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Nov '22
I saw a big black guy, who was dressed very much like your stereotypical "gangsta" type guy. He had on a do-rag and everything. Then he turned around and I saw that the t-shirt under his jacket had this image:


WTF? I am shocked that this t-shirt even exists. I can't think of a more random movie shirt for this thuggish guy to be wearing. I don't know if anyone here is familiar with Wrong, but I bet some of you are familiar with another movie called Rubber from the same director, Quentin Dupieux.

Here is the trailer for Wrong:


Maybe I'm just being racist? I don't know. Sure, why not? Why wouldn't this dangerous looking black man be a big fan of a surreal black comedy from ten years ago with an almost entirely white cast?

There is really only a very specific type of person I could possibly picture wearing a Wrong shirt, and this guy ain't it. I can't imagine he's actually seen the movie. But how did he get the shirt? Where would anybody even be selling it? I don't think it even quite qualifies as a cult movie, are they still producing this shirt? Did he find it at a yard sale and just thought it looked cool? I don't know, maybe I'm crazy for even thinking this much about it.

Znep27 says:
#4, Reply to #3

Nov '22
It's a dog face. The main plot is a man trying to find his lost dog.

That video is very vaguely familiar to me. I was born in 85, and was addicted to Nickelodeon as a child, so I'm sure I have seen that at some point.


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