the entry protocols though. No onebody knew where they were go... Continue »

May '23 *
Anybody catch this one? It's pretty interesting! For a low budget movie, I would say this is quite a respectable effort. The way the brothers interact is especially good. Very very brotherly, pretty much all the time.

I shouldn't say too much about it, or I'll wreck it. I'll put in a link to the wikipedia article about it, but please don't read beyond the first paragraph or so. I'll just say that it made me think of, at different times and in different ways, Believers (2007); Nope; Phan... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ17 🚸 👀1k

May '23
M. Night is back, and better than ever! A group of armed assailants intrude upon the cabin of a small family. Now this family is two gay dudes and a little Asian girl, so M. Night is going there. It's all about that inclusion.

So intruders try to convince happy gay family that the world is going to end, but the family refuses to believe it after all the signs and bizarre shit that goes on. Maybe it's a metaphor? Maybe it's bullshit? Well, one thing's for sure. It's not very cool. For an... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ24 🚸 👀1.1k

May '23
It took 12 years for the second movie to come out. Then it took 16 years after that for the third movie to come out. Obviously, it faced a lot of difficulty getting off the ground, but something finally clicked in the 2020s and here we are, almost 30 years into Kevin Smith's filmmaking career. If you didn't already know, this movie stems from a very personal experience from the director, and this whole movie feels very personal.

I never expected the movie to be so sad. Yeah, there are laughs... Continue »

Apr '23
I stock water at work sometimes and there's too many different types. Dasani, Pure Life, Ozarka, Aquafina, Fiji, store brand, other store brand, elctrolyte this, Smartwater that... A six-pack of Core costs almost $10 while the 40-pack of store brand is $5.

Smartwater's motto is "Whatever the choice, keep it smart". The smart thing to do is pay a reasonable price for water, damn you!

So do you only drink a specific brand of water? Are you picky about which water tastes better?

Jan '23
I made the mistake of seeing this at the theater last night. "Experimental horror" bs. This is quite possibly the worst thing I have ever sat through, and I'm pretty open-minded to anything in the horror genre & beyond. But this was complete incoherent crap.
There's no synopsis to give, because there was no plot whatsoever. None. (I paid to see it and wasn't alone, otherwise I would've been done 5 mins in.)

đŸ’Ŧ2 🚸 👀434

May '23
I did this for the first two seasons. Then I started on season 3, but lost all my mini-reviews when my computer crapped out. Years later, I found a backup of some of them, so I finally finished this fucking season.

s3e01 - The Circus - directed by Michael Gornick

This was an okay start to the season, featuring the weird and creepy William Hickey as a circus owner who had a bizarre assortment of cliche monsters. A reporter goes to the circus... Continue »

May '23
I was hesitant to give Disney any money, but I needed some exercise today, so I walked to the theater and bit the bullet. Guardians 3 is a decent conclusion this "trilogy". It may be a part 3, but the parts between Vol 2 and Vol 3 have a big impact, so it's hardly a real trilogy, but in that regard, the director can make it feel bigger than it is.

I'm hopeful for James Gunn's DC, and his Marvel efforts have always been an alternative style to the cookie-cutter other entries in the MCU. He picks... Continue »

🚸 👀496

May '23
I've been on an organized crime kick lately. For some random reason, I'm finding mafia stuff quite fascinating, so a few crime movies into this binge and I'm finally revisiting The Godfather series.

I first saw them years ago. These movies were always ranked as some of the all-time best, and yeah... I thought they were good enough. Maybe a tad overrated, but whatever. Now I'm watching them again in my contemporary point of view, after I've dissected all the tropes of the genre, and boo... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ41 🚸 👀1.5k

May '23 *
I don't know what section I should post this in...? Box, place this elsewhere if you want, obviously.

Anyway, I was just thinking about how the characters named Kane in Kung Fu, The Ninth Configuration, the Karl Edward Wagner books, and probably lots of other TV shows, books, movies, comics, maybe story-songs, etc are all likely to be derived from, or at least connected to, the story of Cain and Abel. Just the idea of a dangerous dude named Kane who wanders the Earth, getting into adventu... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ2 🚸 👀213

Apr '23
Here's a typing speed test I ripped off for the lulz.


I average around 93 wpm, a couple errors, and 100% accuracy. What about you?

