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Sep '19
I'm not sure if anyone here has seen any of the AHS seasons, but I am a huge fan of this show! Most seasons are really good, my least favorite would have to be Roanoke. Anyways, whenever they announced that season 9 was going to be an 80's slasher theme I was totally excited! 80's slasher movies are one of my favorites!

@Pick & I were able to watch the first episode on Thursday and I was really impressed. The acting was cute & cheesy like a normal 80's slasher. I think they have a pretty good cast this season, although I do miss Sarah Paulson & Evan Peters, but I totally understand why they both needed to take a break.

I am looking forward to see how the rest of the season goes. A lot of people are saying they get the Friday the 13th vibes, and I see it too, but whenever I first saw the trailer I got Sleepaway Camp vibes! So I am excited to see what twists this season will have!

Any thoughts? Anyone else love this show as much as I do? I'd love to hear!

Bambithedeer says:
#41, Reply to #40

Oct '19
Yeah youโ€™re right! Especially with the other things that are going on currently... this episode was fantastic! I did not see anything coming, besides Ray being an asshole

Bambithedeer says:

Oct '19
I read this โ€œI thought it was interesting how fast โ€œnurse Ritaโ€ was able to manipulate Jingles almost exactly like Margaret did with the night stalker. Also Jingles said โ€œI feel like Iโ€™m being seen for the first time again in 14 years,โ€ not just for the first time but in 14 years! That makes me think Margaret was the first one to make Jingles feel seen, and they will end up showing a moment between them and then she ultimately ends up screwing him overโ€.

What if thatโ€™s the reason why Mr. Jingles said when he sees her in the newspaper he just wants to stab her over & over again??

Tommix says:

Oct '19
Another random thought: Xavier didn't seem like a very good liar, so that makes me trust him more. When they found the corpse of that middle-aged jerk who was some kind of gay porn producer, who wanted to profit from Xavier by using him as a gay porn star... when they found that dickhead's corpse, Xavier was such a terrible liar. He was like "Why would anyone think I knew that guy?!? I didn't know him! It's so funny that anyone would think I knew him." He was practically a parody of a bad liar. Soooo if he sucks at lying, maybe what he appears to be in the Slashdance episode, which is a pretty good guy, is what he actually is.

Bambithedeer says:
#44, Reply to #43

Oct '19
Thatโ€™s true! I feel like heโ€™s the only good one out of them.. but Iโ€™m sure he also has a reason to being at the camp, but maybe itโ€™s not as bad as everyone elseโ€™s? Maybe he really is the only innocent one of the bunch

Tommix says:
#45, Reply to #44

Oct '19
I just had another idea. Maybe Montana used to be the girlfriend of the guy who got killed at Brooke's wedding. You know, the guy who went over to Brooke's house to keep her company the night before the wedding. He was the best friend or brother or something of the groom who went psycho, before the groom killed him. If Montana was that guy's girlfriend, that could give a motive for wanting to kill Brooke. Also, remember how when Brooke told Motana the story of the wedding, Montana seemed pretty eager to assume that Brooke had fooled around with that guy? It all adds up.

Tommix says:

Oct '19
SPOILERS! Stop reading here if you don't want to know any plot twists from the October 9th episode! Or, if you want to know, scroll down and read.

So, there is something new going on now. Apparently there's a supernatural element at play, affecting people's lives and deaths. I did not see that coming, it freaked me out a little. It's probably supposed to be the Devil, because the character who got resurrected has spoken several times about his connection to Satan... Yes, the Night Stalker, you knew it had to be him. Anyway, something happened that was just physically and biologically impossible, so something supernatural has to be going on. It's no longer a straight slasher story! Also, I am wondering if Margaret is praying to SOMETHING that hears her prayers. She might think it's God, but it wouldn't necessarily have to be God. Maybe it's some kind of Children of the Corn type of scenario, in which the kids believed they were praying to God, and following God's will... they were apparently following the will of some kind of corn demon pretending to be God, but clearly not God as we understand Him and/or Her.... hey, Children of the Corn came out in 1984 too, so, that might be interesting. I keep looking for reasons why they could have set it in 1984.

