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Jul '23
I just read about this on the Wikipedia page for the original Omen. Apparently, in 1974 there was an episode of Kolchak: The Night Stalker, in which a devious person was running for public office, and we gradually learn that he is some kind of agent of Satan. It has scary Rottweilers, people having horrible accidents as soon as they come into any kind of conflict with the devil's pawn.... the whole enchillada. Anyway, apparently Den of Geek noticed the parallels with The Omen. I can't rememb... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ4 🚸 👀679

Jul '23
You're relaxing and you want to stare at some screens. How do you do it? Is everyone on mobile? Are there any dinosaurs in the audience who still sit at a desk and use a desktop or even laptop computer?

I have a moderate size tv, I think around 36". Not mounted, because I don't want to fuck up my walls anymore than they already are. I have a laptop that I never take anywhere. It sits on my desk, so it is essentially a desktop computer. I just upgraded my wired mouse & keyboard for wireless... Continue »

Jul '23
I basically can't say anything about this movie without totally wrecking it. I'll just say that it's interesting. Check it out.

Jun '23
There I was listening to some old rock songs when youtube hit me with a long ad about therapy. Is this part of the algorithm, specifically targeting me?

JK, I don't give a fuck. I don't need therapy, but I am curious about it for fuck's sake.

A few ramblings...

RZ's Halloween 2 had Laurie traumatized by how shitty the first movie was, so she got Margot Kidder as her therapist. I hated the shit out of Laurie in that movie. All she did was bitch. RZ's psychological efforts do nothing fo... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ11 🚸 👀774

May '23 *

Welcome to the 2023 Crime Challenge.

You can watch any movie or TV show involving crime. If in doubt, please use IMDb or any other major movie database to check if a movie is tagged with "crime". However, certain superhero or slasher movies will be allowed but crime must be an integral part of the plot i.e. if it's a slasher then the police investigation must be a major feature of the movie (e.g. giallo), if it's a superher... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ19 🚸 👀2.1k

Jun '23 *
This movie https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Becoming_(2020_horror_film) is really nothing too special, but I am mentioning it just because it is interesting to watch Jason Patric basically channeling his dad, Jason Miller, Father Karras from the Exorcist. There's a scene where Jason Patric yells "You're not my father!" at a demon-possessed guy, and he did it in a VERY similar way to how his dad yelled "You're not my mother!" at the devil in The Exorcist, when the devil was messing with his mind.... Continue »

🚸 👀131

Jun '23
Studio 666 came out of nowhere, and it disappeared just as fast. Who knew Dave Grohl was such a big fan of The Exorcist? Because who isn't, really? So his effort is a haunted mansion / music studio in California with some rock star horror backstory... featuring Jenna Ortega!. Albeit super briefly. The Foo can't come up with a new album, so they go to this haunted-ass place for inspiration.

Dave is the lead, obviously. Whilst you can tell he isn't an actor, you know he had fun with this,... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ7 🚸 👀850

Apr '23
I didn't want to believe the heckler at the early screenings, but he's the real hero for calling it like it is. This movie is garbage. Right away, you can tell it was more inspired by the 2013 movie than by the real series. Hell, this movie makes the 2013 movie look good, even though it suffers from the same flaws as that turkey, only they took those eye-rolling tropes and turned them up to 11. It's like they didn't learn anything from that movie.

I mentioned in another post about remake... Continue »

Jun '23
I'm not terribly familiar with The Flash. He had a lot of tv stuff in and out of the Arrowverse, but I never watched any of it, because why should I? I'm here for Batman, bitch. But somehow, that weird cult leader they-pronoun Ezra Miller pulled it off. It lived up to the hype.

The movie takes heavy inspiration from the Flashpoint Paradox comic, in which Flash goes so fast that he travels back in time. It was a cool comic and animated film, utilizing Batman in a primary role, which is what this... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ10 🚸 👀898

Jun '23 *

Jesus, where to begin... And this one started out making so much sense. I'm not exactly sure what happened here, but it's almost like the director's brain just stopped working at some point during filming. Although that would imply the scenes were filmed in order and I have no reason to think they were, but I'm sure you get what I'm saying. It's not really a bad movie as far as typical bad movie qualities go. It's just that this thing makes less... Continue »

Jun '23
They said "Humanity as we know it is ending. You've been charged with saving 5 HORROR MOVIES from extinction. Let's hear your picks horror fans"

I'm not even 100% sure what they are asking here. I assume it's more than just "What are your 5 favorites?". I figure it's more along the lines of which 5 horror movies are worth saving the most? Which 5 could offer the proper inspiration to potential filmmakers way later after/if things get back to normal? Or at least the inspiration that you... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ6 🚸 👀559

Oct '22
After years of being postponed, the movie is finally out. But damnit, that delay was worth it for one specific kill. There was a featurette after the movie describing how the pandemic allowed them to flesh out a rather ordinary kill into some insanely excessive levels. It's such a cruel and sadistic scene, it's hilarious.

Art the Clown is a funny guy. I got a lot of laughs out of him, and I think a few others did too. There were about 10 in the theater, which is a decent turnout by today's stan... Continue »

Jun '23 *
I can easily say it's the best horror movie I've seen that revolves around a glory hole.

