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Mar '20 *

What is it with sequels which come in 2's? They're like a couple of asshole twins who think they're special cuz there are two of them. No, you're both weird, and there should only be one of you. Or maybe none in some cases. Like, for example, The Toxic Avenger 2 and 3, where Lloyd Kaufman accidentally films 4 hours of footage, and not to be wasteful, made two sequels out of the intended one. A lot of good that did him. Well, financially, sure, but Toxie was a little twat in both those movies. Or what about Sleepaway Camp 2 and 3? Both filmed pretty close together, I could think of a dozen generic slasher titles that would have been more fitting for either, but no, of course not! They insist on riding the coattails of a good movie. Entertaining at times, but come on! Really? She doesn't even resemble Felissa Rose. And then there's Frank Henenlotter's Basket Case sequels, which probably should have happened in the 80's or not at all. Let's talk about those for a while, I remember it like it was yesterday. 12 year old me starring down at those boxes for the first time in my favorite video store, I considered this very much good news. Because who doesn't love Basket Case, right? And this would be my first (and second) time getting burned by a sequel.

image What do I personally dislike about these films? The tone, for starters. Being from a whole different era, the tone, partially due to the camera quality, just couldn't be more different. More on that later. So, how did we get here? Sure did look like Duane and Belial were dead, and now, they're telling us the Bradley twins survived that fall out of Hotel Broslin's third story? Fine, we'll see how it goes. Duane and Belial are rushed to the hospital, and I'd imagine the authorities have some questions waiting for them both, but as usual, Belial has other ideas. Belial enters Duane's mind and gets them both out of there, but is immediately intercepted by a new friend who will soon change their lives.

image All Granny Ruth and her granddaughter wants is to bring Duane and Belial back to their place so they can heal without being locked up afterwards. Granny Ruth is an old friend of their aunt, so, they just go with it for now. After they're well enough to deal with some shit, Duane and Belial are clued in on exactly what this place is: Granny Ruth's house serves as a freak sanctuary. This weird lady has a thing for freaks and she quickly invites Duane and Belial to stick around. Belial seems up for it while Duane immediately wants to run away with Ruth's granddaughter, Susan. In their first interaction that we know of, Duane pleads with this girl to ditch the freaks and elope with him, or something. I don't know. That was weird, and only our first clue as to how incomplete this script really is. Belial laughs at Duane's delusions of having a normal life with Susan, which was actually far weirder. I don't remember that thing laughing in the original, or looking anything like it looks now, for that matter.

image So, anyway. These freaks are really annoying and unfunny. I'll just say it now. They were an all around bad idea. The flimsy storyline revolves around some tabloid reporter who would be best described as a poor woman's Rebecca De Mornay, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. This opportunistic young woman and her photographer bitch boy catch wind of what's going down at Granny Ruth's freak sanctuary. Mainly the fact that she's possibly harboring a couple of fugitives. Not to mention the other freaks. So, there might soon be trouble, as these two aim to blow the lid off this place for financial gain. Duane feels obligated to put his hardon away and stick around at least long enough to help these retards out. I'm sure Belial is grateful because he really digs this place.

image So, it soon becomes obvious these two schmucks have gotten in way over their heads. Actually, the photographer guy gets himself killed pretty quickly by the retard freaks. So, that leaves "Becky" to be dealt with. So, that happens, and within a snap of a finger, we already find ourselves in the third act, which appears to be the entire point of the movie. Looking back, everything else felt like they were killing time until they could get to the point where they can set up the next sequel. That's all the last 15 minutes really is. Duane is given a big dose of reality by Susan and does not take it well to say the least. A now bat-shit Duane makes an impulsive decision involving Belial, which one could easily describe as a dick move. I must admit, this pointless piece of shit actually provided a surprisingly good ending. One of my all-time favorites. 3/10

image Now on to what I wouldn't exactly call a worse movie. Definitely more annoying, and unnecessary as all hell, but here it is. And much quicker than we got he first sequel. Nine months later and straight-jacketed Duane finds himself being held in a padded cell somewhere in the freak house. I guess he's been catatonic all this time, but says he's ok now, and ready for pancakes. Yeah, maybe later. The thing is, Duane accidentally caused Susan's death, so, he's still in the doghouse, so to speak. However, Duane is finally let out of the cell. And just in time for the road trip... Oh, and I guess I should have already pointed out, there's this female Belial thing living there, and Belial fucked it in the last movie, so now, it's pregnant with God knows what. The only person Granny Ruth knows and trust enough to deliver this litter lives all the way down in Georgia. So, yeah. Road trip!

