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Apr '20 *
Inspired by my misunderstood Kevin VanHentenryck thread, I thought I'd come up with something similar but not similar enough to butthurt the easily-offended, or give ammo to someone like Gymnopedie, who already has a bug up his cunt about me. I don't know about any of you other Facebook people on here, but I find myself, more often than not, asking myself the same questions when scrolling down my newsfeed: "Wow! This person really thinks that's funny?" Wow! That's supposed to be clever?" Wow! What a self-important twat!". Ok, that last one's not a question, but seriously, fuck Facebook people and their lame sense of humor, and whatever they think is cool or meaningful, cuz it's just not. The memes posted in this thread will serve as examples of to what extent social media has turned people into braindead, attention-seeking lame asses.

And if you see anything on your own FB/social media that makes you want to drink bleach, feel free to join in on the fun!

#78, Reply to #77

Sep '22
It's not worth the splash of pee on your balls besides I like to mark my territory, a lot of the time I miss on purpose especially when in others homes.

#81, Reply to #80

Nov '22
I saw it in theatres when I was a kid. Haven't seen it in probably 25-30 years?...I recall it being quite stupid but in a so bad it's classic type of way. I don't recall it that well but I also read the comics when I was really young before the movie was released. I would think this would be right up your alley Box...Classic Marvel shit.

#83, Reply to #82

Nov '22
I'm not a big MCU fan at all, never was. I think we had conversations about this years ago. Their last decent flick imo was Infinity War, ever since it became the M-She-U I've completely tuned out. Yeah it's safe to say I'd rather watch Howard the Duck than anything post Infinity War and tbh probably more than a lot of the films pre too.

#86, Reply to #85

Nov '22
While I enjoy this post and you pointing out some of the asinine things you find on FB, this is why I stay away from social media. Twitter is even worse. I don't know which has contributed more to the dumbing down of America, Common Core or social media?


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.