So this dude is on the run from some...personal troubles...probably the less known about that the better. He ends up at a rest stop where he spends the night getting wasted and somehow manages to completely burn his pants? He awakes with an awful hangover, and runs to restroom to puke it all out. At one point he realizes he just touched his face after having touched the toilet, and kind of freaks. But he co... Continue »

Jun '23
First things first: sadly, this post has absolutely nothing to do with The Terminator. We can only pray that referring to Commando is close enough.

Having said that... I was just thinking about this. Watch a minute or so of Commando here. Just pay close attention from about 2:14 to 3:14.


Especially pay attention to the way William Duke (the huge black guy from Predator and Mandy and Sixteen Candles... no, never mind about Sixteen Candles) s... Continue »

🚸 👀460

Jun '23 *
Tom Hardy and James Gandolfini are Brooklyn bartenders with some very minimal organized crime connections. Well, at least Tom Hardy wants to steer clear of it, though Gandolfini still revels in his glory days of being respected. When the bar gets robbed, the mob expects our guys to get the money back, but the police are also inching closer to all these illegal activities. Meanwhile, Hardy finds an abused puppy in a woman's trash, and things go from promising to shady real quick.

So far, I've... Continue »

Jun '23
Based on a true NYC bank robbery in 1972, this movie is often regarded as one of the classics, but you don't hear people talk about it that often. Al Pacino was on fire back then. You could tell he was young and hungry, but is the movie as good as they say? Eh, I guess so.

You can tell this movie was a huge influence on Airheads (1994). The hostage situation that garners fans and sympathy while the police try to handle it.

This movie also has Chris Sarandon as a super gay, Charles Durni... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ3 🚸 👀663

Jun '23
This was on the Travel Channel, which, as I have mentioned here before, should now be called the Bigfoot Channel.

This episode had a dramatization of brothers who had an encounter with some kind of beast. They think maybe it was a Bigfoot. Is this a popular urban legend around that area of Texas? Or, a rural legend, I guess... I'll just call it a legend. You see where I'm going with... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ2 🚸 👀386

Jun '23
Is anybody here a particularly massive fan of the Tremors franchise? I saw the first one, and some of the second one, on some channel yesterday. Possibly SyFy. Anyway, I just started thinking about how Burt Gummer is sort of the Ash of the Tremors franchise. He's a fairly regular guy who just has so much attitude and gumption (and firepower) that he can prevail, while others perish gruesomely.

I'm contemplating binge-watching as many Tremors movies as I can find for free. I wouldn't do i... Continue »

Jun '23
What the fuck was this? BAD Stallone! Bad!

I don't even know what to say about this movie. It's a romance that isn't charming. It's a comedy that isn't funny. It's an action movie that's boring as hell.

I'm glad I never blind-bought this, otherwise I'd have to avenge myself.

đŸ’Ŧ6 🚸 👀722

Dec '22 *
This is for anyone who wants to keep a log of their viewings/ratings every month so please feel free to add yours.

The links for the previous 6 years viewings are here if anyone still needs to access them for reference:

2022: https://trashepics.com/post/30/43/
2021: https://trashepics.com/post/30/37/
2020: https://trashepics.com/post/30/31/
2019: https://trashepics.com/post/30/9/
2018: https://trashepics.com/post/30/5/
2017: https://trashepics.com/post/9/97/

Jun '23
Charles Bronson is a cop trying to catch a serial killer with the reluctant help of a dyke he hates. Yeah, he uses that as an insult, but of course, he gradually grows fond of her.

There's a bit of a clusterfuck aspect going on in which the killer is doing their own thing, but the cops are also trying to catch Bronson, accused of some wrongdoing or another.

What I liked about it is that it was mean-spirited. They killed without discrimination here. The movie is comparable to 10 to Midnigh... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ7 🚸 👀884

Jun '23
Miles misses Gwen, who now works for Spider-Man 2099. After his parents nag him about his life choices, Miles & Gwen's paths cross once again, and Miles must stop a universe from getting destroyed. However, he recklessly opts to save a single person over an entire planet. He also finds out he has a nemesis who has some portal and reality-hopping abilities. Can he be stopped? Just when you think you're about to find out... TO BE CONTINUED!

Suffice to say, the movie is inconclusive. He doesn'... Continue »

🚸 👀470

May '23 *
Netflix, 8 episodes, ~45 min each. Arnold is a spy who finds out his daughter is also a spy. They argue a lot before eventually reconciling and making a good team. You've probably seen this plot before.

Now when you mention "Arnold" and "spy", one will inevitably compare it to True Lies, which is a fucking great movie. You may have it in the back of your mind, but one of the best references... is an appearance by Tom Arnold.

The cast is decent. Arnold's T6 co-star Gabriel Luna is in... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ5 🚸 👀872

Sep '18
"You owe me an apology. That was the worst movie I've ever seen in my life . . . and it's not even close." Those were the words I heard uttered from a dude in front of me, who had also seen MANDY. The man looked rather normal, so you could assume that his reaction was the result of an amazing film that is not for normal people. And you would be correct in that assumption.

MANDY (2018) - Taking place in 1983, a lumberjack (Nicolas Cage) lives in a secluded cabin in the woods. Hi... Continue »

May '23

I'm a pretty big time travel movie fan. Always have been. Even a bad one, I often find at least a little fascinating. Lucky for me as I recently came across one that's not great. However, it was anything but boring. It's like a Butterfly Effect type deal, but not as creative. British film about this poor excuse for a wife/mother. A woman sleeps around on her husband, stays out every night, drinking and getting it on with a co-worker, without a ca... Continue »


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