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Nov '23 *
That's another October Challenge done and dusted, so let's see who managed to cross the finish line and then some...


Went the extra mile!

Soph - 66 (58)
Ballz - 63 (38)
Box - 62 (47)
ebossert - 60 (17)
jimb - 57 (49)
Trigger - 55 (49)
Troma - 53 (34)
Conditioned - 48 (19)
defer... Continue »

Nov '23
A brief recap of Amityville movies... there were a few movies about a haunted house, then in the 3rd movie, the house blew up. At part 4 and just about every movie after that, it was about some random cursed items from the house winding up in cities all over the country. It didn't really matter after a certain point, and then the b-movie companies went hog-wild with it, just like they did with shark movies. There are infinity Amityville movies now, and this is one of them.

https://trashepics... Continue »

Nov '23
I haven't done anything on Halloween for years, but this year was different. My neighborhood sucks, so I went to my sister's rich-people neighborhood and guess what? People were actually trick or treating! And they had decorations up! I haven't seen any of that festive behavior in a while, so it was a great place to be a creep. I dressed up as Michael Myers and simply walked around a few blocks, but it felt great. The anonymity is one thing, but the fact that it was perfectly acceptable and expe... Continue »

Nov '23 *
This has always bugged me, but I guess I have never paid close enough attention to really figure it out. Tonight I.... um...well, it still doesn't quite seem right to me, but I got a little closer to being able to live with it.

Marianne Hagan played Kara Strode. She is supposed to be a college student with a little boy, but the little boy isn't really THAT little. He looks like he's about nine, to me, although they say he's supposed to be six.

So, this has always just seemed vaguely OFF,... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ3 🚸 👀575

Sep '23 *

It's that time of the year again. You all know the drill but for any newbies, here are the rules:

> At least 31 horror films must be watched during the month of October. 16 of these must be FTVs (first time viewings).
> You get 1 "point" per movie watched.
> Runtime is 45 minutes minimum.
> Kiddy-friendly "Halloween themed" movies will be permitted as... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ22 🚸 👀3.1k

Oct '23
I'm talking about the.... um... let's say three-quarters crazy old guy, who gives Dr. Loomis a ride, and a drink, helping him out on his way to Haddonfield in Halloween 4.

I wish they had done something more with that character, either in H4 or in a later sequel. We just get that little glimpse of him in H4, but it's so tantalizing. I wonder what his backstory was.

That could make a pretty decent graphic novel, probably, now that I'm thinking about this. Something about Rev. Sayer in hi... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ3 🚸 👀571

Oct '23
SPOILERS (here and there, I'm too tired to find them and black them all out, it's very late where I live).

I saw this the other day. It's not terrific, but I think they were probably attempting to do some interesting things with it. I am still trying to figure it out.

It's about two couples, one of which has kids, renting "cabins" at some kind of camping ground. The cabins are pretty freaking nice, by the way. At first I thought they were just in a home that belonged to one of the co... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ1 🚸 👀413

Oct '23
Good God, why did anyone feel the need to make a sequel to a TV movie after all these years? Let alone the writer of the original? What's he trying to prove, except that lightning doesn't strike twice?

This one looks and feels DTV. They get the scarecrow costume right and they make sure to reference the original film's events to establish canon, but it was super boring. At least in the first one, you have the charming asshole Charles Durning to keep you entertained, but here? We got nothing. No... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ2 🚸 👀450

Oct '23
Ah, the old 70s doc/slasher... once a rare collectors item unavailable on dvd for the longest time, thus a coveted title with a sort of biased popularity to it among us genre fans. Does it hold up, though?

From director Charles B. Pierce of Bog Creek fame, this guy seemed to like the documentary approach. I guess it works though. We skip all that boring exposition with a guy simply telling you the less interesting inbetween moments, and sometimes we see the law on his trail. Then we jump into s... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ4 🚸 👀727

Oct '23
In the hockey movie Miracle (2004), does the Kurt Russell character ever yell "Hey Sweden!" at the Swedes, at any point, when his team is playing against Sweden in the 1980 Olympics? If not.... damn, that was a hell of a missed opportunity. They totally could have come up with some excuse for him to say that.

đŸ’Ŧ2 🚸 👀583

Oct '23
This topic happened to come up for me several times, over the last week or so. Actually, of course, it really comes up dozens if not hundreds of times every single day, if you are paying attention in real life.

Anyway, what is your favorite evil (fictional) corporation? Or law firm, it could be a law firm like Wolfram & Hart, from the Angel TV show. I'll make a little list to get started, starting with that.

Wolfram & Hart, from Angel
The RAMJAC Corporation, from Jailbird, by Kurt Vonn... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ10 🚸 👀750

Oct '23
When this movie came out, everyone praised it as a Halloween-esque suspenseful home invasion movie. I saw it and I hated it. I've been known to come around to a movie after some space, so about 15 years later, I gave it another whirl, and it still sucks.

I'm not crazy about Liv Tyler to begin with. Something about her is awkward to me and I can't pinpoint it. The other lead Scott Speedman is an incredibly dull actor as well, so what does this movie have going for it besides a few well dressed... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ5 🚸 👀835

Oct '23
Since I've been on a Danielle Harris kick, I can't ignore her first/only solo directorial effort. It was around this time that her career was hitting a horror resurgence, so she jumped in with both feet.

