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Sep '14 *
For those of you who have 20 minutes to spend, why not spend them here, watching this short clip. With a title like 'Merry Little Christmas' it can't be that bad, right? Wrong. It's chock filled with brutal violence, rape and mutilations. Guaranteed to disturb you. Go on, watch it. But be warned, you'll be needing a shower afterwards....




Sep '14 *
Here we can talk all things comics. I originally intended this zone just to be for comicbook movies, but why? There are so many trashy and epicy comics and graphic novels - and creators! - that it seemed far too narrow in scope to just make it be about the movies.

To start us off, though, here's a little introduction... Continue »

Aug '14 *
We've all come to this site and gotten bored with it, because of how aimlessly vague it is. Well not anymore, because now, we have purpose. Now, we have Trash Zones https://trashepics.com/sub/.

A lot of users had been interested in having their own corner of this website to specialize in a unique theme. I finally got crackin' and worked those in here. I've given them database support, which means they can be easily edited to suit your needs. I try to automate everything worthwhile on this site. The less I have to do to maintain it, the better. I'm a lazy man, so anyone running a zone will help me keep this site active. Continue »

Aug '14

For some reason this movie reminded me of Hills Have Eyes meets Tremors. Basically it's about the Haskin family camping out New Years Eve 1999 escaping from all the Y2K hysteria in the isolated forests of Sierra Diablos Mountains. However during their getaway they are kidnapped by hillbillies. While the family struggles to fight the hillbilly family, some type of creature comes up from the groun... Continue »

Aug '14
What is it?

I'd go with Zombie Lake. And I generally like Franco and Rollin. So, needless to say that one was not only awful, but a letdown too. The concept was actually decent, but was handled horribly.

Aug '14 *
I heard about this one from Troma. As with most rec's, they all come from our very own Professor Stokes of B-Movies. I was told very little, all I knew was it would be in a similar vein to the movie Things. Now I loved Things. It was one of the most unique and hypnotising movies I had seen in a long time. So I was eager to check this one out. Once I did, like Things, I found it very difficult to articulate must feelings. All I knew was I liked it.

image Lets start with the plot. We follow our hero, Cody, a thin and scrawny looking dude with 80s hair and awesome sunnies. Cody is a bit concerned about his mum, who is obsessed with one of those TV evangelists. His mum reckons she has a tumour in her lungs cos the TV guy says so, but she is healed through the TV and a minute later coughs up the tumour and places it in the bin... as you do...

Well, this is no ordinary tumour, it's alive! We know this because it convulses and breathes in the bin. But no one seems to take notice of that, or its foul order. Not until it walks (yes, try to imagine a tumour walking, I know you can do it) into Cody's mouth while he's asleep. Now Cody is coughing up blood and has a new blood thirst, to kill for the abomination which is controlling him. Continue »

Aug '14 *
image Curtains opens with Samantha Sherwood (Samantha Eggar) an actress practicing her role for Audra. Stryker (John Vernon) tells her Audra would never do that and then somehow convinces her to check into an insane asylum. He tells her it will help her become Audra. But what Samantha doesn't know Stryker plans on leaving her there and casting another actress as Audra. Stryker invites six actresses to come to his place for the weekend for a casting session to see if one of them can be Audra. Continue »

Aug '14 *
image I am getting ready to start writing my first review for the Slasher Zone. It will be up probably tomorrow. I decided to do a small review for The Slasher Movie Book. Written by J.A. Kerswell who also runs https://www.hysteria-lives.co.uk/ which is a a great site to check out slasher reviews. The book is filled with knowledge about slasher/gialli/krimi movies. It has hundreds of titles from well known (Hallowe... Continue »

Aug '14 *
image Sure. It's original alright. But what exactly is IT? Well, a lot of things, really. Wacky, vulgar, bizarre, confusing, trippy, peculiar, pointless, strangely upbeat, definitely hilarious at times, but mostly random. Very, very random. What kind of childhood must one endure to one day grow up and have ideas like these go through their head, and then actually manage to make a movie about it? What type of delusional fuck has the balls to explain this nonsense to the people he wants as his stars? And how'd he get so many semi-hot naked chicks to lend him their naked bodies and shitty acting? Alot of mystery surrounding this one. I've seen Meat Weed Madness a couple times over the years, and I can honestly say that I still don't know quite what to make of it. And I'm pretty sure that's a good thing.

image Marijuana grown with human flesh.Yeah. That's what this movie is about. The Farmers of a magical Southern plantation called Meat Weed Manor grow the best weed on the planet using said method. How or why this works obviously isn't the issue here. That subject is just never really tackled. What is the Issue, you ask? Well, uh... nudity, I guess. Nudity and sleaziness. We'll just go with that. I'm sure there's something more to it, but whatevs. Anyway, four Southern Belles stumble upon the beautiful plantation, and are immediately welcomed by Lord Meat Weed, to stick around for a while, and to try out some product, which makes them go mad and make out with each other, which is by far the most normal thing to happen the entire duration of this movie. Continue »

