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Mar '17
Anybody watch this show? I have heard good things and thinking about getting into it but there are so many damn shows I need to watch.

๐Ÿ’ฌ2 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.5k

Mar '17
This looks incredibly cool. I have not read it, but I just saw a reference to itin something else I'm reading. It's really expensive, but ask your local librarian to see if she can help you find a copy by inter-library loan.

๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€482

Feb '17 *
That's what this place needs. Not only a challenge, but an original one. Well, sorta. Onyx and I have been throwing around ideas, and we came up with what is seeming like a cross between the Turkey Challenge and the Extreme Challenge, which I think is good, as it should appeal to both fan bases. I hope the rules don't aren't too complicated, and I am totally open to suggestions.

FIrst of all, we gotta have a point system. I love the October Challenge, but points just make these more interesti... Continue »

Mar '17 *
I must be a real ignoramus (hey, you said it), but after years of watching Pieces countless times, the ending finally makes sense to me.

I watched it with my girlfriend (her first time; she loved it, BTW) and I dunno if I was paying more attention than usual or what, but I unlocked the secret to Pieces that I've never seen anyone talk about. Know how in between the police "force" (heh) having Kendall knee deep in, like, you know, police stuff, which I've never understood, that... Continue »

๐Ÿ’ฌ9 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.4k

Sep '15 *

Rape-Revenge flicks aren't really my cup of tea. I mean, they're okay, and are sometimes far more entertaining than they should be. But nothing to jizz over, in my opinion. But like every exploitation sub genre, there's always that one movie which stands out. The one which defines the sub genre, and the one which all the others are compared. As far as this particular sub genre goes, that'd be the forever notorious I Spit On You... Continue »

Mar '17
Anyone know where to watch this movie?

๐Ÿ’ฌ7 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€464

Mar '17
How the hell do I emded an image or youtube clip? I've tried copying the url, highlighting and then choosing Image or Youtube and it don't work! What step am I missing? I'm on a Mac. Sorry, I'm a bit slow when it comes to this shit.

๐Ÿ’ฌ1 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€2.7k

Mar '17
A controversial figure, responsible for many deaths & atrocities in his early life as a general in the IRA, but also the man behind Sinn Fein's involvement in the Good Friday Agreement, which ultimately ended the Troubles in Northern Ireland.

His relationship with Ian Paisley was critical to the sucess of a difficult political partnership between Sinn Fein & the DUP in NI, which only recently hit the rocks. However many wil not be able to forgive his involement in the murders, bombings and ot... Continue »

๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.3k

Mar '17
Vera Lynn turns 100 today. It's thanks to her I call myself somesunnyday. emoticon

๐Ÿ‘1 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.3k

Feb '17
I know we already have a music thread, but I know we have a few here who enjoy the Metal, so, anything you'd like to say about any recent or future discoveries, or anything else, this is the place. I'll just start off by listing my top 10 favorites.

Black Sabbath - Heavy/Doom Metal (U.K.)


Candlemass - Epic Doom Metal (Sweden)


My Dying Bride - Gothic Doom Metal (U.K.)

h... Continue »

Mar '17
No, I don't have anything to say about it... yet! It's Netflix/Marvel's 4th show, leading up the FIFTH show, "The Defenders", which is going to be bad-ass! Daredevil is a fantastic series, Jessica Jones was dark as fuck, and Luke Cage was blaxploitation. Iron Fist looks to be a rip-off of CW's Arrow, but since it's netflix, it'll actually be good.

I'm about to get started on my binge watch.

๐Ÿ’ฌ3 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.4k

Nov '15
I'm not referring to showing up at work and blowing your least favorite twat away.
Been there, done that (almost).

I guess I'm referring to method of homicide/suicide.
If I had to go, I think blowing myself away would be too easy, and slashing one's wrists
isn't as easy as it sounds.
I'd slowly but surely collect each black widow I kill.
After about 18, I'd take my blender and make myself a widow shake, with orange juice perhaps.
I suppose their venom dries out a little after th... Continue »

Dec '15
Fortress and Cat O' Nine Tails.