image Let's just say Granny Ruth knows a guy. This old codger, Hal, who takes care of her freak son for her. And I'm not even sure why "little Hal" is down here away from his mother if she loves freaks so much. Perhaps he thinks she's an annoying, old cunt, and is only able to tolerate her in small doses. Little Hal's a smart boy, which is convenient, as Belial has already ripped original Hal's face off for being a doctor. So, with his eight (or so) arms, little Hal sucks it up and uses his medical know-how to yank a bunch of miniature Belials out of that other thing. A loud, nerve-racking scene, but was it any more insane than a normal woman giving birth in real life?

image Seconds after being trusted enough to be let out of his straight-jacket, Duane hightails it and soon gets mixed up with the daughter of the local sheriff. I guess Duane wants the sheriff to help him get Belial back from Granny Ruth. It's not entirely clear what he wants, really. Belial isn't exactly being held against his will, so, I think Duane is a little confused. His confusion happens to cause a lot of problems, later on. Namely Eve getting shot and killed by a deputy. Eve was the pregnant thing, by the way. Maybe it's time for Duane to just sit down and shut up. Oh, but how 'bout a little random comedy relief? Granny Ruth then takes the freaks out to a fast food joint where they go full-on retard and tear the place apart while she orders an outlandish amount of food. This totally overwhelms Casey from the first movie because she works there, now. And Casey ain't got time for that shit.

image The freak's feathers have, once again, been ruffled, Belial especially. Now, it's up to him and his normal (looking) brother to save the day for everyone and extract revenge the best way they know how: By having Belial tear people up while Duane stands there like an idiot. At least they got that part right. However, it's too little too late for this overly-cartoonish third entry. Sadly, this was never a Duane/Belial story. 3/10

This is very much a Granny Ruth story, as was the last movie. Sorry, but fuck her. She was horrible for these movies. What was it about Annie Ross that made Frank Henenlotter want to put her in both these sequels, and basically have them revolve around her? And those freaks? I get the intent, but it didn't set well with me. Having a large quantity of freaks, as opposed to just one, does not make up for the lack of ideas of where to go with Duane and Belial. As far as I'm concerned, Granny Ruth and her goofy fuckheads robbed us all of a decent sequel. You know what? Actually everything did, in my opinion. The magic of the original is long gone and it's been replaced with a bunch of nonsense. The original Basket Case was actually filmed in the late 70's, so, it goes with out saying these early 90's follow-ups would not include the same look and feel that made my favorite Horror movie so great. I get it. I just don't like it. In fact, these sequels are probably the main reason I grew up hating 90's Horror so much. However, aside from all that, Basket Case 2 and 3 are really just a couple of wacky, demented Horror flicks which are ultimately harmless and offer plenty of fun moments. So, I'd be lying if I said they've never made me crack a smile before. And in that respect, these movies are a success, but I'd also like to point out that only one out of this trilogy still has people talking. Coincidentally, it's the one without Granny Ruth. Just sayin'.


Tromafreak says:
#3, Reply to #1

Mar '20

Tromafreak says:
#4, Reply to #2

Apr '20
Last time I had a (civil) conversation with Kevin Vanhentenryck, he did make mention of some sort of plans for a BC4, but much like everything he says, it didn't really add up or sound likely. I really hope it happens someday, but only gets less and less likely as time goes on. Toxie and Sleepaway Camp managed to redeem themselves with awesome part 4's, and the same needs to happen here, if for no other reason than to spare us from our last memory being of Granny Ruth on Renaldo. Again, fuck her! She's stupid.

Tromafreak says:
#6, Reply to #5

Apr '20
Strangely, I enjoyed these far more than Frankenhooker. Just couldn't ever get on board with that one like BC and BD.

Tromafreak says:
#8, Reply to #7

Apr '20
It was less dark and had a slightly more mainstrean feel to it than BC and BD. Almost like a lame attempt at appealing to a larger audience while maintaining as much Henenlotterness as possible.

Tromafreak says:
#10, Reply to #9

Apr '20
I don't know. It just seems like something more likely to get shown on tv. Less dark and twisted but more outrageous and gimmicky. It even playfully rips off the title from a much more well-known movie. Basket Case is weird and unique. Brain Damage is a little goofier, but ultimately has a dark and depressing story. Regardless of how things play out, Frankenhooker never attempts to be anything other than "a wacky good time".

Tromafreak says:
#12, Reply to #11

Apr '20
Yeah, Basket Case was definitely played on USA several times. Hard to believe.

Tromafreak says:
#14, Reply to #13

Apr '20


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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.