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Jun '17
...because food rules and eating food rules.

Off the top of my noggin here's a little quiz for all you trash-types:

1. What's your favorite dinner food?

2. What's your favorite junk food?

3. What did you eat for breakfast today?

4. How often per week do you cook dinner from scratch? (or cook at home anyway, even if not from scratch)

5. What's your least favorite food?

6. What food have never tried that you would like to?

7. What food have you never tried that you are pretty sure will never cross your lips?

8. What's the last thing you ate? (food or not) emoticon

...and because beverages also rule (sort of- they worked out a joint deal with food):

9. What's your fav alcoholic drink?

10. Fav non-alcoholic drink?

#32, Reply to #7

Jul '17
You should try salt n' vinegar crickets. emoticon A guy at work gave me a little box of them a few years ago. Delicious and had a satisfying crunch! He got them at Clifton Mills.

#33, Reply to #16

Jul '17
I don't know what it is about bananas.

I like bananas. I like cold bananas from the fridge with lots of brown spots on them. emoticonemoticon

So I bought Sir Monkey's banana milk when I saw it at the store, it was a new product. I can't remember if it was a half gallon or a quart carton, but I tried one glass of the stuff and then dumped the rest of it. Ugh!

Milk from a cow's teets: Can't be beat
Milk from a monkey's tittays: emoticon


Jul '17
1. What's your favorite dinner food?
Spaghetti (angel hair) with shroom spaghetti sauce, fresh baby bellas and spicy meatballs...or italian sausages. With garllic toast.

Also a big fan of fried fish. Any kind..perch, bass, walleye, catfish, cod, talipia. Oh and frog legs!

And I love to grill, but you can't eat steak and all beef hot dogs every week. emoticon

2. What's your favorite junk food?
hmm..hot n' spicy cracklins, hot dogs, buffalo wings, pizza, Hostess orange cupcakes.

3. What did you eat for breakfast today?
Honey wheat pancakes with Mrs. Buttersworth and some grilled breakfast link sausages.

4. How often per week do you cook dinner from scratch? (or cook at home anyway, even if not from scratch)
Only time I cook from scratch (the way I understand scratch) is if I'm making chicken n' dumplings, chili or meatloaf. And pot roast if that counts. Usually eat from a restuarant. once sometimes rwice a week.

5. What's your least favorite food?
Sushi or turnips.

6. What food have never tried that you would like to?
Bison, moose and rattlesnake.

7. What food have you never tried that you are pretty sure will never cross your lips?
Fire roasted tarantula. I saw a couple guty eating it on one of thise shows. I think it was the bald heavyset guy, but could've been Anthony Bourdain.

8. What's the last thing you ate? (food or not) emoticon
A reduced sodium ham roll-up with a bit of jalapeno mustard and creamy horseradish sauce.

9. What's your fav alcoholic drink?
Vodka & tomato juice or clamato

10. Fav non-alcoholic drink?
Powerade Zero orange, and of course moo juice from a cow's teets.

#38, Reply to #34

Sep '17
emoticon emoticon That was great! He even laid his ears back when the guy was talking about how he ate the juicy steak.


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