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May '14 *
Do you remember what it was like to be a child? Full of innocence and dreams. It was a simpler time back then. A time where we had no responsibilities and our imaginations ran wild. Santa was real, the Easter Bunny was your best friend and monsters on the tv were evil bastards that had every capability of killing us in our beds. Itโ€™s no coincidence many horror fans loved the genre as children as well, because everything felt more real when we were kids. How many of you were afraid that Freddy would actually harm us in our dreams? How many of you were petrified to go to a summer camp, cos Jason was a real entity to you? Letโ€™s face it, horror movies are so much scarier when we are children. As we grow, sure the odd movie might still unsettle us, it might give us a jump scare every now and then, but we watch them to be entertained because we seldom get scared by them anymore. How many horror movies truly frighten you as adults? I mean really get under your skin and stay with you for days after? There are very few that can effectively do so. End of the Line, is one of those rare movies.

Not excatly a "trash" movie, but I loved this movie so much so I'm gonna post it here. So there!

Okay, so whatโ€™s it about, you might be wondering? A young nurse boards a train home after work and terrible things happen to her and those around her. I know I know, that wasn't much of a plot, you see, I am reluctant to give you details, this really is a movie best going into blind. I am not trying to sell you on the plot. I actually want you to know as little as possible. Donโ€™t look up a trailer, donโ€™t even pay mind to the dvd artwork, cos itโ€™s terrible. The cover made me think of a cheap Descent/Creep knock off and I was deterred from getting right on it. But this movie is nothing like the Descent or Creep. If anything itโ€™s more like Martyrs. Yes, this is a powerful movie, and above all frightening. Not only does it have some very heart racing jumpscares, but itโ€™s disturbing on a more psychological level too. This movie is a massive build up until the end and depending on your interpretation, the ending can be mindblowing. Not only that, but itโ€™s wonderful for rewatches, youโ€™ll pick up on subtle things you missed before, little clues thatโ€™ll help solidify your experience and make you gain an even bigger appreciation for this amazing flick.

Okay so I'm giving a lot of hype for it, but is this movie perfect? No, the acting isnโ€™t always crash hot, it does have some slow scenes and some of the characters are a bit one dimensional, but, it doesnโ€™t change the fact that this is a heart stopping story. Within the first two minutes, if youโ€™re not feeling a little uneased then youโ€™re a braver person than I am. This movie scared the absolute sh!t out of me. That nostalgic feeling of watching a scary movie as a child came right back and the concern for nightmares was a reality. On top of that, not only is it incredibly entertaining, itโ€™s unbelievably gruesome. With some incredible gore scenes and shocking displays of violence and hinted sexual violence, this movie surprisingly pushes the envelope, despite its lack of nudity.

Those who have seen this Canadian horror movie might be weary of its messages, but the beauty of this movie is it has many different interpretations. No matter what your stance is, youโ€™re sure to find this movie both insightful, horrifying, and entertaining. Thatโ€™s a fantastic combination. Director Maurice Devereaux did a wonderful job on this to the point where I anxiously look forward to anything else heโ€™s done. Apparently he was so dedicated to this movie he put a mortgage on his house so he could fund it and have complete control over it. Well done, Mr Devereaux. [clap]

So to wrap this up, if you like atmosphere, tensions, gore and deep messages, this is the movie for you. But for the best effects, watch it alone, at night, in the dark with the volume turned right up.
Enjoy for a memorable horror movie experience.

Here's a better poster to what's on the dvd cover.




May '14
Thanks for the rec Shaz.

Just watched this last night, and though not brilliant, it was an above average horror, and had some stand out scenes and scares.

Sadly, nothing that lived up to the opening, but the premise was cool, and a bit different. Nicely ambiguous ending, too.

It did start to feel a bit too 'slashery' in parts, but was certainly liberal with the grue! The, um... 'c-section' was at once way ott and awesome to behold.

Some hokey acting, but overall the cast were solid. I liked the psycho - he got a good line between creepy and deranged, without resorting to all out scenery chewing. Well, for the most part, anyway...

Def one to rewatch, and some interesting discussion on the IMDB boards.

Oh, also spotted this as the source of Corpus' avatar, assuming he hasn't changed it. I wondered what that was from.



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