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Mar '19 *

It's time once again for the Black & White Challenge. The seventh annual Black & White Challenge apparently.

I see no need to add to or otherwise change the rules. You get one point for every minute watched. As long as it's B&W, it counts. It can be a movie, TV show, short, or whatever of any genre. Tinted films are allowed. Partial color films are also allowed as long as there's more B&W than color.

Make your spots here. This challenge begins with April and ends with April.

Discussion Thread https://trashepics.com/post/8/63/

DerTables says:

Mar '19 *
Day 2:
Twilight Zone, Eppisodes 1-26: 650 Points

Day 4:
Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet (1940): 103 Points

Day 5:
Twilight Zone, Eppisodes S1 E26 - S2 E6: 425 Points

Day 7: Twilight Zone, Episode S2 E7 - S2 E19: 325 Points

Day 12: Twilight Zone, Episoes S2 E20 - S2 E27: 200 Points

Day 23:
The Twilight Zone s2e28: Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up? (1961) - 25 min
The Twilight Zone s2e29: The Obsolete Man (1961) - 25 min
The Twilight Zone s3e1: Two (1961) - 25 min
The Twilight Zone s3e2: The Arrival (1961) - 25 min
The Twilight Zone s3e3: The Shelter (1961) - 25 min
A Trip to Mars - 5 min
Kinescopes - 4 min
Cops (1922) - 18 min
Hard Luck (1921) - 22 min
The Scarecrow (1920) - 19 min
Boxing - 5 min
Glen or Glenda (1953) - 68 min

Day 26: Twilight Zone Episode S3 E4 - S3 E9: 150 Points

Total Points: 1794

DerTables says:

Apr '19
Day an a half in and I'm already kicking all of your asses! Leave it to the old man to win the black and white challenge

DerTables says:
#14, Reply to #13

May '19 *
Ya, I think we need to focus on finding out what kind of challenges people want. This site isn't about black and white's and books, not that I don't enjoy both of those things; this site is about Cannibal Movies and Monster Flicks and Cronenbergโ€™s and Troma Movies and Sadism and Masochism, and we need to get back to that.

@Box_a_Hair - I miss the days that we would watch Troma movies and Absolute filth. It seems most of what we watch these days is mainstream, with a few exceptions, but for God's sake brother you sat 3 feet from a TV that had Sister Hood of the Travelling Pants on it and tonight you are watching Harry Potter. You didn't even watch Spring Breakers on spring break this year! The last movie you ranted on was the Avengers, which is a fine movie I'm sure, but everyone is ranting on Avenger's right now, that's not what TE is about. We are the escape from the mainstream, but lately it has consumed us.

DerTables says:
#16, Reply to #15

May '19
Ya ya, at least I'm not whipped emoticon.

And it's not just regular garbage movies, when's the last time we discovered a new garbage movie? It was probably The Amazing Bulk, and have you watched Stabbed in the Face yet?

DerTables says:
#18, Reply to #17

May '19
Don't get me wrong I like very boring movies and a lot of indie and artsy stuff, documentaries, etc... I'm not saying we ditch the more normal challenges, we just need to make sure we have trash interspersed. Maybe we use the mini challenges for more of the bizar things, idk. I do know that interest was up when we focused more on horror and trash.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.