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Sep '19
I'm not sure if anyone here has seen any of the AHS seasons, but I am a huge fan of this show! Most seasons are really good, my least favorite would have to be Roanoke. Anyways, whenever they announced that season 9 was going to be an 80's slasher theme I was totally excited! 80's slasher movies are one of my favorites!

@Pick & I were able to watch the first episode on Thursday and I was really impressed. The acting was cute & cheesy like a normal 80's slasher. I think they have a pretty good cast this season, although I do miss Sarah Paulson & Evan Peters, but I totally understand why they both needed to take a break.

I am looking forward to see how the rest of the season goes. A lot of people are saying they get the Friday the 13th vibes, and I see it too, but whenever I first saw the trailer I got Sleepaway Camp vibes! So I am excited to see what twists this season will have!

Any thoughts? Anyone else love this show as much as I do? I'd love to hear!

Bambithedeer says:
#17, Reply to #16

Sep '19
Yeah for sure! Bc before he went in there didnโ€™t she lock up her jewelry in a box? Then when he walked in that was the first thing he wanted! So I have a feeling there has to be some sort of significance to either her ring, or all of her jewelry.

Oooh that would be a badass twist!

To me, Chet is giving me really weird vibes. I feel like thereโ€™s gonna be something off with him.

Ballz says:

Sep '19
Gave the first episode a watch. I liked it, much more than I ever liked Hotel. I'm already a fan of Mr. Jingles, although I wish we hadn't seen his face so early on. Plenty of Friday the 13th and Halloween references. The fade to white after the opening murders was a nice touch. Very Friday the 13th.

Tommix says:

Sep '19
hey, who was the dead body in the pond? The one that drifted by Brooke's feet, and freaked her out? Was it Dr. Karen Hopple? It was hard to tell.

Bambithedeer says:
#24, Reply to #23

Sep '19
I havenโ€™t watched ep 2 yet, I have to watch the show on Thursdayโ€™s! Iโ€™ll definitely get back to when I watch it, and see if I can really see who itโ€™s gonna be!

Ballz says:

Sep '19 *
Is there a connection between Mr. Jingles and the Zodiac Killer?

- Mr. Jingles has a limp. Zodiac suspect Arthur Leigh Allen had a limp.

- The Zodiac's last confirmed murder was in 1969. Mr. Jingles's initial murders at Camp Redwood occurred in 1970.

- The scene in episode 2 when Karen Hopple blows a tire reminded me of Kathleen Johns, who in 1970 had a car wheel sabotaged by a man she later claimed was the Zodiac.

- And last but not least, John Carroll Lynch portrays Mr. Jingles. Lynch also portrayed Arthur Leigh Allen in Zodiac (2007).


Bambithedeer says:
#26, Reply to #25

Sep '19
Oh wow! Thatโ€™s crazy! Yall are really smart at putting these connections & theories together, I love it!!

Iโ€™m gonna watch the episode when I get off of work, so Iโ€™m also gonna keep this in mind.

#27, Reply to #25

Sep '19
Wasn't John Caroll Lynch the clown in AHS Freak Show?...and wasn't he also called Mr. Jingles?!

Bambithedeer says:
#28, Reply to #27

Sep '19
I believe he was called Twisty the clown! If Iโ€™m not mistaken lol but yes he played the clown in Freakshow! Iโ€™m really glad they brought him back

#30, Reply to #28

Sep '19
Ahhh...Twisty that's right. Only watched that season once when it premiered, could probably use a refresher.

Ballz says:
#29, Reply to #27

Sep '19 *
Bambi's correct, the clown was Twisty. Lynch also played John Wayne Gacy in a couple episodes apparently.

Tommix says:
#34, Reply to #29

Sep '19
Wow, I didn't know John Carroll Lynch had played so many demented psychotic characters. I always just think of him as the sheriff's painter husband in Fargo. He painted birds, hoping that they would be chosen to put on postage stamps. He was supposed to connote for his character a safe, domestic, stolid beacon of normalcy in Marge's otherwise dangerous and chaotic life (at least, in the story shown in the movie).

Ballz says:
#35, Reply to #34

Sep '19
I always think of him for Fargo too. Didn't even realize (or forgot) he played Twisty until this thread. He certainly does a good job at portraying psychotic characters. Twisty's one of my favorite AHS characters and I was immediately interested in Mr. Jingles too.

#37, Reply to #34

Sep '19
He was pretty demented in HBO's Carnivale also.

Bambithedeer says:

Sep '19
did anyone figure out to unscramble the hitchhiker/camp counselor's name (Jonas Shevoore)...
It's Jason Voorhees.

?! Thatโ€™s crazy!!

Box_a_Hair says:
#32, Reply to #31

Sep '19
Is that really his name? emoticon Kinda obvious when you actually look at the letters.

Bambithedeer says:

Sep '19 *
Does anyone think that Margaret Booth could possibly be the second killer?
I read a theory in a group Iโ€™m in and thought that was pretty interesting.

Currently watching the second episode

Ballz says:
#36, Reply to #33

Sep '19
Haven't read any theories, but it's crossed my mind. In addition to her befriending Richard Ramirez, Margaret reminds me of adult Angela in Sleepaway Camp 2. "Boys are blue. Girls are red. Don't even try to make purple." That sounds like something Angela would say.

Tommix says:

Sep '19
One of the actors is named Gus Kenworthy. I wondered if he might be related to Michael Kenworthy, the little kid in the 80s version of The Blob, and Return of the Living Dead Part 2, but if he is I can't find anything about it. I thought for a minute that that kid might have been in Friday the 13th part 8 too, but no... there are some scenes in sewers in that movie, similar to some scenes in The Blob. Different cast though.

Tommix says:

Oct '19
Watching the new episode right now. It just started. I have been thinking, there used to be a character on Dexter who was sort of a cult leader... his name was Jordan something. Jordan Chase? He was not a killer, but he could get people around him to kill on his behalf. I keep wondering if Margaret might turn out to be like that??? We shall see.

Tommix says:

Oct '19
I'm starting to question whether Margaret is even a killer at all. She is clearly a "player," she can be manipulative, she is a liar, and she knows what really happened on that night in 1970. She is a force to be reckoned with. But, it seems like it might be too obvious for her to be the killer, you know? They have been throwing out soooo many hints that she is evil, it's starting to make me think they are just messing with our minds. I don't know, she certainly MIGHT really be a killer. We shall see!


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