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Dec '22
In years past I would've said strictly horror but the output of films of recent years dulls in comparison to the days of the HB. Last year I had a tough time making a top 10 list including all genres. This year I'm having a tough time making 5 albeit there are a lot of films I have yet to see this year including The Northman, Pearl, RRR and I hear good things recently about The Menu. I thought it was another subpar year for cinema but here it goes...

Everything Everywhere All At Once
Top Gun Maverick
The Banshees of Inisherin (liked this film a lot til the ending)

I need some recs and respect all opinions here so tell us your favorite 5 or even 10 of 2022.

#3, Reply to #1

Dec '22
I could've guessed your first pick lol. Scream was ok but I didn't care for The Batman. While I like Pattinson, I didn't like his Batman and thought he was a terrible Bruce Wayne. The villains were bad and the only character I liked in the film was the city of Gotham.

#6, Reply to #5

Dec '22
It's in a lot of critics top 10 of the year...for what it's worth it's probably the best superhero/comic book film of the year.

#4, Reply to #2

Dec '22 *
All horror, no surprises here. Still need to see your last 3 picks.

#8, Reply to #7

Dec '22 *
I really liked the opening to Smile and the ending was good, I just found the hour or so in-between to be eh but still, it was a lot better than plenty this year. I met Ronnie James Dio in 99, my buddy had backstage passes. I can't recall if he opened or it was a split bill with Iron Maiden.

#10, Reply to #9

Dec '22
I have heard a peep or 2 about Crimes of the Future...thx for the extended list.

#17, Reply to #15

Dec '22
Hope he's still not angry with me for acting the cunt.

#19, Reply to #18

Dec '22
Eh...I don't understand, he has to know I was only teasing. Why so serious? He already knows I'm a raging douche, utter cunt etc. I always liked Nicko and used to pm him on the HB all the time back in the day. So he likes Xmas Hallmark films?! Good on him, he owned it and stated why...he didn't have to. Like what you like, fuck everybody! I wasn't lying when I said while watching Last Christmas I became misty a few times and actually leaked some at the twist ending... didn't see that coming. I'm emotionally damaged and that's why I don't prefer these type films...some people do. Nicko already knew I'm a cunt, if he wants to be sore about it there's nothing I can really do.

#21, Reply to #20

Dec '22
That's fine and what I suspected...all in good fun. Give us your top 5 or 10 of the year Nicko.

#23, Reply to #22

Dec '22
I hope to see a Hallmark film or 2 on your list!😂

#26, Reply to #25

Dec '22
Good list, a few I really want to see... everything but Glass Onion. Knives Out was terrible imo. Rian Johnson is an insufferable, overrated hack. His only film that was even watchable was Looper and that wasn't even that good but to each his own.

#28, Reply to #27

Dec '22
I'm just disappointed no Xmas Hallmark films made the cut.

#38, Reply to #36

Dec '22
I remember when it came out on the IMDb boards, everyone was calling it the worst film ever made. It use to be in their top 3 of lowest ranked films of all time.

#42, Reply to #41

Dec '22
Tell us something we don't already know! Go into it in the right frame of mind...keep telling yourself it's a comedy.

#30, Reply to #29

Dec '22
I don't know, youse guys lists look quite similar. All of his picks are in your top 10. I need to catch up and see some of these films. Markus did pick The Batman as his top pick, imo he does have that going against him.

#31, Reply to #27

Dec '22
I tried to give The Batman a 2nd view last night and fell asleep around the 30-40 min mark. My fault cause it was late and I was tired. It probably deserves me giving it a 2nd chance. Gonna give it my full attention now.

#39, Reply to #35

Dec '22
As did I last night, there are still things I have issues with, mainly it's too long and could have been cut down 30-40 min imo. 3 hrs is just too long for this type of film. Paul Dano won me over during his scene opposite The Batman after he's first caught... It's nothing compared to his part in There Will be Blood but it's a really good scene. Zoe is a much better Catwoman than Anne Hathaway but nowhere as good as Michelle Pfeiffer imo. Anyways, I enjoyed the 2nd view better than the first. I have plenty to catch up with this year but I would probably put The Batman in my top 10 as of now somewhere between 5-10?

#33, Reply to #32

Dec '22 *
Hey, you like what you like. I gave up on Marvel last year after Black Widow and Shang-Chi...I've been out. Surprised you would say Barbarian was a top 3 worst. I could understand not liking it but I've seen a few really bad films this year.


Dec '22 *
Trying to figure the worst 5 films I saw in 2022 and I know the absolute worst but a hard time figuring the rest...
Don't Worry Darling
Jackass Forever (pack it in fellas)
Studio 666 (had to include it just to piss off Znep!)

#44, Reply to #43

Dec '22
A couple of good SFX scenes can't save the film from ridiculous story, dialogue and especially bad acting.


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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.