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Oct '17 *

This thread is dedicated to my delusional, far left Facebook friend, Kevin Vanhentenryck, and his intense hatred towards our President, as well as his constant hypocrisy and spreading of obvious lies in an attempt to convince anyone who will listen that right ALWAYS = wrong. The amount of memes this guy posts, and his apparent quest to change the world through Facebook, makes me laugh. So, I'm going to share just a small fraction of it on this thread. If you don't find it funny, and if you even agree with this fuckhead, you are still 100% welcomed on Trash Epics. If this thread is what's stopping you from posting here, you should consider growing the fuck up. It's not a big deal.









Gymnopedie says:

Aug '18
What irks me the most is these self-righteous liberal types, who just automatically assume their opinion is fact and just disregard others opinions. These sorts think they are morally superior to everyone else. I hate that condescending crap. I give those people short shrift. They can't be direct, in fear of offending someone, so the end up saying the weirdest things.

We recently had, here Ireland, same-sex marriages and abortion referendums, and if you were to admit that you were voting no โ€“ then you would be called a โ€˜Naziโ€™ and the like for voting no. That is not right. It could be even considered a breach on the Freedom of Speech. You canโ€™t even make a joke because you have to watch what you say with them. When did people become so thin-skinned? God forbid, you call someone a โ€œfagโ€ or something!

I do admire Trumpโ€™s approach that America comes first. After all, charity begins at home, right? In Ireland, we are facing the consequences of the British leaving the E.U. We are digging are heals in over the border (Northern Ireland and the south), and we are right too. It is the British mess, why should we be worse off? We have had centuries of oppression from the Union. Anyway, I digress; I do understand why Trump is putting America first. He could even be considered a borderline genius โ€“ becoming a billionaire, to the Leader of the Free World. However, donโ€™t expect that to be contemplated by the liberals. We all got too comfortable under the Obama administration - I like to be comfortable too, but comfort can lull you into a dangerous tranquillity. If you're just operating by habit, then you're not really living.


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