Aug '14
I've spouted this off to you guys several times, but nobody listens. Seriously... why the fuck don't you guys want free money?! I've gotten hundreds of dollars off of Amazon over the past few years by doing this, and it's completely legal. I've just made the process take a less time out of your day. Continue »

Aug '14 *
image Poor Harold. A life long nerd. This guy has no social skills. He's an ugly motherfucker with greasy hair, stupid clothes, an, annoying voice. He's irritating, his peers make fun of him and his only friend is his mother, who he seems to not like all that much. Yeah, Harold Kunkle is a nerd if there ever was such a thing. A frinedless, comic book-collecting virgin for life. But he's still a person with feelings just like everybody else. And just like everybody else, Harold has his breaking point.

image Poor awkward bastard wants to be cool so bad. But just doesn't get it. And nobody gets him. It seems as if it's simply not in him to be cool. Is there seriously no hope for Harold? Enter Slick Dick. Possibly Harold's one and only hope for social salvation. Infomercial douche bag, Slick Dick seems to know all the right things to say, and do, and how to dress, and most importantly, how to be confident. Or maybe it's just those Back To The Future Part II Solar Shades he was wearing. Either way, Harold the nerd needs all the advice he can get if he's serious about getting out of this rut and possibly getting his fuck on. Harold is desperate enough to try anything at this point. So he orders Slick Dick's motivational tape. Finally, the secrets of coolness will be revealed. And if Slick Dick turns out to be full of shit... well, then there's always that killing spree Harold has been considering. Continue »

Aug '14 *
image So, a movie about a killer ass, huh? Well, I'd be lying if I said that's the dumbest idea I've ever heard for a horror movie. But it's certainly up there... Or down there, I guess. Still pretty enjoyable.

Wade is a clueless lardass reject of a human being who spends most of his time playing Atari and being fat and nasty. Wade lives with his so-called friend and college roommate, Brian. Why these guys live out in the middle of nowhere is a mystery, but Brian's not all that happy with this living arrangement. Brian despises Wade for his rudeness, for his body odor, for the way he always barges in on him and his girlfriend when they're trying to be all romantic and shit. But mostly because this waste of space doesn't have the damn common courtesy to pull his pants up now and then.

While he is loud, homophobic and annoying as fuck, Wade is still a nice enough guy. Just a poor choice for a roommate for a guy who's lookin' for a little privacy so he can pop the question to his girl. I suppose Brian could have always taken her out on a date or something, but I'm guessing it was the principle of the whole thing. He SHOULD be allowed a little time away from Wade and Wade's ass in his own home. But it ain't gonna happen. Atleast not while Wade's still kickin'. Continue »

Aug '14 *
image Here's a very fitting addition to the Troma catalogue. The Chainsaw Sally Show: Season One acts as a sequel to the 2004 cult classic slasher, Chainsaw Sally. A 3 hour plus sequel broken up into 11 episodes, with an optional laugh track, among many other extras. any fans of the gory, tongue-in-cheek original, or April Monique Burril's tits, ass and charismatic personality, should find this first ever B-Horror sitcom to be highly entertaining.

By day, Sally Diamon is a quiet librarian. But a bloodthirsty vigilante by night. Not so much the type of vigilante that goes after other killers, like Dexter. More like anyone who so much as gets on her nerves. Like a healthy person who parks in a handicapped spot. Or a girl scout that dared to sell her the wrong flavor of cookies, who she kidnaps and keeps as a pet for her and her idiot brother's ammusment. But I suppose she is making the world a better place in her own fucked up, Horror lovin' way. Because most of her victims are atleast kinda sorts dickish.

Come to think of it, Sally's a crazy bitch who probably should be on death row. But who cares? because Sally happens to be really, really hot. See? Continue »

Aug '14 *
image Here's one of the more underseen Troma movies out there. But also a fine example of a film which doesn't quite live up to its premise. And the premise being "Vampire catches AIDS". A hard premise to screw up. Not to say Sucker screws it up, exactly. But I expected something more than this when I first saw it in 1998. The idea of a vampire contracting the aids virus sounded a bit more taboo way back then, so, of course I had certain expactations for this film that weren't exactly met. But have recently given it a rewatch. And despite still being a tad underwhelming, it really is a fun little film.

Sucker: The Vampire focuses on the growing friendship of a vampire and his awkward henchman. A friendless loser, and raging Necrophiliac named Reed, who vaguely resembles a werewolf but isn't one. Just a tool, really. He seems to want to be Anthony's buddy pretty bad, but of course the brooding creature of the night isn't interested. He just needs him to dispose of the corpses of the hot young ladies that he sucks dry on a nightly basis. which is the perfect job for Reed, being that he gets to stick it to them good before sending them to their final resting place. Continue »

Aug '14 *
When it comes to camp slashers, there's one camp that everyone automatically thinks of... Camp Crystal Lake. However, fans of the genre know to dig a little deeper, and spend a summer in Camp Arawak, aka Sleepaway Camp! Continue »

Aug '14 *
image It's been a while,Trash Epics. But Ballz is back (at least for the duration of this post) and he has a new review for you, along with a slightly changed format. The other night, I had the pleasure of finally seeing Jim Mickle's Cold in July after waiting for what feels like such a long time now and was that wait worth it? Yes, I'd say the wait was well worth it.

