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Oct '23
That's right. Season 3 goes there. I think it's hilarious that Devon Sawa keeps coming back as different characters. This time, he's the president. You can't top that, unless he ends up playing God in the next season.

It's a funny thing when horror goes that route. Ash vs. Evil Dead had a promo video of Ash running for president. Burt Gummer also had a video of him running for president under the new Gummertarian party. The Re-Animator series was long rumored to have... Continue »

🚸 👀149

Oct '23
This one isn't quite as amazing as The Giant Spider Invasion, but it's pretty fun anyway. Some angry tarantulas live in a barn and like to eat people and web them up. William Shatner's hammy acting rules, and the trash value is up there. There's a certain horror piano cue in the score that has been used redundantly in pop culture. As well as throughout this movie.

The spiders are mere tarantulas, like a dozen scattered about in any given scene. I never felt any threat, since they were sl... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ3 🚸 👀580

Oct '23
New on Hulu. Trending a lot, so what's the big deal?

A girl in an isolated house goes through a cat and mouse ordeal against some old school aliens. For this movie to work, the aliens need to work. I think they're pretty good: thin, weird appendages, jerky movements, and that classic big-headed black-eyed classic alien head. These things are assholes, and our heroine of minimal dialog has to best a lot of them. They also have telekinesis and tractor beams on their ships. Very traditional alien... Continue »

🚸 👀326

Oct '23
TE looks boring if you haven't picked a theme, so I added the "Featured" theme, which will reflect any seasonal aesthetics, such as October should obviously use the Halloween theme, and when this month hits the 13th, it would switch to the F13 theme.

Then I defaulted all guests, new users, and existing users with no theme to use the Featured theme. If you hate it, you can always switch it back to no-theme. But then you'll be boring. You don't want to be boring, do you?

I'll probably find a few... Continue »

🚸 👀273

Oct '23
Some sources say it's from 2020. I've seen all the other ones, so why not? It's a rather crummy DTV series, with only a few notable entries. Then again, which franchise isn't exactly like that?

The 1984 original isn't great, but I like it anyway. It has a good eerie cornfield atmosphere, Linda Hamilton, and a bunch of creepy kids. I hadn't seen it until my late teens, so I had a long period of my life where I could look at that cool red sunset poster artwork and build up the movie in my head an... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ3 🚸 👀380

Aug '19
Oh man. I forgot how bad this was.


But, I feel like there could almost be some way to sort of enjoy it. If you just approach it as a sequel to Salem's Lot, then...... you're totally screwed. It's impossible to enjoy it that way, it's just a terrible sequel. The acting is worse, the whole plot has way too many problems, and it just generally looks like they didn't care enough to even try.

BUT. Maybe... maaayyybeee.... if you have recently watched The Stuff, House (1985), Pha... Continue »

Aug '23 *
It's time again for the Sci-Fi/Fantasy Challenge.

You get one point per minute watched of any sci-fi or fantasy movie or TV series. The challenge starts at 12:00 AM September 1st and ends at 11:59 PM September 30th.

Make your SPOT below. Ask any questions in the shoutbox.


2017 - https://trashepics.com/post/7/11/
2018 - https://trashepics.com/post/9/211/
2019 - https://trashepics.com/post/8/73/
2020 - https://tras... Continue »

Sep '23
I can't believe I'm just finding this now. It was referenced in Red Letter Media's re:View of the Friday the 13th series. I'm even familiar with some of Jon Lajoie's stuff, but I never heard of this one.


Sep '23
This show premiered 3 episodes today, a spin-off of The Boys about college students with superpowers. It's comparable to X-Men in that sense, but given the source material, it's much more violent than any of that sanitized Disney shit.

The Boys is one of my favorite current shows, so naturally, I'll be watching more of this one (only watched ep1 so far). However, it does disappoint me when a show gets some big names attached to it, only to kill them off in the first episode. But o... Continue »

🚸 👀358

Sep '23
Those rascals are at it again after a near 10-year hiatus. Part 3 and its PG-13 antics killed the franchise there for a while, but they got that violence back. Somehow, this movie is still underperforming in the box office, but then again, isn't every movie? I'll blame people's falling interest in the cinema for that.

So how is the movie? Well, if you've seen any of the other movies, then this movie is like those. Just like those. There is nothing new in this entry. In fact, this movie is even... Continue »

Sep '23
In my game as an sorta easter egg, I'm including a list of the great cult films of the 70s and 80s
But the more I was listing them it was like nearly 3/4 were from the 70s so I thought OK I'll just do the 70s, but looking further it was mainly just the first half of the 70s (71-74).
Holy fuck whatever was in the water but it was a magical time.

Theres at least 20 giallos I didnt include otherwise it became too weighted

And Soon the Darkness (1970)
Crowhaven Farm (1970)
Valerie and her week o... Continue »

Sep '23
Do you ever wonder what the state of the horror genre will be in let's say, 20-25 years? Or even 10 years. Or even further into the future than that, like 40-50 years (although most of us won't be around to worry about that)?

How many reboots of Halloween will there have been by then? How many Saw sequels? How about remakes of movies like Hereditary and The Conjuring? Will we be getting reboots / legacy sequels to movies like Terrifier? It's actually terrifying to think about...

