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Body Melt

Mar '17
This movie was wack. It reminded me a little of Street Trash. I welcome any comments or opinions... because of shit going on in my personal life I'm having a hard time focusing, so I probably missed some of the goodness, but enjoyed what I absorbed.


This was probably my last view for the Trash Challenge... thanks for starting the challenge Troma! emoticon
...and I just put in notice at my job. Good grief. emoticon

peeptoad says:
#7, Reply to #2

Mar '17
Thanks smerd. I'm a little uneasy about it but I have 2 interviews lined up next week, so fingers crossed one of them pans out.

peeptoad says:
#8, Reply to #4

Mar '17
Hmmmmm... might try that one on for size. emoticon

peeptoad says:
#17, Reply to #16

Mar '17
It would be tough to be a burn victim like that... my heart goes out a little when I see people who've been disfigured by burns, etc.
My 5th grade teacher told a story one time where he went ot the Social Security office or some other civic office and there was a guy in the waiting area with horrible burns all over his face and neck and people were moving away from him like he had the plague. My teacher went up to him and enganged him in conversation (not related to his appearance) and he said he was one of the nicest guys he'd ever engaged in small talk with.

I can understand wanting to ask someone what happened though; I' d have that curiosity as well, but probably not the stones to actually ask someone.

peeptoad says:
#14, Reply to #10

Mar '17
Yeah the film was a little... um, disjointed I guess, but I enjoyed the gore (and mucus, ugh) as well. I loved Street trash.... Body Melt doesn't hold a candle to it, but the effects were good.
Thanks for the wishes on the job. I hope it works out...I'd love not to have this blasted commute every day. emoticon

peeptoad says:
#19, Reply to #18

Mar '17
Except for a part where there's a porno on someone's TV and if you look closely, you can see a tiny bit of penetration.

Yep, that was memorable. emoticon ...and I didn't even take penetration points for it either. emoticon

And, thanks! My last day (I think, have a meeting with HR tomorrow) is April 28. I don't have a replacement job yet, but man am I finding myself oddly happy and energized, despite that. emoticon


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.