đŸ’Ŧ18 🚸 👀819

Apr '23
zeds descent into hell: (and loving it)

- So as not to polute the shitbox I will keep my crap here. sometimes it feel like its only my shit in the shoutbox, & I feel I have to post, just to keep it relevant. Otherwise its just gonna be no posts for 5 days and then no one feels like posting.
Im just drinking the 99cent liter wine (they raised the price, it used to be 95 cents and before that I remember 85 cents), soon it will be more than 1 euro for a litre of wine, FFS is there no god)
anyw... Continue »

May '23
I just wanted to mention an interesting story that I have been thinking about lately. (There are a couple of YouTube videos up of people reading it out loud, by the way). First published n 1941, it's about a scientist who creates artificial life, and accelerates its development until he has his own little artifical creatures who evolve to become intelligent, then eventually they become smarter than humans. As AI develops, I think about that story sometimes. In some ways it just helps me to i... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ9 🚸 👀902

May '23
I think my original attempt to watch this show was a download on an old computer that eventually crapped out on me before I could finish, and I never picked it up again. Here I am finally getting past those first few episodes and I'm only mildly interested. I wasn't quite getting it until about episode 10, in which the events lead to Swearengen uttering the words, "We're forming a fucking government." Suddenly, it all comes together for me.

https://trashepics.com/dump/file/1/image/coc... Continue »

Apr '23
Supposedly this is coming out in October. Has anyone been keeping up with any kind of news reports on how it's going? Interviews, social media posts by the actors or crew, anything like that? I didn't really LOVE the 2019 one, but I would still watch a prequel, just to give it a shot. They have a pretty good cast.

đŸ’Ŧ4 🚸 👀319

Apr '23 *
I watched this weird drama on the Tubi earler called Bitch. A neglected and cheated on wife is hanging by a thread. Depressed and stressed out to the point of being suicidal. Her unfaithful, workaholic husband checked out a long time ago and is about as uninvolved/self-involved as a family man could be. He works and fucks co-workers and that's about it. The wife runs the family, takes care of the kids, who he may not even know the names of. This guy doesn't care about jack shit, but he's gonna h... Continue »

Apr '23
This is some funny shit. And when I say funny, I mean facepalmingly stupid. They partnered with some trans guy/girl/thing and they're getting a lot of backlash for it. Because bud is a man's drink! No beers for queers!

On one hand, they should have known rednecks would take offense, but on the other hand... who gives a fuck? It's still the same old shit I never bought even when I drank like a fish.

Apr '23
This question gets asked about pretty much every movie that has a dog in it. Nobody cares if the human dies. Kill all the people you want, but if you kill that dog, I can't watch. Not just dogs either, pretty much any animal. Or any mammal, anyway. I can't remember anybody complaining about the death of a fish or a reptile off hand.

Seems weird, doesn't it? I mean, we are humans. It feels like the death of a fellow human should upset us more, but it doesn't. Maybe it's not that way for everybo... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ19 🚸 👀993

Apr '23
... looks kind of interesting.

I still won't watch that shit though. I can't even get excited about James Gunn's Guardians 3. Or new Daredevil. Or Deadpool 3, since they hired She-Hulk writers. Brie Larson is hot though.

đŸ’Ŧ14 🚸 👀1k

Apr '23
There are some plot similarities between these two 80s sequels. Both are about families moving into a house with a haunted history that ends up possessing the teenage male of the bunch. Both guys hear voices and have sexual hang-ups too. Jesse is a closet homosexual and Sonny has incestuous feelings toward his sister. Also, the fathers are both assholes played by cool actors.

NoES2 is more of a haunted house movie than you might initially realize. Besides the gradual possession, it's always hot... Continue »

Apr '23
I was into the video games in the early 2000s. Swords and sorcery always seemed cool to me, but then I'd go and watch something like Lord of the Rings and get bored as hell. Game of Thrones didn't do it for me either, so maybe the genre just isn't meant for cinema? Suffice to say, I went in with low expectations, but what a pleasant surprise. I have no complaints about this movie.

For all the nerds out there, this movie has it all. The locations, the races, the beasts, the classes... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ1 🚸 👀590

Apr '23 *

As an impressionable teenager who was eager to get high for the first time, Cheech And Chong's Up In Smoke was right up my alley. As of 1995, I had never even heard of these guys until my sister recommended I check out some of their movies. If I wasn't convinced pot smoking would be a positive experience before I watched Up In Smoke, I sure as hell would be afterwards. For the most part, I was right. Sure, becoming a regular pot smoker put a hug... Continue »

Apr '23
There's another Yellowstone spin-off watched. Very bleak and depressing. Ever see that movie A Million Ways to Die in the West? It's a lot like that. A group fleeing the lawless Fort Worth travels across the country en route to Oregon. Some of them are pioneers. Some of them are clueless foreigners. Most of them can and will die along the way.

It's never very clear as to who will carry on the Dutton family name in these shows, and I think Sheridan leaves that ambiguous on purpose. These... Continue »

🚸 👀475

Mar '23 *
I was just listening to an episode.
In case you don't know its a radio show thats been going on for 80+ years on the BBC where each week a (famous) person chooses 8 music tracks (and a book and luxery item) so lets hear yours?

Mine: (work in process), not in order btw

1. The Gunners Dream - Pink Floyd
2. Black Waters Blowed/Engine Broke Blues - Silver Mt Zion
3. Lost on Yer Merry Way - Grandaddy
4. The Black and White - NOFX
5. Baton Rouge - Lou Reed
6. Ka... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ27 🚸 👀1.3k


@ am
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