I am starting to wonder if they are building up to some kind of theological confrontation in the last episode or two, in which Satan clashes with whoever answers Margaret's prayers. If that is supposed to be God, it's clearly not a very NICE God... maybe something Gnostic?? I guess it wouldn't have to be a clash between two deities, it could just be a battle between their proxies, such as Mr. Jingles and the Night Stalker, or maybe even Rita and Margaret?!? We shall see.

Box_a_Hair says:
#47, Reply to #46

Oct '19
It's definitely a clusterfuck, and everyone's guilty of something. When we had two groups of killers fighting each other, you really don't know who to root for. Well... I personally prefer Mr. Jingles, just because.

Tommix says:
#48, Reply to #47

Oct '19
No One Lives is kind of an interesting movie in that way, evil versus evil. In some ways it's just stupid, some of the dialog makes me cringe, but it has some pretty solid moments. I watched it more than once, and enjoyed it.

Tommix says:
#53, Reply to #47

Oct '19
The scene where Rita (not the real Rita, but the woman who claimed to be Rita from the beginning, the black woman) saw what happened to the Night Stalker's body makes me think of Pieces, in a way. In Pieces, you go through most of the movie thinking it's a straight psycho killer slasher movie, then all of a sudden something happens that just pulls that rug out from under you and you suddenly don't even know what kind of movie you're watching. Good stuff.

Bambithedeer says:
#51, Reply to #46

Oct '19
I'll try to get back to you on this later this evening! I've been so busy I haven't had time to watch, but I'll read your comment after I finish the episode!

Amon_101 says:

Oct '19
I watched all of them up thru Hotel, except the witch season. Somehow missed that one. Favorite was Asylum, closely followed by the first season.
I quit watching after Hotel. Just way too much homosexuality in it. I think a gay man would look at that and say it was too much.
No interest in picking it back up.

Snowy_Owl says:
#50, Reply to #49

Oct '19
Asylum is my favorite too. I only originally watched the first 3 seasons, and then I watch Roanoke which was pretty terrible. This season is pretty great so far.

As for all of the homosexuality, Ryan Murphy is gay himself, so I guess it makes sense to have a lot of it in his shows. But this season so far has had maybe one reference to that, but who knows there are still 7 episodes left.

Bambithedeer says:
#52, Reply to #49

Oct '19
Hotel wasn't my favorite either, but I liked that Lady Gaga was in it. Roanoke was awful, Cult was amazing! I'm currently watching Apocalypse & 1984 lol both seem really good so far!

Awh man, sucks you won't give it another chance, but out of all the seasons you've seen, did you have a favorite?

Amon_101 says:

Oct '19
Asylum ruled. What cinched it was "The Name Game." That was so out of left field, after that scene was over I sat there for about thirty seconds thinking "What the hell just happened?"

Bambithedeer says:

Oct '19
How was everyone's thoughts on last weeks episode? I think it was my least favorite episode so far, I'm going to watch the episode that came out last night tonight! Hopefully it's way better than last weeks!

Ballz says:
#56, Reply to #55

Oct '19
I didn't like last week's episode either. The show's been losing me for a few episodes now actually. However, I thought last night's episode was a slight improvement. It goes in a direction I wasn't quite expecting as the follow up to how the previous episode ended.

Bambithedeer says:
#57, Reply to #56

Oct '19
Right?! It started off amazing, but it slowed down. Last weeks episode I was bored out of my mind! I was curious as to where it was going to lead though, because of the way it ended. I'm assuming it shows where it takes off with you saying it goes in a direction you weren't expecting lol.

I'm excited to see how this episode goes!

Ballz says:
#58, Reply to #57

Oct '19
It slowed down and I just stopped caring about what was happening. I'm not getting my hopes up that the season's going to suddenly get a lot better, but last night's episode was a small breath of fresh air for sure.

Tommix says:
#59, Reply to #58

Oct '19
I watched tonight's episode. I thought it was pretty interesting actually. They did have a couple of slow episodes, but now they have so many things going on, so many balls in the air, it's just interesting to watch. I won't spoil anything here, but I'll just say I think it's getting more entertaining again.

Ballz says:

Nov '19
Watched the finale this morning. Don't want to spoil anything, but I liked it. As a whole, I liked this season. Wasn't expecting the show to go in the direction it did in these last four episodes and I think that helped me enjoy it more than I would've otherwise. As much as I love the slasher genre, the plot was getting stale and needed a shake-up.

I'm going to miss that opening credits sequence. Possibly my favorite part of this season...


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.