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Nov '18
Well, that was the lousiest October Challenge I've ever experienced. Wasn't in to it at all. I had planned on watching a bunch of TV movies and some Hammer films but got stuck on micro-budget 2010's Slashers I found on Amazon Prime. Nothing else was doing it for me for some reason. I hope everyone else was able to get into the October spirit. Nice turn out this year. And congratulations to Ballz on gaining the top spot.

Ballz - 97 Films - 97 FTVs

Johan_WOW - 78 Films - 73 FTVs

shroudoftheimmortal - 78 Films - 49 FTVs

ConditionedResponse - 75 Films - 20 FTVs

ZombieCPA - 65 Films - 55 FTVs

Tromafreak - 59 Films - 43 FTVs

Triggerhappy6 - 50 Films - 50 FTVs

Foz - 45 Films - 26 FTVs

Gymnopedie - 43 Films - 36 FTVs

OnyxHades - 42 Films - 16 FTVs

BloodWank - 36 Films - 31 FTVs

Ebossert - 36 Films - 22 FTVs

BaseBallZombies - 34 Films - 19 FTVs

Jimb14red - 33 Films - 28 FTVs

Brett_Lives - 33 Films - 20 FTVs

Box_a_Hair - 32 Films - 16 FTVs

NoseOfNicko - 23 Films - 14 FTVs

Markus-san - 22 Films - 17 FTVs

Morrison-Dylan-Fan - 15 Films - 12 FTVs

iceflamez - 5 Films - 5 FTVs

Zed - 2 Films - 2 FTVs?

Der Tables - 0 Films - 0 FTVs

Ballz says:

Nov '18
I'm proud of winning, despite the lack of competition towards the end of the challenge. Would've watched a bit more too if a family emergency hadn't come up on Halloween. Since it's over, I'll go ahead and admit: I hoped to beat Gym's 106 from last year. Oh well, maybe next year. emoticon

Favorites of the month, starting with the only movie I rated higher than an 8:

Fascination (1979)
Pin (1988)
Blood for Dracula (1974)
Strait-Jacket (1964)
Witchfinder General (1968)
Unsane (2018)
Spider Baby (1967)
Paranoiac (1963)
Resolution (2012)
The Endless (2017)
Diabolique (1955)
The City of the Dead (1960)
Eye of the Devil (1966)
Dead of Night (1945)


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