May '18
Who do you think the best bands are? Of all time, or of the moment. I think the chemistry of a band is important to consider, because it's kind of like a machine. If all the pieces fit together, the groove is gonna be there, and it'll be music to your ears.

Also worth considering is a band's longevity, and how much shitty material they've put out. That's why I wouldn't put a band like Pink Floyd on this list, because they released an album full of animal tracks. FUCK... THAT...

My picks:... Continue »

Jul '23
This summer sucks. No rain and it's hot as hell. I need the autumn months to cool us off a bit, and for the first time in ages, I'm actually off work on Halloween. I always tell myself I want to decorate a lot and do fun stuff for Halloween, but I underestimate my own laziness. About the best I can do is overload my brain with horror for the October Challenge, which is generally good enough.

I do feel that for someone who loves horror and Halloween as much as I do, I don't make enough of a fuss... Continue »

Sep '23
I missed this during it's initial tv run, but no worries. I figured it would hit peacock as soon as the season ended, like it did with the first season.

11 months later, they finally decide to put it on peacock. Meanwhile, a movie will end its theatrical run and appear on streaming in about a month or two. Like seriously, why the fuck did they wait so long with this? Now, I'm having to get it all watched before the season 3 premiere, which is next month. I'm going to overdose on Chucky, but i... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ5 🚸 👀677

Sep '23
Dwight H. Little directs a new Halloween-centric horror film with Bill Moseley, Robert Englund, and Danielle Harris. Yes, she's come full circle here, which is enough for me to get excited.

Some teen witnesses Bill Moseley doing bad things, and it becomes a cat and mouse thing. Some teen's mom is Danielle Harris, and it's funny to see. She's still fine as hell, but she's more of a supporting character here. Bill is the main villain, and he's adequate. He plays it well, but he doesn't have a hel... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ2 🚸 👀370

Sep '23
I just watched this (again) for the sci-fi challenge. I must have had this thought before, but, whatever... I was just startled, watching it, by how influential it seems to have been. I should have written this as I was watching it, I would probably have remembered more.... I just kept constantly being reminded of more modern films, while watching it, and of course that is probably because those more modern films were partly inspired by, or at least doing homage to, Day of the Triffids.

The d... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ3 🚸 👀575

Sep '23
It hates the cold, so they defeat it with fire extinguishers and dump it in the arctic. Then the last lines of the movie really sell it.

"At least we've got it stopped."
"Yeah, as long as the Arctic stays cold." Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ6 🚸 👀707

Sep '23
I still don't get this movie. It starts off strong and all the space stuff is interesting, so I sit through it all waiting for some mind-blowing Nolan ending, but that's where this movie falls apart. The ending. It's like he was working up to something big, but in his pretentiously cerebral plotlines, he couldn't figure it out, so he threw some shit together about bookcase time dimensions and hoped we'd swallow it.

Some bullshit about love being the answer, even though the wormholes are so para... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ5 🚸 👀554

Sep '23
I was just thinking about this. I think they missed an opportunity for a sequel. Maybe they'll still do it someday.

I'm thinking of the scenes in the 1986 The Fly, where Seth Brundle goes out to that bar, wins that woman by almost killing that guy in an arm wrestling match, and eventually they go back to Seth's warehouse apartment place (I think that was what they used to call a "loft") for drunken meaningless sex. You see where I'm going with this. If they had sex, and it sounded like they p... Continue »

Aug '23
This flick's one of those indies that actually got a theatrical release, and I'm not sure how you guys feel about that.

The movie's basically The Village, post-apocalypse edition. It's unclear what kind of virus they're dealing with, but I think Mortuary (2005) began a "black vomit" trend, which is present here.
The "It" probably refers to the paranoia they have for each other, although it's happening 24/7, not just nightly.
Joel Edgerton plays a hard-nosed family man, but a fair one, wh... Continue »

Aug '23
image I'm always on the prowl for Halloween-set horror films, and boy, are most of them rotten. Rotten like your teeth if you eat that concentrated heap of sugar known as "candy corn". Just because it's fall-colored, it's a fall thing? What if fall doesn't want it?

But this movie looks pretty dope, doesn't it? The intro credits are promising. Produced by Courtney Gains and Tony Todd. Weird combo, but I'll take it. The film begins rather compe... Continue »

🚸 👀213

Aug '23
It was some monkey game where you crawl around by moving your arms. I was climbing trees and gazebos and then I jumped off a tall tree and whoa. It felt pretty real. I wonder if free runners use these games as practice.

I was getting pretty fearful at times. Afraid that I would leave my boundaries and walk into a wall. I can see how that would be easy to do.

đŸ’Ŧ10 🚸 👀921

Aug '23
Wtf?! I saw someone posted something about a "Things 666", mentioning it was the seventh in the series (part 666 as number 7?), but they were wrong apparently, because that's number 10 on imdb's list under "connections". The numbering for those movies makes no sense.

I guess I have a new goal for turkey season!

Aug '23
I completely forgot about this. I filled out some form online and got ordained. Probably while I was drunk or high.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.