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Jan '23
I'm not a gamer and haven't been for 20 years but I've read and heard from friends that are and it's one of their favorite games of all time even if the sequel shat the bed. So I went into this new HBO series with an open mind even as I said to myself do we really need another zombie apocalypse just after the anti-climatic ending to The Walking Dead? Eh...it wasn't bad, actually surprised me some. I rather liked Pedro Pascal early in his career, thought he was great in GOT as Prince Oberen and even liked him in crap like Bloodsucking Bastards for what it was at the time. Not so much lately in films like Wonder Woman 1984 and Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent but he pulls off a decent part here in The Last of Us imo. The only drawback in this premiere ep of this new series was the casting of the 2nd lead in the character Elle, she doesn't seem to have much acting chops and she kinda reminds me of Eric Stoltz in the film Mask...anyways, thoughts anyone?

zed says:

Jan '23
I thought the concense the story in the sequel even improved on the first (unusual in stories be they either books, films or games) yes I also read some ppl didnt like parts of the story in the sequel but from what I've read most of those were hottakes made by ppl who actually didnt play the game, as they were talking about stuff that didnt occur in the game (A lot like the moral panic of parents complaining about horror films of metal albums in the 80s, who make up their minds just looking at the cover and don't actually watch/listen to the media ).

I don't play games, but this is one I do want to try sometime, once I get some freetime (and cash, hopefully in a year or two)

with a lot of ppl saying its the best game they have ever played (oys rare now for a medium to move me), so prolly will not want to watch the film and spoil it.


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