The premise has a group of friends heading to an 80s murder mystery party. Whenever there's one of those in a horror movie, you know it always ends up as more than just that. Our guests are quickly drugged so they can't use their legs, sat around a table, and forced into playing a sadistic ga... Continue »

🚸 👀344

Oct '23
I'll spare you all of a meaningful review, because this movie doesn't deserve your time. This PG-13 turkey sucks a dick.

It's kind of like that movie Lights Out, since it has to do with monsters coming out in darkness. That movie also sucked, and so did Pitch Black, so fuck off with the darkness monsters already.

đŸ’Ŧ14 🚸 👀1k

Oct '23
I forgot how I used to obsess over her when I was a kid. I saw Halloween 4 when I was about 10, so she was always alluring to me. She had captured my feelings in an interview where she said how a lot of her fans are right around her own age bracket because most of them were kids when they had seen her Halloween movies. She also mentioned that many of these fans have also told her that she was their first crush. It's like she's reading my mind.

I'm more inclined to believe that Danielle... Continue »

Oct '23 *
I have watched this twice now, yesterday and today. I thought it was quite good. I can't say much about it without giving spoilers... I can just say that it's about a very frazzled-looking young woman who shows up at a somewhat older (30s or early 40s) woman's home, raving that she is being chased by some kind of monster. I want to talk about this, but I shouldn't... I guess I'll just black out everything I say, and if you're sure you'll never watch it you can read it anyway. Or better yet,... Continue »

👍1 🚸 👀252

May '14 *

The 90's was an awkward time for Horror. The first few years, especially. Attempts at originality had about the same effect on the audience as uncalled for sequels to 80's franchises that had already ran their course. For one reason or another, the Horror genre had once again fallen dormant. But there was one Horror masterpiece that would come out of the 90's which would transcend the decade, as well as breath new life into the genre. Jason Goes To Hell is not that movie! Continue »

Oct '23
How about a zombie flick, but instead of biting you, they want to have sex with you?

A redneck rapes a corpse in the morgue and gets an STD from her. He gains a compulsion to stick is dick in anyone, spreading the sex-crazed zombie syndrome. Throw in a group of teens en route to spring break, but of course they have to stop at that motel in the middle of nowhere first...

The trash level is through the roof. I also saw Nicola Fiore from Blood Fart Lake in this. You've got to love a w... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ1 🚸 👀560

Oct '23 *
I have not seen this in a long time, but Jodi Lyn O'Keefe is in it. If she floats your boat, maybe give this movie a shot? I just saw her scenes in Halloween H20.... I remember thinking that Out For Blood really wasn't that bad, for a straight-to-video (hmmm, in 2004.... possibly straight-to-DVD, at that time?) movie. It only got a 4.1 average rating on IMDB, but maybe people had inflated expectations of it because it has Lance Henriksen in it.

I am probably damning it with faint praise... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ2 🚸 👀546

Oct '23
I had heard this was in the works. Then one day... it was already on streaming. This is a prequel, but what is canon and what isn't? I think it wants to be related to the original 1989 film, because that 2019 remake wasn't nearly as effective, coming across as abundantly pointless. But the timeline doesn't quite add up, so it ends up as its own thing really.

So our "prequel" is set in 1969, following young Jud Crandall, played by 27-year-old Jackson White. Are we to believe that in 20 years, th... Continue »

Oct '23
13 years after the first movie comes this prequel, starring a 25-year-old as a "10-year-old"? Yeah, the concept is already ridiculous, but that's the thing with prequels these days... they completely disregard appropriately aged characters because the fans are willing to overlook these things in exchange for another bout with a popular character. It's like in Dexter when the flashbacks gave Michael C. Hall longer hair and expected us to believe he was a teenager. Or in the Saw movi... Continue »

Oct '23
Yeah, it's that time of the year when I ramble on just about any horror movie I watch. Today, we'll be revisiting this late 90s college slasher, which actually has some merit to it.

Don't get me wrong, it's far from perfect, but it's far from shit. I can take or leave the twist/reveal, because this movie was written around the urban legends and the kills they could get out of it. So if you get a few cool kills and a cool cast, who cares about the killer's motive?

Brad Dourif plays a stuttering... Continue »

đŸ’Ŧ4 🚸 👀477

Oct '23
A John Wick prequel mini-series of 3 movies set in the 70s. Ian McShane's character from the movies is a young man who acquires the hitman hotel from a psychotic Mel Gibson.

There's probably a plot in here somewhere, but given the nature of this shoot-em-up, it's 100% irrelevant. You'll watch it for the action scenes, then probably zone out during the rest like I did. Mel Gibson is definitely the best part. He's over-the-top and mad, and that's how I like him.

Overall, I'm a little upset that... Continue »

🚸 👀316

Oct '23
Bill Moseley has appeared in Halloween, TCM, Silent Night, Devils Rejects...

Robert Englund has appeared in Elm Street, Hatchet, Wishmaster, Urban Legend...

Brad Dourif has appeared in Chucky, Halloween, Urban Legend...

Kane Hodder has appeared in F13, Hatchet, Wishmaster, Ghoulies, TCM...

I'm missing a lot.

So who reigns supreme?

đŸ’Ŧ18 🚸 👀791

Oct '23
I've avoided this one for years because it sounded stupid. It ended up being pretty good. That orphan is one crazy little bitch. You think she's cold and calculating, but after a while, she starts getting sloppy. She definitely puts adoptive mom Vera Farmiga in a pickle by making her look crazy. And this movie is cruel to children, which is always ballsy.

I hear the recent prequel is stupid. My guess is the actress needed to milk this character for all her worth. I'll watch it soon. I guess pre... Continue »


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