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Jun '17
...because food rules and eating food rules.

Off the top of my noggin here's a little quiz for all you trash-types:

1. What's your favorite dinner food?

2. What's your favorite junk food?

3. What did you eat for breakfast today?

4. How often per week do you cook dinner from scratch? (or cook at home anyway, even if not from scratch)

5. What's your least favorite food?

6. What food have never tried that you would like to?

7. What food have you never tried that you are pretty sure will never cross your lips?

8. What's the last thing you ate? (food or not) emoticon

...and because beverages also rule (sort of- they worked out a joint deal with food):

9. What's your fav alcoholic drink?

10. Fav non-alcoholic drink?

Tromafreak says:

Jun '17
1. What's your favorite dinner food? Breakfast. Preferably sausage, eggs, pancakes, and whatever else. Cheese grits, maybe.

2. What's your favorite junk food? Ice cream. Or anything with chocolate and peanut butter.

3. What did you eat for breakfast today? Nothing.

4. How often per week do you cook dinner from scratch? (or cook at home anyway, even if not from scratch) 2 or 3.

5. What's your least favorite food? Bananas

6. What food have never tried that you would like to? Chocolate covered bacon.

7. What food have you never tried that you are pretty sure will never cross your lips? Snails

8. What's the last thing you ate? (food or not) Turkey and vegetable soup with cornbread.

...and because beverages also rule (sort of- they worked out a joint deal with food):

9. What's your fav alcoholic drink? Black Russian

10. Fav non-alcoholic drink? Egg Nog

Tromafreak says:
#16, Reply to #6

Jun '17
I totally get egg nog, but seriosuly? There's actually people who DON'T like ice cream? emoticon

I don't know what it is about bananas. I've been told by my mom that I used to love them as a baby, but once I was about 3 or 4, couldn't hold them down for some reason. I can't even remember what they taste like, but all I know is that the thought of trying them again makes me want to vomit. Banana popsicles, on the other hand...

Tromafreak says:
#21, Reply to #20

Jun '17 *
I'm weird about fruit as it is. If it's not 100% fresh, it's kinda gross no matter what it is. I've always preferred vegetables.

No allergic to latex.

Tromafreak says:
#37, Reply to #33

Jul '17
Uh, yeah... bananas are gross. emoticon


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