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Jul '18
My only real options for drinking alcohol are beer and hard liquor. If I want to have a delicious daiquiri or wine cooler, suddenly I'm a pussy. The same thing for coffee. It has to be plain old regular plain ass coffee. If I want to have something in it that actually tastes good like hazelnut or caramel, I'm a fag. Do I really have to put up with things I don't like just to prove I'm a man? It's just a drink for christ's sake! IT'S NOT FAIR!!

Box_a_Hair says:

Jul '18
I might be at the age where I'm finally getting a little bit sick of sweet stuff. I used to drink a lot of sugary crap, but I'm getting to where I like the more generic/plain flavors of stuff. I'm fine with black coffee, beer, and liquor.

The other day, I drank two 24oz cans of sweet alcoholic beverages like "sex on the beach" and something else, and the next day, I felt sick as shit. In fact, it was the first sick day I've ever taken at work (and those bastards still got pissed at me for it). However, the other night, I was drinking a LOT more of regular liquor and stuff, and I only had a slight hangover from that.

Sure, the stuff tastes "good" as in less alcoholic, but it makes me feel worse, I guess. Maybe it's the sugar? Maybe I've just gotten more dull? Either way, I never question my sexuality over what I'm drinking. That's just gay.

Znep27 says:
#4, Reply to #1

Jul '18
That is true that sugary drinks do tend to give worse hangovers, and they can get old after a few. One time I was drinking a 6-pack of Mike's Hard Lemonade, and the first couple were great, much better than beer. But by the time I got to the 4th one, it was horrible.

sfpx says:

Jul '18
I dunno, but good question. I've never let it bother me and the only teasing I've ever gotten over it has been friendly ribbing anyway. Idgaf what people think (actually, yes I do, but I pretend not to.)

Tromafreak says:

Jul '18
I used to drink a lot of Amaretto Sours. Anyone who had ever tried them probably wouldn't say shit. If anyone ever did, I'd laugh cuz my life would be undeniably better than their's at that particular moment, cuz those things are amazing.

Egg Nog and Whiskey also kicks enough ass to not care what one might say.

Oh, and my most recent alcohol phase consisted of Black Russians. And anyone who had an issue with that might as well put a gun in their mouth and pull the trigger.

I think that attitude mostly exists between Beer drinkers. I used to drink a lot of Smirnoff Ice, which I may have gotten a few comments over. Not a fan of any of the bitch beer, now. Wouldn't mind something more traditional, though, like some Yuengling.

Ballz says:

Jul '18
I think about this at restaurants since I usually order some berry or citrus martini or something like that. I'm not sure what the consensus is on how "manly" they are, but I also enjoy Bud Lime-A-Ritas (and the various other flavors.) On the other end of the scale, I frequently drink bitter beers such as IPAs.

If enjoying sweeter tasting drinks makes me a fag, oh well. At least I'm not missing out on good drinks.

Box_a_Hair says:
#6, Reply to #5

Jul '18
Lime-a-ritas are the best. They used to sell 'em at the gas stations, $1 for a small can. I loved that. I'd drink any of those flavors, but now, I tend to stick with the dirt cheap steely knockoffs. They're cheaper. Haven't had many of those lately though. I've been drinking a lot of generic light beers (Natural Light, Busch, Coors mostly).

Johan_WoW says:

Jul '18
Well I never understood what was so special about the common beers anyway. Belgium is a beer country and there is so many breweries like Cristal Alken (that's pretty near to where I live) Stella Artois, Jupiler but in taste they really don't differ much and to me they all taste like piss. Even back during my days when I was a student I was never a big fan of the common beer and I still ain't at the age of almost 40.
I dunno why such kind of beers are so popular or would make a man more manly. They are cheap so it's easier to drink more of these than a cocktail, wine or the heavier drinks.

I know what you mean. I only drink wine on special occasions but in such a case I always go for white never for red. But to some white is a woman's wine and red for the men. I don't care I like wine cool and fruity.

But yeah there is some sugary stuff I don't like too much any more like those Monster drinks or just the common Coca Cola. I drink quite a lot of coke still (as I rarely drink coffee) but it's usually Pepsi Max.