Starring Michael C. Hall (Dexter, Six Feet Under) and the always enjoyable Don Johnson (Machete, Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man, Miami Vice), along with some other people, it's the story of a man trying to do what's best for his family while also trying to uncover the truth behind the situation he finds himself forced into.

And now, it's time for another... Reviews with Ballz! Continue »

Aug '14 *
image I had heard about this one for a long time. An LBP masterpiece backed by Troma that was meant to be "The ultimate LBP/Teenape film", but somehow, for some reason, ended up being a film which both Chris Seaver and Lloyd Kaufman would rather us all not see and just forget about. The only words to come to mind after reading this is WHY, WHY and WHY???

OK. So, Everything I always heard about this for the years that it wasn't released is that it didn't end up as much of an LBP film as they intended. Not even a regular one, much less the ultimate one. Apparently, Uncle Lloyd had too much of a say in what went on during production, or something and it lacked the usual LBP magic. Yeah? Big deal. Kaufman is awesome, so, who cares? The film still features the long awaited return of Teenape, right? Tons of returning characters. Right? stupid, outrageous humor. Right? So, it couldn't possibly be so bad that it's not even worth releasing... Right?? Wrong!

After 4 years of jack shit, Teenape Vs. The Monster Nazi Apocalypse would finally be released on a Troma DVD with 2 other movies. One called Attack Of The Tromaggot, and the other called The Secret Of The Magic Mushrooms. Which gives a good indication of how important it was to Troma to get this one out there. Last I heard, Seaver & Troma both didn't want it to see the light of day, but the fans finally got their wish. Continue »

Aug '14 *
image This movie's about a bunch of incestuous, white trash cousins, all shackin' up together, with the half-retarded mute (?), Jessicka as their neglected, big-breasted pet. At first, it seems as if she's a victim, being held there against her will, but they actually take her places, sometimes, and sorta acknowledge her as a member of the family. Mostly by trying to molest her or fuck her in the mouth.

image Yet, there's also the parts where they cage her up, simply cuz it's more convenient. Now that I think about it, she's definitely a victim, too, considering all the rapings and beatings. I mean they hose her down, from time to time, & they give her plenty of dogfood & whatnot, so, it's not like she's got it THAT bad. But being that Jessica's too slow to know good treatment from bad, she's oblivious to any treatment that might not go over well with a non-retard. But ain't it funny how a little rabies can change everything? Continue »

May '14 *
Redneck Zombies. Not only does it have the most amazing title ever, but it also happens to be a masterpiece in general. Shot on video (which was a big deal in the advent of vhs and video cameras), this low budget sleazy, cheesy gorefest is equally gross, hilarious, disturbing, crappy, and awesome, all at the same time. It's rare for a movie to accomplish something so perfectly bad that it's awesome, but when Full Moon and Troma both put their name on it, then you know you have the recipe for a true trash epic.

I'm surprised this movie wasn't ripped off a ga-jillion times already. Today, zombies are so common in pop culture, awful shows with titles such as "The Walking Dead" are popular as fuck. Fuck that show! But zombies are still an obvious choice. And rednecks? Well, rednecks make for some damn fine movies, all the goddamn time! You have movies like Deliverance, Sothern Comfort, Two Thousand Maniacs, and so many others that set such high standards for what a good redneck film ought to have, but our fair Pericles Lewnes somehow figured out how to balance everything perfectly, and include as many redneck cliches as possible. Plus, he acts like a fruitcake throughout the whole movie, which ups the trashiness of the film, and we all know that trash is good! (Right?) Continue »

Aug '14
Severed Limbs






Now it's your turn. The violenter, nuder and severed limbier the better. emoticon

Jul '14 *
Trash Epics! Home of the trashiest and filthiest movies on the planet. And folks, they don't get much more filthy than Visitor Q. This one is positively revolting! Taboo ridden, boundary pushing, comic hilarity! One of Takashi Miik's more sicker films, this is the joys of Visitor Q.


The movie opens up with a question. "Have you ever done it with your dad?"
A lovely little opener that sets the tone for this particular shocker. If you weren't sure what you were in for, you should now. Continue »

Jul '14 *

I just finished "Pieces of Talent" and I have to say this is my favorite film I have watched this year.
Pieces of Talent centers around Charlotte who wants to be an actress, but isn't getting anywhere. She waits tables at a strip club on the side to pay the bills. Charlotte's alcoholic mother lives with her. One Night Charlotte is taking a break behind the strip club when she sees the bouncer beating up a guy. Charlotte runs to help the man. The bo... Continue »

Jul '14
flat-out awesome

Jul '14
The orginal cast of Firefly is getting back together to make a new online game. Thoughts?



Jul '14 *

This is one of the best horror films I've ever seen. It closely parallels The Birds (1963), but adds its own unique thrills. I do not suggest sitting in a small chair because you need a fairly large edge to be on the edge of for this one. There is not a minute your eyes will not be glued to the screen. The acting is unparalleled for a movie of this budget and the directing choices remind me dearly of early Wood... Continue »


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