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Sep '15

People who come to this board from countries other my native, wonderful, planet-annihilating USA won't even know what the hell these people are talking about, but this video clip is really popular today, where I live. In New England, Deflategate has been a HUGE topic of conversation this year. Even more than global warming, global warmongering, or any of the other things we could be talking about. The University of New Hampshere is even offering a course where all they talk about is Deflategate. I'm not kidding.

Anyway, all these guys have roots around Boston, and they do a really good job with the accent. You hear people talking like that all the time around here.

zed says:

Sep '15
Scary how much matt damon looks like me there, Is there good money in impersonating celebs?


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.