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Nov '18
Well, that was the lousiest October Challenge I've ever experienced. Wasn't in to it at all. I had planned on watching a bunch of TV movies and some Hammer films but got stuck on micro-budget 2010's Slashers I found on Amazon Prime. Nothing else was doing it for me for some reason. I hope everyone else was able to get into the October spirit. Nice turn out this year. And congratulations to Ballz on gaining the top spot.

Ballz - 97 Films - 97 FTVs

Johan_WOW - 78 Films - 73 FTVs

shroudoftheimmortal - 78 Films - 49 FTVs

ConditionedResponse - 75 Films - 20 FTVs

ZombieCPA - 65 Films - 55 FTVs

Tromafreak - 59 Films - 43 FTVs

Triggerhappy6 - 50 Films - 50 FTVs

Foz - 45 Films - 26 FTVs

Gymnopedie - 43 Films - 36 FTVs

OnyxHades - 42 Films - 16 FTVs

BloodWank - 36 Films - 31 FTVs

Ebossert - 36 Films - 22 FTVs

BaseBallZombies - 34 Films - 19 FTVs

Jimb14red - 33 Films - 28 FTVs

Brett_Lives - 33 Films - 20 FTVs

Box_a_Hair - 32 Films - 16 FTVs

NoseOfNicko - 23 Films - 14 FTVs

Markus-san - 22 Films - 17 FTVs

Morrison-Dylan-Fan - 15 Films - 12 FTVs

iceflamez - 5 Films - 5 FTVs

Zed - 2 Films - 2 FTVs?

Der Tables - 0 Films - 0 FTVs

Box_a_Hair says:

Nov '18
Congratulations to @ballz for blowing us all away. He really went for it. It's good to see some of the non-regs come back for this glorious tradition. I know they hold this challenge on imdb2 and (maybe) facebook's group, but I haven't looked into much of that. We'll need to look into that and see how these challenges compare. Perhaps @nicko can weigh in on that, because I think he partook on imdb2. I know some of those users on there had at one point registered here, but barely/never posted. We'll have to find a way to lure them back in!

Also congrats to all of us who passed. I know it can be a trying effort if you have other shit going on in your life, and if you make it work, that's a testament to all of your badassery, right there. I myself barely made it, because I've been busy as fuck this last month. Working everyday between two different jobs for weeks, because life is an obstacle. Got to make ends meet.

Also high five to those who almost made it. They tried. I want to note that @der did watch more than zero movies, as well as a few I didn't get around to for the month, but he failed to document it in the deadline, so fuck him.

As for my challenge? I thought I put in an okay effort. Not as great as some of my other years, but not the worst. I always love discovering new horror movies, and I found a few I quite enjoyed this month. A lot of mediocre shit, but a few solid movies.


Cronenberg's infectious 70s flick "Shivers", the re-se-boot-quel "Halloween", and the Napoleon Dynamite-esque "Greasy Strangler", where everyone is a bullshit artist! Not much, but enough.

Didn't watch anything I'd consider terrible, or even bad really. Had an overall steady selection, IMO.

Did the challenge go as great as I'd hoped? As much as I would have loved for more users to participate, I think we had a pretty good turnout either way. I had fun, and I think everyone else had fun. emoticon


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