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Feb '20
On MovieMeter (that's a Dutch movie board which I frequent daily and organise horror projects regularly) there is a buddy of mine organising a female directors movie challenge for the month March. I said I'll participate but won't go for a high number of views. Now that I realized there is a trash challenge in the same month which interests me more I'll try to combine both.

There is a lot more female directors than I realized given how my buddy has been providing movie lists directed by women. Me being a horror fan and not so much interest in genres as romantic comedy or pure drama often relationship trouble themed (which seem to be genres these directors tackle often) I took this list as a base:


I was actually surprised I often didn't knew they were directed (some co-directed) by women. And some really high rated like The Babadook as much as I dislike that one. Biggest surprise is Pet Sematary didn't know who Mary Lambert was. But again there is lots of movies I can't remember who the director was. Even some of my favorites I don't know by heart who directed it. I already joked to my buddy how can Humanoids from the Deep (director Barbara Peeters) not be in that list while Doris Wishman's A Night to dismember' is there. Wishman made real trash but I love her oeuvre anyway applauding how she did pretty much everything herself. I did hear the nude scenes in Humanoids where from a male director wich wouldn't surprise me.

Near Dark (directed by Kathryn Bigelow) is for example one I really liked but it seems to be her only horror movie. And she ain't the only one who directed a bunch of flicks with only 1 happening to be labeled horror. Mary Lambert seems one to do horror flicks more frequently.

So my question is would there be people interested in participating in this kind of challenge? Would I be hosting it myself I would extend it to female driven movies as 1 or more women in the biggest role movies with mainly a female cast.

Snowy_Owl says:

Feb '20
That sounds interesting. I would participate in it.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.