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Mar '14 *
This was some epic shit right here! I got to see this two weeks ago, back to back with the sequel, and it was an entertaining night indeed.

I am quickly taking a liking to director Tim Ritter, who also did an instant favourite of mine, Killing Spree!

I loved everything about this movie, from its over the top acting, to its ridiculous story telling, to its outrageous finale. Hell even the title is amazing! Dirty Cop No Donut?! How is that title not just simply amazing! Continue »

Mar '14 *
The site now has a media database https://trashepics.com/media/ , complete with a message board and shoutbox for each title. However, the shoutboxes are currently still being modified, but they'll be back soon. *fixed

Most titles in the database will be b-movies, cult, exploitation, and horror films. Exceptions can most definitely be made in order to include any title though. Hundreds of titles are already pending, but suggestions are welcome.

Mar '14
image "The Skynet Funding Bill is passed. The system goes on-line August 4th, 1997. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug."

Gummo is all about living in the aftermath of a horrific event. A tornado rips through the town of Xenia, Ohio, and those who remained turned into redneck dege... Continue »



Mar '14
I know this site seems aimless right now, but I'm still developing content for it. In fact, I aim to have a new movie database (for all you IMDB dwellers). Not as expansive as imdb, but more simple, with message boards for each title. Standard stuff, I know, but I'd like to work in special events based on the anniversary's of the included titles. That, or just give myself reminders that oblige me to watch some old school horror flicks, since it always takes me forever to figure out which... Continue »

Mar '14 *
Welcome to the first ever... Reviews with Ballz!

Or should I call it Reviewz with Ballz, so it's a z on Reviews too? Not sure, but whatever.

This isn't really going to be anything out of the ordinary as far as reviews go. I'll just give my thoughts on the movie. This is more of just a way for me to ID my reviews on here so they stand out from my regular articles. Of course, I could always add a poll in later reviews too, especially if I review a whole movie series or something.

I'll try to review mostly stuff that's not so popular and well-known, at least as far as I know, just so I'm not covering movies that have already been covered by every other reviewer on the internet. Newer movies might be my exception to that. We'll see though. And of course, I'll try to keep the spoilers to a minimum, if not non-existent. Continue »

Mar '14
In retrospect, I cannot take them seriously. However, in retrospect is the only knowledge I have of this year's categories, because I didn't watch the Oscars, nor do I feel as though I should have. Hollywood continues its descent into a dying cliche every time a movie producer tries to play it safe and go the route that makes the most money, but art isn't about the money. It's about the effect that the art leaves with you, and (like many large organizations) the Academy Awards lean towards politically correct films and themes. Now, a movie doesn't need trashy subject matter for me to appreciate it... but it helps. Continue »

Mar '14
All you need is a facebook account, which would link to a Bing rewards account. Every two 2 weeks, you can get a $5 amazon gift card, just for searching for things at https://www.bing.com . Continue »

Mar '14
Be the first to use the word #penis on Trash Epics, and compare oneself to a deity.


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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.