Yakko says:

Jul '18
Anybody who made such a comment about anything I was drinking, eating, wearing, saying, or doing would end up having it thrown or dumped all over them, and me calling them a worthless narrowminded cunt (if it was a woman) or a gutless bastard and a cocksucker (if it was a guy). I'd tell them how terrible their parents were, that they were low class and not raised right, and were druggies and drunks and sex perverts. And I'd tell them they're violating the Constitution and my right to free thought and free speech, and that they should get out of my country and go live in one of the other uncivilized worthless intellectually inferior shithole nations where they don't care about individual rights and freedom. And if they took it any further I'd injure them.

I have actually done and said these things, back when I was in junior high and high school. I punched numerous guys and girls all the way through school, and even stabbed a few with pencils. One guy got a stapler across the face, and another I tried to spear his eyes with a very long bamboo pole (I missed and ended up hitting him in the face instead).

Tromafreak says:
#9, Reply to #8

Jul '18
I don't know. I feel like it's ok to call a guy a cunt, sometimes. emoticon

Yakko says:
#11, Reply to #9

Jul '18
It wouldn't have the same effect. Girls get really mad when you call them that, and guys get really mad when you call girls that. When someone is hassling me and I decide to retaliate, my goal is to do or say the things that will piss them off and offend them the most.

Of course, I'd give anything to not have to be at odds with people all the time. I'd much rather just be a normal person that gets along with people and enjoys living. It's everyone else that always starts everything.

OnyxHades says:
#15, Reply to #11

Jul '18
Donโ€™t blame you. People that start shit should expect to get it right back.

Yakko says:
#20, Reply to #15

Jul '18
Yes, but it doesn't really do any good.

Znep27 says:
#18, Reply to #11

Jul '18
my goal is to do or say the things that will piss them off and offend them the most.

Does that mean you have no problem dropping words like "nigger" and "faggot" if they apply?

Yakko says:
#19, Reply to #18

Jul '18
I've never called anyone a nigger. I have called many guys faggots.

Tommix says:
#13, Reply to #8

Jul '18
I started singing the national anthem as I was reading your comment Yakko. Way to live! Way to be! Show those commie shitheads who's the boss!

Tommix says:

Jul '18 *
I don't know the answer to this, but I know what you mean. It totally sucks, it's not fair. Having a drink should be about pleasure, enjoying yourself or whatever.

Especially in the summer, this can be a problem. Like, a lighter, fruity beer just hits the spot when it's insanely hot out. But you know your friends will give you shit if you order drinks like that a lot.

One time I was out with my brother and his wife and kids, and my father and his second wife. We stopped at a Starbucks. My brother asked us to order a particular drink for him, while he stepped away from the line to.... to do something, maybe get something from the car for his younger daughter or go to the bathroom, I forget. What I do remember was that what he asked us to order was the gayest-sounding thing I had ever heard in my life. Some of Starbucks drinks can sound really gay, especially if you add in a few extra toppings, etc like whipped cream, and if you use a few of those pseudo-Italian words for their ingredients. Anyway, we gave him a hard time about it for a really, really long time. So, I'm as guilty as anyone else of giving people crap for not ordering "manly" drinks. Sorry.

Tommix says:

Jul '18
after the Sparta movie 300, for a long time there were some pretty funny threads on IMDB about the Gerard Butler character ordering gay-sounding coffee drinks from Starbucks. I am having trouble finding them, but this is the kind of thread that would show up on the IMDB page for 300, and this was for several years after the movie came out.

Znep27 says:
#14, Reply to #12

Jul '18

zed says:

Jul '18
Be concerned, My gaydar is showing red,
actually that reminds me of exactly 5 years ago today in Hue, Vietnam, I'ld gone to an american 4th july pool party the night before to celebrate for some vietnam war film they had finished shooting, I wern't in the film but a lot of the other honkies were.
Anyways I woke up the next morning in my hotel room naked and there was this dude clothed on the bed next to me sleeping, wierd. I still thnk I retained my virginity (my ass felt normal)

Znep27 says:
#17, Reply to #16

Jul '18
Well what were you drinking the night before?


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