When I first saw Fortress,
I was expecting something grittier and tougher, ala ''The Escape From NY of the 90's''.
But I've learned to appreciate it, and I currently have it ranked #5 on my all-time list.
It has such a polished look to it, Lambert's character is infinitely unselfish, and the scenes with his wife are simply memorable.

I think Nine Tails highly raised my expectation with it's title alone, especially since it's a 70's r... Continue »

Mar '17
It's Robb Wells' bornt-day today. I'm gonna have to drunk and high tonight. That's like getting two birds stoned at once tonight. It's time for two turnips in heat.

๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€2.3k

Aug '15
So I've seen most of all of them but I''am rewatching all of them in Alphabetically order.
I'am two down with watching Absurd (1981) and Anthrophagus: The Grim Reaper (1980) but I''am skipping Axe (1977) cause I didn't care for it the first saw it, Axe fans please don't ream my ass. Lol

I was wondering from any of you guys/girls here if there are you recommend I skip that aren't so great.

Thank You

๐Ÿ’ฌ18 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€2.1k

Mar '17
Threads is an unbelievably terrifying nuclear war movie, set in Sheffield, England. If you haven't seen it, you should get on top of that situation. Anyway, they play Johnny B. Goode a couple of times in it, perhaps suggesting that maybe we should all try to be good and not start nuclear wars.

RIP Chuck Berry.

Mar '17
I have nothing fresh to show, and not a lot of older stuff saved. Big thing for me is artistic blocks, I seldom start and even more rarely finish. In a mood lately to try to kickstart something. Few things in mind, we'll see.

Hell, how do I post images? Let's see if this works...

(edit, no, that wasn't it...)


There, that's better. I'm not a computer arts guy, it's rough.

Hol... Continue »

Mar '17
youtube I can honestly say I don't know a single song of his besides the one Marty McFly gave him in Back to the Future, "Johnny B. Goode".

Still, I listen to a lot of classic rock from the 70s, and I know those guys where bigtime influenced by the blues and rock stuff from old timey (black) performers from before that. It's the end of yet another era, I suppose.

His last album was 38 years ago? 1979? And he's got a new one coming out this fall.

Mar '17
It's kind of a genre in itself. Something not good enough to make it theatrical? Or is it all about low budgets? Or runtime? Some of these things run so long, they have to be cut up into 2, 3, or even more parts. I guess mini-series can count, if it's short enough.


Any more?

๐Ÿ’ฌ4 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€1.2k

Mar '17
image This year, we're getting T2:3D! I'd love to see that in theaters.

In the past, I've been fortunate enough to see The Wizard of Oz 3D, The Shining, and Halloween '78 in theaters. I guess I'd always wanted to see Rocky Horror in theaters too, with the sing-a-long nonsense and whatnot...

๐Ÿ’ฌ11 ๐Ÿšธ ๐Ÿ‘€538

Mar '17 *

As an 80's kid who happens to be a lifelong Horror fan, I always loved those Friday The 13th and Elm Street movies, and had them all rented before I even reached my teen years. A decade or so later, after hearing rumors upon rumors of a Freddy Vs. Jason, such a movie was finally released when I was in my early 20's. At this point, I wasn't as into the genre as I once was. Barely at all, actually. Bu... Continue »

Mar '17
So how are you guys for long-ass reviews? I've been doing TNS one episode a week and am almost halfway through the series.


I was eight years old when Kolchak: The Night Stalker aired in 1974.ย  Because it was Friday, I had permission to stay up an hour past bedtime - it played right after My Partner, the Ghost (aka Randall & Hopkirk, Deceased).ย  It scared me plenty, andย I wouldn't miss an episode.ย  Bits and pieces of it stayed with me all my life...scen... Continue »


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