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Jun '17
...because food rules and eating food rules.

Off the top of my noggin here's a little quiz for all you trash-types:

1. What's your favorite dinner food?

2. What's your favorite junk food?

3. What did you eat for breakfast today?

4. How often per week do you cook dinner from scratch? (or cook at home anyway, even if not from scratch)

5. What's your least favorite food?

6. What food have never tried that you would like to?

7. What food have you never tried that you are pretty sure will never cross your lips?

8. What's the last thing you ate? (food or not) emoticon

...and because beverages also rule (sort of- they worked out a joint deal with food):

9. What's your fav alcoholic drink?

10. Fav non-alcoholic drink?


Jun '17
1. What's your favorite dinner food?
I love to eat (that's one of the main reasons why I run) and I love variety so I don't know if I have a favorite but in my heaven there would be a steak house, oyster bar, sushi place, Chinese Food, Mexican joint and pizza parlor. And it wouldn't be very far to get pho, Korean bar-b-q, southern fried chicken, chicken fried steak, cajun and fish'n'chips.

2. What's your favorite junk food?
Jack in the Box tacos. They don't belong to any food group that I recognize but I like 'em.

3. What did you eat for breakfast today?
Fresh-squeezed orange juice, a few cherries and a large mug of coffee & milk.

4. How often per week do you cook dinner from scratch? (or cook at home anyway, even if not from scratch)
Either my wife or I cook nearly every night. We can't afford to eat out as much as we would like to. 90% of it is from scratch - eggs from our chickens and geese and lots of veggies from our garden. We have meat or fish maybe every other night.

5. What's your least favorite food?
Anything uber healthy like vegan. Give me flavor, spice and butter!

6. What food have never tried that you would like to?
Can't think of anything.

7. What food have you never tried that you are pretty sure will never cross your lips?
Human flesh.

8. What's the last thing you ate? (food or not)
For lunch I had a sub sandwich (my wife gets 'em for free at the shop where she bakes bread) and some more of those cherries I was gobbling this morning.

...and because beverages also rule (sort of- they worked out a joint deal with food):

9. What's your fav alcoholic drink?
Variety rules here too but single malt Scotch from Islay are my weakness when I can afford them. Most of the time (almost daily) I drink dark beers (largely stout or porter), lagers, or red wine. I also like other whiskeys, tequilas, gins and the occasional umbrella drink. I really enjoy dessert wines and port too.

10. Fav non-alcoholic drink?
Milk &/or coffee. I drink a lot of both.

#26, Reply to #25

Jun '17
Yay Foz, I couldn't think of anything that I wanted to try but never had until I read your post. Now I can: Peyote!


#30, Reply to #27

Jun '17
emoticon In one of the video stores I worked in a long time ago there was this customer who was obssessed with Italian zombie films, particularly City of the Living Dead. He would almost always work into any conversation the following phrase, "I wonder what human flesh tastes like." At first he seemed amusing but as time went on and the phrase kept coming up he started seeming creepy. I'm glad I'm half the American continent away from there now.


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